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  • Gender
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    North Carolina

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Raleigh NC
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  1. UPDATE Today I have received the 10 years green card. I am extremely happy and thank you all for your responses. I thank God it feels like a long journey that has just ended.
  2. Thank you so much. This has relieved me. I was worried what will happen next.
  3. Thank you so much. I have a 2 year green card does what you have said still apply.
  4. I applied for replacement of green card due to DHS error, form i-90. This because I came to USA after our second wedding anniversary. My green card is expiring on July 14th 2023. I called USCIS, they said I will get an extension. on phone told I was told that my local field officer will contact me so that I can get an extension. My local field officer has not contacted me. This is making me nervous. What will happen after 14th. Can I be removed from the country because my green card has expired. Or I cannot I called them explained my situation, they gave me a solution which they should implement but they have not implemented.
  5. This thread has saved me. I thought we should not send $85 but now I know we should. thank you all
  6. I filed for i-90 because I received cr1 instead of ir1 (I entered the country after our two-year anniversary). It has been more than a year and I am still waiting. Case status says case is actively being reviewed. I am concerned because come July 14th, 2023, my cr1 will expire. I called and requested an expedite but I have not heard from them. What more can I do to speed up the process to get a decision? Come April 2023 should I start preparing to adjust status if a decision will not have been made? Case timeline Case Is Being Actively Reviewed By USCIS December 10, 2021 We scheduled you for a biometrics appointment November 13, 2021 We received your Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, and sent you a receipt notice. November 5, 2021
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