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About Letspaintcookies

  • Birthday March 4

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  • Gender
  • State
    New Jersey

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Local Office
    Mount Laurel NJ
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  1. Du musst in DE mit dem deutschen Pass ein- und ausreisen. So wie du in den USA mit dem amerikanischen ein- und ausreist. Du musst deinen Namen in DE nicht aendern. Behaelst dann eben deinen Maedchennamen in DE. Interesiert keinen ob die Namen ueberein stimmen falls du ihn in DE aenderst. Aber der Maedchenname steht ja auch im Reisepass. Namensaenderung Greencard is ziemlich teuer und dauert ewig. Ausser du kriegst ne 2- jahres Karte und kannst es dann beim ROC aendern. Und alles was dranhaengt ( Fuehrerschein, SSN... ) is ne wilde rennerei. Die zwei- drei Wochen warten haetten sich gelohnt 😉 @Klugscheißer du kriegst ein extra Papier das die Namensänderung bescheinigt. Das musst du dann halt immer dabei haben wenn du reist. In dem Fall wuerd ich definitiv die Namensaenderung in DE machen 😅
  2. I'm afraid there isn't soon much travel coming up in the next 10 years that I'd need all those pages 🤣 I probably will. Want to see how life is going for everyone else here 🙂
  3. Got my passport today. Applied on 10/2, it was shipped 10/11 and arrived today. That was ridiculously fast.
  4. 14 glaub ich. Eher ein kleines office hier 😁
  5. Yes when I went to get my license in Jersey. I needed two proof of residency for the DL with real ID. Had a credit card statement and I think it was something from our car loan. They didn't accepted the car loan paper. Most have a pretty clear list of things that are acceptable and will only accept the things listed.
  6. Bank statements yes. That's true. Just not any letter coming from a bank or credit card company. They accepted my pay stubs in German from a German company. But a utility bill trumped my SSN card 🤣
  7. What they're told is absolutely wrong. Many applied and received a SSN after getting married. Marriage has no influence on the ability to apply for a SSN as long as there's still more than 20 days from the 90 days left. The only problem that could come up if a name change was done and the save database can't make the connection. But again that doesn't affect the ability to apply.
  8. None of these will be accepted at a DMV as proof of residency unfortunately. I remember even getting turned away with my SSN card still attached to the address portion 😅
  9. OP stated it was an online wedding in what you quoted. OP, going forward you can get certificates from your states Department of Health. They look different, but nobody questions these. That's what I did cause we had the same thing with our Mississippi certificate.
  10. It's a wrap. Took the oath and registered to vote yesterday, and applied for a passport today. Original plan was to go to the SSA office after the oath, but had to take the cat to the vet 🤷‍♀️ will go there when I have the passport. He said it currently takes 4-6 weeks. That's not too bad.
  11. They either ignored the waiver or denied the waiver. You'll get you package back with an explanation.
  12. It's a wrap. Gestern oath und heute Reisepass beantragt 🎉
  13. Yes, to be on the safe side, but they didn't call him in.
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