The date at which I may file my application under Form N-400 is coming up.
Apart from the following, is there any other information or evidence required? Such as personal photographs, endorsements (because they had to be done for filing for K-1 and residency for a bona fide application)?
According to USCIS in this link - Application for Naturalization | USCIS - a Form N-400 is to be submitted alongside the following:
LPR Card/Green Card
Marital status - copy of marriage certificate
Moral character references (none of these apply to me)
Evidence of filed tax return
My wife and I have recently filed jointly, but not yet confirmed on any taxes owed - would a receipt of the filing be sufficient?
Continuous residence and physical presence
IRS tax transcripts
Bank statements
Passport stamps
Car registration and insurance
Rent payments
Work payslips
Selective service is not applicable.
Evidence of spouse's US citizenship status
Is that all? They seem to ask for a lot less than they did for K-1 and Green Card.
Thank you for your help!