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Posts posted by KHURRAM SERAJ

  1. I got married in Feb 2004. When I file my tax return for 2004, I told the accountant that I am married in Pakistan, but my wife is not here/has never been here and obviously, she does not have SSN. he said that for IRS purposes, your are Single, so I filed as an single. I also met with another accountant just to verify and he said the same thing. For 2005 and 2006, I had another (new) accountant and she told me that it's up to me to file either Single or Married filing separately. To make a long story short, I have been filing single. Now, I was just reading on the forum somewhere that I should have filed "Married filing separately".

    I got married in January 2004 and have always filed single as thats what my cousins who run Liberty tax advised me to do and didn't have any problems at the embassy or in my paper work.

    I applied for my citizenship in Oct 2004 and put married on it, my cert says says I am married as well - again had no problems with that

    Also, I applied for citizenship after my marriage and I put it "married" in my N-400 application and my Naturalization Certificate also says "Married"...again no problem.

    My whole concern (I am very worried), as u know, is that is it going to be a problem when she has her interview. Do I need to amend my Tax returns?? and do I need to get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for my wife from IRS.

    ITIN is for people who are in the US

  2. Hello People! I guess today IS a day for celebration!! I called DOS this morning and they said that our security clearance has completed!! since the 27th of June! So, according to that its already been a lil more than a week since the clearance was done. How long should be wait before calling Isl embassy? Andddd ... when should we expect our passport to arrive? We are soooo excited and scared at the same time, hoping keh we DO get our visa soon!

    BTW ... Congrats to Zaki, KJO, and Zayed!!! Inshallah all of us will get our visas in hand soon!!



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