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    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
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  1. Just got back from my interview. I passed and they gave me an oath ceremony tomorrow morning! So glad this will all be over tomorrow. Good luck to everyone else still waiting or preparing for the interview! They also approved my I-751 after the interview, but didn't really ask us many questions as a couple.
  2. I logged into my account today and still nothing, two minutes later I got a notification that they have taken an action. My interview was scheduled!!! No notice in the documents tab yet.
  3. Congratulations!!! Congrats! That's great! Yay!! What's your field office?
  4. Congratulations!! 🎉 Love to see some movement!
  5. I'm in DC and still waiting as well 🥲
  6. Yay, congrats!! 🎉 This give me hope, I filed about two weeks after you in DC.
  7. That's awesome. Congrats! I'm in the same area so hoping this is a good sign!!
  8. So true, finger's crossed that the update will give some hope 😅
  9. Same here. I can't wait for things to move along!
  10. I did not do the early filing! My 3-year mark was end of May. I waited a little extra because Germany (my home country) just passed a law allowing dual citizenship and I wanted to make sure I wouldn't get approved/sworn in before that law goes into effect so that I wouldn't lose my German citizenship when I become a US citizen. How about you? Did you file early?
  11. Hi everyone! I just also just filed my N-400 online. Got my receipt and biometrics reuse notice immediately. And my case is assigned to NBC, which seems to be the standard here. I'm fling under the 3 year rule and still have an I-751 pending. Fingers crossed for everyone here! We're almost done.
  12. I honestly think it has more to do with the fact that you got the National Benefits Center... Looking at different timelines, they generally seem to process I-751s quicker than the other service centers.
  13. Das neue Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz ist jetzt endlich im Bundesgesetzblatt erschienen! Soweit ich das verstehe heißt das jetzt, dass das Gesetz in drei Monaten in Kraft tritt. Ich denke ich werde noch auf jeden Fall einen Monat warten um meine US Staatsbürgerschaft zu beantragen, weil mein Fieldoffice manchmal innerhalb zwei Monaten das Interview und die Oathceremony scheduled. Was sind eure Pläne? Wollt ihr überhaupt Staatsbürgerschaft?
  14. Jetzt hat der Bundesrat das Gesetz auch beschlossen! Also steht dem wohl nichts mehr im Weg.
  15. Auf Seite zwei des angenommenen Gesetzentwurf heißt es: "Mit der Rechtsänderung entfällt zudem das Antragsverfahren zur Beibehaltung der deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit nach § 25 Absatz 2 StAG." Also alles gut für uns!
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