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  1. We applied for my wifes I751 in April of 2023. As of January this year she still hadn't gotten approval. In Feburary we submitted her N400 online and her 751 was suddenly approved two weeks later with no interview. Might be a coincidence. I'd go ahead and apply for the N400. I'm hoping her N400 is approved by June. They seem to be 4 to 6 months out. I'm still worried it'll be a I751 interview as well and will be prepared.
  2. We finally submitted my wifes N400 online two weeks ago. Today they upated the 751 to approved and card being produced. I don't know if it was because of the N400 or just that it's been almost two years.
  3. Doesn't the 3 year timer start from when you get your green card, and not from when you are married? I've got the same issue and may have misread the rules. Took a year to get her first greencard
  4. We just flew back from the Philippines with my wife's extension letter. Korean air from Manila through Seoul to Detroit. Korea shouldn't be an issue. The KA agent only asked for her expired GC and letter in Manila. She also printed our boarding pass for the connecting flight in Seoul. No issues. We had to scan her PH passport in Korea to get through a gate and into security but that was it. You should't be going through immigration there if you stay in the airport. All of her tickets were in her maiden name which matched her PH passport. They didn't even ask for our marriage certificate.
  5. I added 4 years to the GC expiry date when I tried online check-in. Her GC has already been expired for a year so maybe their system flagged it. But I had to go to the counter anyway to check luggage so no time lost.
  6. Can't edit my previous post but wanted to provide an update. We traveled from Manila to Korea on Korean Air but had been unable to check-in online. Had to be done at the airport. Korean Air gave us no trouble at the airport. Only needed GC and extension letter. They printed our boarding pass for the flight from Korea to the US as well. Flight from Korea to US was on Delta. No issues anywhere. My wife had to scan her PH passport in Korea, and show her GC and letter to immigration here in the US. I'm not sure if it matters but our flight from Korea to the US was direct to our home state.
  7. We're out of the country and flying back to the US tonight. I just added 4 years to the GC expiration date for online checkin. Will get to airport early to double check. I'm more concerned because we booked in my wife's maiden name.
  8. I used Utah zoom marriage as well and state Utah as the location of marriage. Have never mentioned that it was zoom.
  9. Anyone travel to the Philippines and back successfully with an extension letter? Which airlines to use/avoid? From reading this thread and others I may be stuck using Philippines air direct from Manila to LAX on the way back. I am not sure about the way there. I'm curious which airlines to avoid coming back to the US, and if leaving the US if any airline is OK?
  10. My wife and I did a road trip to Canada last year (Michigan at Bluewater bridge). She had her green card. No issues coming or going. We always bring as much info as possible, but greencard did the trick. Canada border crossings are crazy busy at times here. We have a lot of Canadian workers that cross to work near Detroit. Really depends on where you cross.
  11. Is it a specific airline or country that is not honering these GC extension letters? Sounds like it is airlines and Philippine air is good to go. I'll have to try and contact United. I usually fly Delta and have flown Philippine air in the past.
  12. Thanks! That's an option too. Although I don't fit well in those seats on philippine airlines and can't pay for business. There was another airline (EVA?) but don't know much about them. Pricing is insane no matter what I do. If it's only korean airlines causing issues I'll fly through japan. I'll check out united. I didn't realize they had direct from san fran.
  13. Do you mind sharing which airline you ended up going with? How did you leave Korea? My wife and I are planning a trip in June to the Philippines. Most of the flights end up going through Korea. We're really worried we'll get stuck somewhere because of the extension letter. Seems to be less flights going through Japan nowadays though so I may be stuck.
  14. Hi Everyone, My wife and I live in the US. We were married here under K1 and she took my last name. Her maiden name is on her Philippine passport. Her 2 year green card shows her new name. We are buying tickets for her to travel home but not sure of what name to put on the tickets. I believe she needs her maiden name, but want to double check. I imagine she won't have trouble getting out of the US and into the Philippines with her maiden name. But what about leaving? She technically doesn't have a K1 visa. Is the green card sufficient to exit the Philippines? But then I run into the issue that the plane ticket has her maiden name. Another issue is we never notified the PH embassy that we were married. Will that cause travel issues? Sorry, this is the first time she's going to travel since getting her GC. Thanks!
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