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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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  1. It is now Feb 2025 and I now have a piece of my son again. His widow and 4 of the kids have already spent their first set of Christmas holidays with me. I know that my Joseph is singing and dancing with the Angels in celebration that I managed to complete his job. I now have 2 headed for the Navy, one graduating from HS and headed to Nursing School, his widow working part-time and headed to college, and his youngest in middle school. My house is noisy and cheerful, everyone is making friends, and a church to give thanks in has been joined. Thanks to all who helped and gave advise. May everyone's dreams come true, do not give up!
  2. 5 more nights and a wake up!!! Thursday the 21st of November I will welcome them to the USA, Jacksonville, Florida exactly! I am so excited and sad at the same time. I just wish my son Joseph was going to be there to great them, It will be me and Joseph's brother standing in. I know they all will be thinking the same thing. Thanks everyone who has answered our questions over the last few years.
  3. OK, The family will have CFO done on the 12th, do they give them certificates the same day? Am I safe to reserve the flights for the 16th now?
  4. This does not answer my question! When we go on the website to register, it gives option of CR1, IR!, spouse or fiancée and that is it. We have W1 widow and W2 Widow's child, neither of which are available to register!!!
  5. Please someone help. We have tried to call and email CFO without any response, They ask what visa and also only list fiancées and spouse. They are W1 Widow and W2 Child of widow. So how do we list for their appointment? Also, on their VISA, is the visa number that starts with V?
  6. How can we get appointments for all 5 on the same day
  7. Finally after almost 5 years plus the death of my beloved son, my daughter in law Ruby and 4 of my grandkids have their passports with visas in hand. Can someone advise which CFO class each one of them needs, please? Widow, Ruby, 22 year old son, 19 years old daughter, 17 years old son, and 13 years old son? Then I can book flights.
  8. We still have heard nothing. It will be a month on Friday. She has been calling for several days and can not get a person on any of the phone lines. We are concerned that their new system that started Sept 28th may have some how interfered with their process as St Lukes finished with them 20 Sept and the embassy received their passports on Sept 24th. Has anyone gotten their passports returned lately? How long is it taking????
  9. My daughter in law spent 2 years in jail and was sentenced to life in prison, on false drug charges. The local cops set her up, demanding a very large bribe. They were aware that my late son was sending her a lot of money from Afghanistan. Luckily we hired a new lawyer, a retired criminal judge and she got a new judge placed and the case was thrown out. She has been scared ever since. one more month and I should have them home in Florida.
  10. Newest update! They have all been approved and only Ruby needs new NBI with married name.
  11. Ouch, so if they do not have a record of any prior shots, do they give all of them. I counted 7 required vaccines needed for the kids. Poor thing, did she have any adverse effects from that?
  12. Ouch, so if they do not have a record of any prior shots, do they give all of them. I counted 7 required vaccines needed for the kids.
  13. Is the CFO still available to do online, or do they have to travel to Manila again? Also is there a class the 15 and 12 year olds have to take? Thanks.
  14. I understand that the stamp placed in their passports when entering the US, serves as green card until the real deal arrives. My question is: can they travel from PI to US, go through POE, spend the night, and then proceed to Mexico. I have a house in Cozumel, Mexico and due to lack of housing in the states until a later date, I wanted to bring them there for a couple of months.
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