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Posts posted by Letspaintcookies

  1. On 10/26/2024 at 6:02 AM, ChelseaW said:



    Könntest du dann nicht ganz einfach mit deinem amerikanischen Pass in DE ein-, und eben auch ausreisen?  Flugticket Name müsste dann ja eh auf diesen Pass gebucht sein.



    Ich bin da aber auch noch maximal verwirrt, bin ja noch im Visumsprozess und habe meinen Mädchennamen. Da wir recht schnell alles submitten wollten hab ich mir hier in DE den Aufwand mit Namensänderung nicht angefangen... Würde aber schon nach approved Greencard und Umzug das gern irgendwann mal angehen und den Nachnamen meines Koalitionspartners annehmen. Weiss jemand wie das dann läuft? Ändert man den nur in US und auf Greencard, oder auch im deutschen Reisepass? Dann stimmen Reisepass und Visum Namen ja nicht mehr überein.. 🤔


    Du musst in DE mit dem deutschen Pass ein- und ausreisen. So wie du in den USA mit dem amerikanischen ein- und ausreist.


    Du musst deinen Namen in DE nicht aendern. Behaelst dann eben deinen Maedchennamen in DE. Interesiert keinen ob die Namen ueberein stimmen falls du ihn in DE aenderst. Aber der Maedchenname steht ja auch im Reisepass.


    Namensaenderung Greencard is ziemlich teuer und dauert ewig. Ausser du kriegst ne 2- jahres Karte und kannst es dann beim ROC aendern. Und alles was dranhaengt ( Fuehrerschein, SSN... ) is ne wilde rennerei. Die zwei- drei Wochen warten haetten sich gelohnt 😉


    @Klugscheißer du kriegst ein extra Papier das die Namensänderung bescheinigt. Das musst du dann halt immer dabei haben wenn du reist. In dem Fall wuerd ich definitiv die Namensaenderung in DE machen 😅

  2. 21 minutes ago, OldUser said:

    I don't see a reason for any other types of letters from the bank to be rejected. E.g. letters with alerts, updates, promotions. Did you have negative experience with this? 

    Yes when I went to get my license in Jersey. I needed two proof of residency for the DL with real ID. Had a credit card statement and I think it was something from our car loan. They didn't accepted the car loan paper. Most have a pretty clear list of things that are acceptable and will only accept the things listed. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, SalishSea said:

    “Please advise” about what?   

    What they were told is correct.   We always tell people here on VJ to apply for the SSN immediately when arriving, before marrying.   

    What they're told is absolutely wrong. Many applied and received a SSN after getting married. Marriage has no influence on the ability to apply for a SSN as long as there's still more than 20 days from the 90 days left.

    The only problem that could come up if a name change was done and the save database can't make the connection. But again that doesn't affect the ability to apply.

  4. 7 hours ago, milimelo said:

    Go get some mail sent in your name to the current address - you'll need it. Postcard from a friend, catalog, open a bank account and have them send you letter (or credit card offers), sign up for library card.... 

    None of these will be accepted at a DMV as proof of residency unfortunately. I remember even getting turned away with my SSN card still attached to the address portion  😅

  5. 57 minutes ago, Nous Eb said:



    Yup, exactly the same as ours! License and certificate on one document. OP's looks different but I assume that was a regular wedding and not an online wedding. 



    OP stated it was an online wedding in what you quoted.


    OP, going forward you can get certificates from your states Department of Health. They look different, but nobody questions these. That's what I did cause we had the same thing with our Mississippi certificate. 


  6. On 9/3/2024 at 5:55 AM, Verocopter said:

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch!


    Wir war denn der Test bzw. welche Fragen wurden gestellt? Dein ROC war noch pending, richtig? Das ist ja nun auch nicht mehr nötig, wird der Fall einfach abgeschlossen? 

    ROC wurde von Vermont zurueck zum NBC geschickt und dann da zwei Tage spaeter approved. Interview hat vielleicht 10 minuten gedauert und wenn du die 100 Fragen gelernt hast is es wirklich super einfach. 

    Heute kam auch endlich der oath termin. October 10th is es soweit 🎉

  7. On 9/4/2024 at 12:44 AM, th1nk38 said:

    Congratulations! How was the interview portion? Ours is a week from today! Did they confirm they do same day oath even though you couldn't participate? I'm sorry you weren't able to do it all in one visit.

    I did not ask unfortunately if same day is still available. Interview took maybe 10 minutes. My IO was straight forward but super nice. Didn't wanted to see any other documents, but I made it a point to lay my folder on the table so she could see that I'm prepared 😅 

  8. On 8/25/2024 at 10:54 AM, Peot said:

    Same, about 6 weeks. So, not sure what you've seen regarding receiving anything within the "first few days", but I guess 6-8 weeks IS the first few days of the process given how long these processes always take! 🥲

    When filing online many get an instant notification. Basically the receipt notice straight followed by the biometrics reuse. In our April filer group I was the only one who filed online who didn't get it instantly. 

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