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Everything posted by Maam1819

  1. Thank you we are In disbelief that it’s finally here!
  2. Yes we did it reported nothing. So they investigate it further?
  3. Do you know what the timeframe for a decision is? The interviewer told him they would put his stuff with other ones that are approved and they didn’t give him back his passport - He said everyone else that got denied got their passports back.
  4. Wouldn’t this mean it’s not approved if the give you a A.P. instead of approval document?
  5. I’m older he’s 29 I’m 39 we have 10 years of friendship and got engaged 5 years ago married 2.5 years ago I was also very hesitant due to the age difference. But after building a very long friendship it turned into more. Now I’m very close with his family we have birthdays together for the kids we have been to visit many many times (more than I can count). And we have a baby together so I don’t think it would be anything to do with the validity of the relationship itself but I could be wrong… the South Korea situation seems to make more sense now you mention it. Yes he went for asylum and ended up coming back to make a life with me … he didn’t want to come to Morocco but I instigated because s Korea is extremely hard and far for me to travel to and extremely expensive. So yeah he went back and has no problems now so I can see how that would not look great to them 😔
  6. We have a 10 year age gap but we have child in common and 1000s of pictures (they didn’t even look at 1) he’s Muslim I’m Christian the only application he would’ve had was Korean refugee visa or something to that effect but nothing within the US
  7. What’s an uncleared background check? They did mention his background checks were needing to be further looked into but both stated no police contact
  8. I’m sorry I don’t know what I’m doing 😭
  9. What is the problem nothing is listed….?
  10. Okay sorry. Do you have the answer to my question? I’d really like to try to correct my mistake but I don’t know the best way to proceed … thanks
  11. I spelled my co sponsors name wrong missing a letter. I assume I just fill out the paperwork again and resubmit? Is there a way to remove the old one? It was already approved and the interview is in a week 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ idk how I missed this till now
  12. He has the date it’s this week. Does he need the original i864? Afraid it might not arrive in time.
  13. Does he bring those documents to the interview or just the IRS transcript and the paystubs?
  14. My co sponsors job has changed this year and I have his 4 most recent pay stubs but so I need to submit them online or fill another form out ?
  15. Yeah the problem is that I don’t know which photos and texts I submitted and I do not know where to locate them
  16. Does the evidence he brings to the interview need to be the exact same evidence I uploaded? I do not know exactly which pictures and texts I’ve uploaded - is there a way to access what I uploaded ?
  17. I’ll probably be told how dumb I am but I don’t know what to bring with us to the interview? I’m just bringing everything that was uploaded to them throughout the entire process? Does this include the handwritten applications as well as supporting documentation? If something is brought with him that isn’t uploaded or something is uploaded that isn’t brought is that going to cause a denial? I don’t even remember what I submitted where. The only thing I can find is the financial uploads. I have all the hand written documents saved in my phone but not the supporting documentation that I uploaded prior to the financial documents step. I assume there isn’t a place that I can’t log in where everything I submitted is there correct? I’m really kicking myself for not just printing everything out I submitted as we went along…☹️
  18. It’s the original copy from the hospital as I’m sure you understand from the original post. Have a great day
  19. You would think you would explain more instead of being condescending because yes I’m still confused thank you for pointing that out publicly it’s really helpful
  20. So if it’s not needed it should be okay to have a photocopy no? I just thought it would be good to have for proof of a bonafide marriage …
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