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About antra0303

  • Birthday 03/31/1983

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    everything about K1 :)))

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    My fiance is from Virginia. We met 3 years ago here in Latvia while he was visiting his aunt that lived here. We were together only for 3 weeks. Then he had to leave. That was a terrible day, not to say more.. We were apart for a whole year, but we never stopped caring and trusting each other. We both didn't have any doubts in each other.. Terrible phone bills, letters.. Crazy!!
    After a year I got my torist visa and I went to America all by my self to see a guy that I was together for 3 weeks face to face and a year apart! We went from letters & phone to living together in one room for a whole year ) My god... We had so much fun even though he worked a lot. I still can't believe that I was in US for a year! I swear- it seems like it wasn't even a month.. So weird...
    Then I had to leave.. He is never emotional, but that day he suprised me so much. Before I was leaving I saw tears in his eyes.. That almost killed me.. But I left.. I had to..
    In March he came to see me here in Latvia. We had so much fun. Words can't say that.. Got my diamond engagement ring on my birthday (31st of March)! And our petition was approved on my birthday also! This birthday was awesome- it couldn't be better!! Even though my baby suprised me on my last birthday also. He got me a laptop. I couldn't believe it's MINE! ok, it's a different story
    Two weeks ago I find out that my interview is on 6th of July!

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