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Tiny Cat

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About Tiny Cat

  • Birthday 07/05/1991

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
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Immigration Timeline & Photos

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  1. Thank you for all your replies and advice. I have all the boarding passes saved luckily.
  2. Hmm, I dont believe my passport has any stamps on it? Ive visited him 4 times already? I have been going on an ESTA. Happy to hear about the pictures though. And congratulations for you two!
  3. Hello. I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I have been with my boyfriend for a year. I am in EU and he is in NA. We have looked into immigration because we want to be together. We have decided to go for the K-1 Fiance Visa. Now upon reading up on all the requirements we are suddenly realizing we might have a problem with some of the proof? Mainly pictures together. We are just not phone / picture taking people. We have had 5 visits, with the next coming up in February. We are planning to file for the visa "now", like ASAP, when we have done enough research. We have like 4 pictures together though. We never thought of needing proof of anything you know? When we are finally together we are not bringing out the phone. We are together and enjoying time. I think we have like 3-4 pictures together and then a few from Thanksgiving that his mother took of us all. But thats pretty much it? Will we be okay? Do we need to fake our personalities to be together and suddenly become picture people? Help! Edit: I do have a lot of webcam screenshots I guess. Because when we are apart, I become desperate and miss him so much. I think I have more pictures of him sleeping on webcam, then I have of him awake IRL xD
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