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Posts posted by greeneclipse

  1. My husband and I have been married just over a month, he is a USC living in Minnesota and I am a British citizen... stuck in England! We are about to send off our I-130 to the Nebraska service centre, as directed in the I-130 accompanying information, but I have noticed something which seems strange to me.... When I look at processing times for Nebraska there are none for the I-130?! Does this mean that they don't process them and will be sending it to another service centre? If so, is this going to add more time to what appears to already be a lengthy process?

    My second question is more general, are there any British/American couples who are going/gone through the visa process? We'd love to hear how your application is going and any time lines!



    I sent mine to Nebraska, and it was then forwarded to California. I don't think any I-130 processing is done in Nebraska.

  2. Without knowing the country you spouse is from, it is impossible to tell you. A lot of the time saved is in mailing forms back and forth to the spouse's country. For China, the NVC portion of the process is usually 6 months the normal way and can be about 2 months if the shortcuts are used efficiently. For Canada, I would expect the shortcuts to save maybe a month or two, not four.

    My wife is in India, and her case will go through the mumbai (bombay) consulate... so if anyone has any experience with cases in India, then please do post your time saved.


  3. What does this statement from USCIS actually mean ?

    "...The immediate relatives of U.S. citizens, which includes parents, spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21, do not have to wait for an immigrant visa number to become available once the visa petition filed for them is approved by USCIS. An immigrant visa number will become immediately available."

    Once the petition is approved is a visa immediately granted to spouses of US citizens?

    How does this affect the wait time from filing of and I-130 to visa-in-hand?

    thanks all for the help

  4. It isn't illegal to try for the tourist visa. You'll just face a very high burden of proof that the visa should be granted while the other is pending.

    I asked the same question with regard to the K1 visa process.

    I think the best answer is: it isn't going to harm your K3 or other process if you try for the tourist visa. It will be an expense that will likely not result in a tourist visa being granted. So try for it if you have the funds and the time and if it makes you feel like you're being more proactive. But don't get your hopes up.

    The B-series visas and K-series visas are completely different processes. One requires you prove you'll leave, the other presumes your intent to stay. Whomever processes the B visa will know about the K visa and it's obviously in your best interest to just lay out the entire case ("i know she has to go back for her interview and to comply with the law and we just want to be together, so we're applying for this, and here's all the evidence we have to show that she will only be in the US for x number of days (where x < 90)").

    It is absolutely not fraud and I think the presumption or implication that it is fraud is exactly why you probably won't get the visa. It makes no sense to deny someone the tourist visa if they'll be emigrating here anyway. But lines are drawn and requirements are requirements. And she'd still have to go home for the interview and she'd still be complying with laws. But people here are quick to scream "you're cutting in line!" whenever someone expresses a desire to or a frustration with their inability to use legal methods to be in the same damn place at the same time.

    The risks and probabilities have been discussed already. But the worst they can do is say no (unless they caught you in lies, which of course, they won't because you haven't expressed an intent to lie and you won't anyway).

    (BTW: I get very steamed about this kind of discussion because my fiance, despite being from a VWP country, needs a visa to come and i am PISSED AS HELL that he would stand such a small chance of getting one for no other reason than, well, for no reason. So I empathize completely. The POE concerns are real and should be considered seriously, however.)

    thanks....so if I were to tell her to go ahead with the Bvisa, when would she have to " lay out the whole case" ? Should she send a letter in along with the applicatons/forms, or does she save it for an interview?

    thanks again or taking the time to explain the process to me :)

  5. we were married on Jan. 30th, and I filed near the end of feb. after getting together all th necessary information....

    We are just trying to find a way to see each other again as soon as possible.... I'm sure most of you are in the same position...

    if she does in fact try for the visitors (B2), will the I-130 case be halted/delayed due to the b2 attempt, or would it be considered a separate case altogether?

    thanks again for the help

  6. I am a US citizen and I recently married an Indian national in India ~2months ago. I have filed an I130 and received the I-797 NOA just a few days ago. I want to bring my wife here quickly as she has no family there.

    I am thinking of starting the process for a K-3...

    My question is....Can my wife apply for a tourist visa while a K-3 case is processing? or will this cause problems?

    Also, can anyone tell me how long it would take at this time to obtain a visa via the K-3 process?

    thanks for your help...

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