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Posts posted by akfusion

  1. My fiancee received the following message from the embassy when she had initially scheduled her interview date for the K-1 fiancee visa:


    Please make another available appointment. We don’t accept Wednesday appointments unless the applicants were interviewed once and come back for follow-up interviews. Per our system, you have not been interviewed before. Thus, we cancel your appointment time on November 6.
    Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
    Immigrant Visa Unit
    Consular Section
    US Embassy, Seoul


    The problem is that it looks like ONLY Wednesdays are available. So, how are we suppose to schedule an interview date if those are the only dates available, but yet the embassy says are the exact days that CAN'T be scheduled? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Thanks for the quick reply @payxibka


    I found this website a few days ago, but it looked like it just gives instructions on how to get a South Korean police certificate, not other countries. Please correct me if I'm wrong as I may have misinterpreted it. 


    I'm assuming the USA one is not required since the embassy itself can get this information before or at the interview?

  3. Hi,


    My fiancee in South Korea has received NOA2 on her K-1 visa, and it is currently in transit from the NVC to the embassy in Seoul. We are trying to stay ahead by getting all necessary police certificates right now in preparation of her interview. The challenge my fiancee faces right now is that she lived in three other countries for more than 6 months after the age of 16, which means we need to obtain three police certificates from other countries plus her home country of South Korea. That is a total of FOUR police certificates. 


    How do I go about obtaining the correct police certificates for the following countries? USA, Russia, and China.

    Also, is a "police certificate" as stated on the U.S. Department of State's website the same thing as a "criminal background check"?


    For USA:

    Here in the U.S, I have tried calling the local police department where I live in Atlanta, the Atlanta FBI, the West Virginia FBI head, the local police department in the state she lived, and finally, the university's police department that she did an exchange program at. I was finally able to receive a police certificate from the university, but I have no idea if it will suffice for the U.S. embassy in Seoul. Do I need the federal check, or will this local check suffice?


    For Russia:

    My fiancee is in the process of setting up an appointment with the Russian embassy in Seoul, and hopefully she will get the police background check. Will this be the best way to get it?


    For China:

    THIS is the difficult one. We have been informed after inquiring with a China visa specialist in Seoul that the only way she can get a police certificate for China is that my fiancee must physically fly to China and request and obtain it there. Is this correct? I find this to be absurd since it requires more money, time, and uncertainty. 


    Please any help would be greatly appreciated Visa Journey community!

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