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Everything posted by Dataunavailable

  1. I would check with your lawyer who submitted the 601 and see if they can help you prepare an expedite request.
  2. Most consulars should be trained in the customs/traditions of the post their at, so seeing photos of an engagement ceremony should not be a sign of too married if OPs country considers that as the process. What is more strange is them saying she lied. Instead of just denying the K1 with a generic 221g and requiring a waiver.
  3. Doesn't sound too troublesome in all honesty if that was their biggest concerns. Should be fixable and hopefully the lawyer just pushes for visa issuance, but they could do another interview. But good luck, waiting sucks, but soon enough you'll be together.
  4. What was the issues from the consulate on the NOIR if you dont mind sharing?
  5. I-130 was approved May, but due to numerous miscommunications with USCIS, I didn't send my 824 until mid July. Took around a month for the 797 in the mail. What center approved your I130?
  6. Mines at Potomac currently. I-130 was actually approved in early May but due to USCIS telling me multiple times (from multiple different agents I'll add) that my 130 was forwarded to NVC, even the date it was sent. Contact NVC and they have no record of it, lawfirm says I don't need to submit I-824, tier 2 at USCIS finally says I have to submit I-824. Didn't get my receipt notice until July 28th that USCIS has received the I-824. Yeah the process feels like a jail almost, lock you away even after they approved the I-130 already, which in all honesty, if USCIS did not know what to do with it, they should have sent an RFE and not approved the petition. But, without the I-824, they wouldn't get an extra $465 from people 🤷‍♂️. Working with the Congress office currently.
  7. Sounds good, I think you'll be alright, you have more time together and are showing finances together, the wait is awful, but get that NOID and hopefuly the extra proof you have will take care of any concerns.
  8. Good advice, I did most of that myself as well, besides opening a bank account together, my bank requires having a SSN for that. But I do have her as authorized user on my capital one credit card and brought her a card to use, capital one app makes it easy to see who used the card and when/where. Filed taxes married but separate, at least those will show that for the 2022 year. I would do this @Legend of Summer while waiting for the NOID if you haven't already. The sooner you do it, the less it shows it's just being done to satisfy an NOID/R
  9. He offered they can help for $4200, they would take care of it all and get the I-130 sent to NVC without needing the I-824. Did also offer other things for that charge, like the NVC process as well, asked a few times and told, the I-824 is unnecessary. I don't have $4200 lying around just on chance and could still need the I-824 plus a year of waiting. Hell, for all I know, they don't need to use the 824 and can get stuff done. Did also say, if I choose to not use their services, the I-824 should be around a six month wait. This was before I sent anything and knew what SC the form was at.
  10. I had a consultation with them prior to sending in my 824, the lawyer actually advised to not send in the I-824 even when sent an email of the 797 from the I-130 stating the petitioner must file an I-824 if they do not wish to do an AoS and do consular abroad. I always heard great things, so that's why I did a consultation. Hell, even a Tier 2 at USCIS and 3 regular agents told me the I-130 was sent to NVC and on what date, NVC said they have no records of receiving it. It wasn't until I finally spoke with another T2 that he told me the I-824 is required if I want to get it sent to NVC. Still nothing bad to say about Hacking, just odd they would advise against filing the 824 in my position.
  11. That was my thoughts, but I don't know enough about it to say anything. Our I-130 has been approved since May of this year. They could deny an 824, but on what grounds, all they use the form for in my situation is, does the I-130 stay or go? Deny the action to adjudicate the form and have to re file it?
  12. There is no denying that happens of course. But that also should be why they would send either an RFE and not approve the petition or send an email/MyUSCIS notification that they need to clarification on what the petitioner wants to do with the I-130, is the beneficiary here or abroad. Heck, even them approving it, and just needing a call to USCIS to say, send it to NVC please. It would make more sense if the I-824 in these specific situations, would require proof sent with it that the beneficiary is either in the U.S or in their home country, not just $465 to check a box that requests a petition moved to the NVC. That would make sense that they do not understand what to do and require proof, what does not make sense is when someone has to submit a form that has the exact same information on it, that is on the I-130. I'm not here to argue the point of this form, all I really wanted was clarification if anyone knew what my congressional inquiry meant, it just kind of snowballed in to this mess of me going in circles. 🤷‍♂️
  13. Irregardless of a mistake, there are some things that just shouldn't be the way they are. It's poor practices on USCIS side of things. Humans are not robots, I get I need to wait now, that's besides the point. Common sense should come to play, I filled out both spots, a person should know looking at an I-130 that states the beneficiary current address is not in the U.S with me, so obviously they would not be doing AoS at a FO. That should not require a $465 fee to submit a form to move a form. An RFE or email would solve the issue and reduce the backlog for cases that actually require the 824. This is not a case of someone lied to a consular deal with the consequences, this is bad practice on a form that shouldn't be required in specific situations. @Mike E This is true? An unsuccessful WoM denies whatever form it was sent in for?
  14. Which is then where a WoM should get something moving after a 3 month period of waiting. If their end of fiscal year 2023 is a 3 month 824 from time of receipt to adjudication, than I will def submit a WoM if I don't hear anything in the next few weeks.
  15. Not only that, to get to that goal they would have to reduce the giant backlog of I-824s all the centers currently have. It won't be overnight, but maybe they have been trying to get more staff, I see they always have job fairs at the different service centers and field offices. But I can't imagine many people are knocking the door down to become officers.
  16. I read through your previous post, you mentioned you have/had, a lawyer, what advice did they give? I would guess a lawyer that is not just there to take your money, would say to wait for the NOID to come so they know exactly what to tell you and your spouse to gather as proof to refute the issues on the NOID.
  17. I'm waiting almost 3 months now, that picture is the goals they want by the end of Sept this year, the cycle time goals. I suppose if I hear nothing after the full 3 months pass, I can submit a WoM and put that screenshot from their own website as grounds of making a decision.
  18. I'd be interested to know this as well, did they both attend the interview, what questions did they ask and why they decided they don't see enough evidence for marriage? You must have a marriage certificate to get through USCIS I'd assume, pictures of the wedding, were questions answered incorrectly from the consular? Did the consular question the answers given to them?
  19. Maybe I misinterpreted the information in the link. It can be done anytime or only after 180 days? I'm not at 180 days yet and would not want to waste the $400 fee to process the WoM. But also imo, the I-824 in my specific situation, should never have happened, it either should not have been approved and sent an RFE or it should have been just sent to NVC, as during the adjudication process, they see that her current address on the I-130, is not in the U.S. There is nothing on the I-824 that specifies where the beneficiary will interview at, only the address you provide on the form, which is what is on the I-130, and you check to 'send my approved petition to NVC'. Outside of just taking up time and getting more fees, was it an avoidable error, definitely, but this entire process could also be remedied even without an RFE, but by just sending an email or notice through MyUSCIS, that they need clarification from me that I want the petition forwarded to NVC and that can be done by a call to USCIS or email.
  20. Thanks, I'll keep that page for the good information if it comes to that. Do you have any thoughts on what USCIS verbiage 'in line pending' could mean? Nothing has changed on MyUSCIS online and the only way I can get any updates about the Potomac center is from agents themselves. The vague Congress response and no option for Potomac service center in case tracker, though the USCIS website does say they are working to get all SCs with tracking times "eventually". I am unable to submit a WoM yet, as I'm not past the 180 days qualifier.
  21. 😅 That was exactly what I was thinking too. Not realistic at all.
  22. I'm interested in how they will hit these new cycle times by end of FY23. Is this them saying they are aiming to get an I-824 done in three months from time of receipt?
  23. Got an email about 30 days after they submitted an inquiry. Got this as part of the response. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) confirm your constituent’s case is in line pending. We do not yet have established processing times for this form. In the interest of fairness to all applicants, USCIS generally processes petitions and applications in the order they are received and there are a number of pending cases. My question is because it is at Potomac, there is no way to check processing times for this form online. Is "in line pending" just template speak to say they received the form? The only information I got from an agent at USCIS was that Potomac is currently working on 824s received in March 2023.
  24. What did you choose to do? It looks like all I-824s outside of Nebraska are about the same wait as a new I-130. I had to send an I-824 on our approved I-130, it's currently at Potomac, just waiting to see how long it takes. I also debated sending a new I-130, same issue as you, they think Adjusting as I left Immigration Visa country blank, yeah we all make mistakes, humans do it from time to time. But I settled on the I-824 after some debate, since that was the only issue on the form, decided to just see how long the 824 takes. My guess, anywhere from 4 months to 2 years. 🤷‍♂️
  25. I think you are looking to deep in to this, there is no need to lie. You can be honest about it and just say, at the time we were friends, I wanted to visit to see how we got along in person, it was denied so they came to me instead. Getting caught in a lie, especially with immigration can have life altering consequences. Maybe they can't check, but if the stories don't add up or multiple different stories being told, someone will question it eventually. Best to just stay on the safe side. But it's your life, do what you think is best.
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