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Ela G.

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Everything posted by Ela G.

  1. Not really because Mil spouses living overseas can jump straight from AOS to expediting their citizenship. If a mil spouse goes through ROC they are living stateside and have no priority whatsoever. We are going through the process like everyone else. The only cases I can think of is the spouse getting orders to go overseas in the middle of the process and then (maybe) getting it expedited but I don’t even know if this would be true
  2. There is no entitlement. And you should know that the only ones getting priority are those living overseas because they obviously need to be on 100% legal status. But even then, mil spouses living overseas don’t even need to do ROC. They can expedite citizenship for them. For us mil spouses stateside, there is absolutely no priority whatsoever. But even if we did have any, it’s still a poor take on your end.
  3. I’m a military spouse and mine is still pending. But this is a poor take on your end.
  4. reading this gave me anxiety 😭 I paid with credit card and was one of the few lucky ones it seems!! I used a credit card for every case I’ve sent so far. So glad it finally worked out for you!
  5. I wish this was true… IOE receipt at Nebraska here as well… but this seems too good to be real!
  6. Getting my 48 month extension letter in the mail today! I guess it is just a waiting game from now on. Update on my timeline: 03/02 - Package sent 03/06 - Package delivered 03/08 - CC charged and text with Case # (IOE). Service Center is Nebraska (NSC/LIN) 03/10 - Case status changed to “Actively being reviewed” 03/16 - Received online access code letter and Biometrics letter stating fingerprints will be reused 03/17 - Received 48 month extension letter Good luck to everyone in this process! 🍀
  7. Got my biometrics and access code letter! Waiting for the third letter still that should be the 48 month extension one. 03/02 - Package sent 03/06 - Package delivered 03/08 - CC charged and text with Case # (IOE) 03/10 - Case status changed to “Actively being reviewed” 03/16 - Received online access code letter and Biometrics letter stating they will reuse fingerprints! My online access code letter says my case will be processed at Nebraska Service Center I don’t see anything on my docs tab either! Or I don’t even know if I am looking in the correct place lol. The only documents tab I see only asks me if I want to upload any evidence
  8. I sent copies of our passports and my US spouse’s birth certificate just in case but it is not necessary at all! I just did it because 2 extra papers wouldn’t make a difference in our stack (which was already small enough anyway 😅)
  9. It seems like most March filers are getting IOE case numbers as opposed to previous months! I wonder if this will speed things up as they are really trying to shift towards digitizing all cases.
  10. How were you able to see this online? with the access code from the letter?
  11. I literally got a case status email and text at 2:50 AM on Saturday saying my case is actively being reviewed so I expect anything at anytime from USCIS… 😂
  12. Same exact timeline and status change on March 10th to actively being reviewed! No letter yet for me. Hoping to get it this week! I can share a photo once I get my letter hopefully this week
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