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Posts posted by A_waiver_20

  1. 14 hours ago, sad_postdoc said:

    Hello all,

    I just wanted to post my timeline to give others waiting some hope. Technically all of my docs should have been received much sooner than indicated. And I had to ask for the NOS to be sent from the embassy twice. My journey to H1 is still far from over given the current situation. But, please feel free to message me if I can help answer any questions. Fingers crossed for everyone.  

    Screen Shot 2020-05-13 at 9.55.48 AM.png


  2. On 4/23/2020 at 9:00 PM, Dev1971 said:

    1) Once you have applied for waiver, you can’t extend your DS2019. so it is better to extend the DS2019 first then apply for waiver.

    2) After applying waiver if USCIS accepted your application then you can change to any visa but if they denied then I think there will be some questions during the second J1 visa application.

    hope this helps

    I heard that we can extend the J1 program during J1 waiver with DOS pending.

  3. On 4/17/2020 at 9:49 AM, J1waiver1 said:

    Anyone whose documents received in December and still waiting? 

    Can we extend J1 Visa beyond 5 years while waiting for DOS waiver approval (17 weeks passed)? 

    I lost hopes and in situation like this it's hard to travel back to home country. I'm panicking because my J1 is ending in June. 

    I am sorry that I am posting stupid questions. 

    Hi, my situation also similar to you. Shall we apply H1B filing if DOS approval under review?

  4. 8 hours ago, J1toH1 said:


    No, you won't be able to apply for H1B before you get the actual USCIS paperwork for the waiver. You can start preparing the required paperwork for H1B application in the meantime, but you will have to wait for the final waiver document before you file your application. 

    Thank You for your response and suggestion, J1H1.


       Would H1B visa program suspended this year? Does anyone have information on this?


  5. 14 hours ago, waiver2020 said:

    Hi. I don't think you should be renewing the J1 now that you've applied for the waiver but I think you can apply for the H1B during this process. Assuming you have a sponsor for the H1B, you can ask the DOS to expedite it accordingly. There are a good amount people here who applied for the waiver to get the H1B. They should know more than I do on this. Good luck. 

    Thank you for the quick response. Can I start the H1B process, even if i don't get FR on J1 waiver? 

  6. 10 hours ago, J1toH1 said:

    Hi guys,

    I am happy to share my waiver timeline. All my documents were received on Jan 22nd and I just learned that the DOS sent my FR on March 23rd. Hope this info is helpful. I actually emailed on Friday (March 20) to the DOS to inquire about my status where I also mentioned that I have a job offer. I am not sure if that helped though. Also does anyone have any idea how long USCIS is taking process the final step? Can anybody share their USCIS timelines?


    Waiver timeline.png


  7. On 3/19/2020 at 11:40 AM, vkk said:

    Nope, not yet. I'm also in the same boat. Our OIS office has started case preparation but now this worries me a lot. Additionally, I'm scared about staffing and work from home advisory due to COVID 19. We will be on the receiving end and no one regrets doing that.

    Hi,  what does it mean "OIS office has started case preparation"?   I am assuming that your case is not sponsored by us.



  8. 4 hours ago, Goa said:

    I have been following this thread for a long time while waiting for my waiver recommendation, and I just received a favorable recommendation today, so thought I'd share my timeline in case people are wondering about current wait times. 



    For context, I am from India, had no government funding, and was applying based on "No Objection". My documents (including the No Objection Statement) were physically received by the DOS on 1/2/2020. 

    Good luck everyone!


  9. On 3/3/2020 at 7:23 AM, R123. said:

    Here is my time line


    Sept 13th: Sent docs to DOS and Indian Embassy. Indian Embassy sent docs back within 1 week.

    Oct 10th:  DOS website updated as received except NOS.

    Dec 17th: NOS received. After Indian Embassy resent NOS.

    Feb 10th : Favorable recommendation issued.

    Feb  28th: Received I-797C- notice of action from USCIS.

    Feb 29th: Received actual watermarked approval letter from USCIS.


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