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    Vvee reacted to Okalian in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Just a small piece of advice:
    Your life doesn't start at I-130 approval or NVC completion. You already are living a good life, make the most out of it while waiting for processing. I know this is easily said, but definitely doable. If you're away from your spouse, perhaps this is a great opportunity to visit other places together. Learn the language of your spouse in the meantime if you don't share the same. If you're the immigrant, start polishing your career prior to moving stateside so as to waste no time upon arrival. If you plan to study there, start looking at pre-requisites for admission or research opportunities. If you're a professional, maybe start considering professional certifications. Starting a business? great! Start studying the market in the vicinity where you intend to move, learn about rules and regulations, etc. Whatever you plan, get a head start.  And don't give your timeline much thought. It's important, but don't sweat it. Subscribe to email/text notifications and when it updates, it updates.  "A watched pot never boils" ~ Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1732-1758.
    One more keypoint: If you pass the 2-year mark prior to receiving your greencard, you're given a 10-year greencard, not a conditional one. This will spare you the removal-of-conditions process. So the current wait isn't so bad afterall!
    And this is coming from a Nebraska filer 😁
  2. Like
    Vvee reacted to Okalian in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Well just to correct myself; USCIS electronically deposits the check, thus it seems that the physical check doesn't make it to your bank. Glad i called their
    customer service after all!
  3. Like
    Vvee reacted to kaylem115 in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Hi everyone!
    American nanny living in France, applied on behalf of my French husband.
    Married: 02/15/2019
    Package Sent from France: 03/05/2019
    Package received at Chicago Lockbox: 03/11/2019
    Credit Card Charge  + Text notice : 03/14/2019
    NOA 1 received in the mail to US domicile: 03/19/2019
    Nebraska Service Center 😕
    I am moving back to Orlando in July where my husband will join me to travel during the summer vacation on an ESTA. Looking forward to having you all here with me to share the excruciating wait with!
  4. Like
    Vvee reacted to afortunada in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    We received our mailed notice yesterday from Potomac Service Center. Wahoo! That's crazy, considering we filed my husband's ROC three months ago and only received a notice nearly two months later after we called and complained 😜
  5. Like
    Vvee got a reaction from afortunada in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    I got excited to see so many other March filers, we are not alone in this 😊
    I am happy for you, because like @JMPM said, it is the fastest at the moment. I find it very interesting things have changed so fast! Let us know what sort of changes you notice as we go along  Good luck to you too!
  6. Like
    Vvee reacted to canadavisa22 in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Thanks. We have a life and family here in Canada, so that at least makes things easier. For anyone reading the thread, we submitted a G-1145 but never received a notification that our file was received. We only received the physical letter in the mail. So, don't stress if you never receive any electronic notifications. It seems to be a pretty hit or miss thing with USCIS.
  7. Like
    Vvee reacted to bird&bear in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Welcome to the thread! We're all going through this together and it's great to have people to talk to about this.
    I'm sorry to hear your petition ended up in Nebraska, but you never know what could happen! The processing time estimates seem to be changing all the time (Texas went from "6-8 months" to "7-9 months" recently... >_>) so the most we can all do is kick up our boots and wait it out... Good luck, and it's good to have you here!
  8. Like
    Vvee reacted to Okalian in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    My timeline
    Sent          03/09/2019 
    Received  03/15/2019
  9. Like
    Vvee got a reaction from bird&bear in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Not to worry, I will finish before coming 😂 Thank you so much for the kind words! Same to you 😊
    Finland is a VWP country too, I really hope that helps. That is a great idea! I do have an advisor of sorts,  who approved my 'personal study plan', I will try to ask them for a letter too. Thank you so so much, it would not have crossed my mind ☺️
    Wow, you've been waiting for long for NOA2! Which service center? Is it still inside normal processing times? True words, a lot of patience is needed in this process 😅 
  10. Like
    Vvee reacted to jimfleurieee in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Wow thats odd that you got the text and they haven’t taken your money lol.
    As for the processing center (Service Center) its on the text message as your receipt information. The first 3 letters would tell you your service center.
    – EAC – Vermont Service Center;
    – VSC – Vermont Service Center;
    – WAC – California Service Center;
    – CSC – California Service Center;
    – LIN – Nebraska Service Center;
    – NSC – Nebraska Service Center;
    – SRC – Texas Service Center;
    – TSC – Texas Service Center;
    – MSC – National Benefits Center;
    – NBC – National Benefits Center;
    – IOE – ELIS (e-Filing); and
    – YSC – Potomac Service Center.
  11. Like
    Vvee reacted to jimfleurieee in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Wow you been waiting awhile. If your outside the normal processing time i would strongly advise reach out to USCIS.
    USCIS Customer Service at 1-800-375-5283 or 1-800-767-1833(TTY).
    Hopes everything works out for you.
  12. Like
    Vvee got a reaction from bird&bear in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Ooh! That's interesting! And I try to keep in mind that the processing times change, for example, TSC just updated the estimated processing times and it moved (for USC filing for a spouse) from being between 6.5 and 8 to 7 and 9. I hope next month and the months after they'll be picking up the pace... 😊
    Yay!! ☺️ That's good news, I am happy for you! Yes, if it says SRC it is Texas! 
  13. Like
    Vvee reacted to afortunada in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    I love that app! The only other bit I found slightly helpful is to search as far back to find large groups that still say "Case Has Been Received" so that I have an idea of realistically how long things are being processed. For example, even though it says Potomac (where we are) is "super fast," I see large chunks of cases from five + months ago that still haven't been touched. So I think it's honestly more like six months? Who knows though.
  14. Like
    Vvee reacted to Going through in An anecdote from today's oath taking ceremony   
    This was such a warm and fuzzy thread when it first started..
    Hopefully OP is off celebrating their new citizenship.
  15. Haha
    Vvee reacted to ordjnb in An anecdote from today's oath taking ceremony   
    Ah, the old "kick the ladder down once I'm up on top" mentality. 
    OP: Happy to see you got that letter, I dread the day I have to be sworn in with that orange asshat lying through his teeth "welcoming" me. 
  16. Like
    Vvee reacted to jimfleurieee in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    It doesn’t matter where you put your e-Notification form (G-1145). I actually put mine after my I-130A form. Key thing is have your payment (Check or G-1450) first at the top of your package. I put mine after my cover letter. 
    Package was sent via USPS on March 4, USPS Delivered on March 6, my card went pending March 8 and cleared March 10. I received my notification via text on March 12 twice lol...
  17. Like
    Vvee reacted to bird&bear in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    omg are you me?  I'm exactly the same--checking VJ all the time, adding to my notes constantly...
    In other news, you were totally right--it's been a day since they charged my card, and I just got the text! Yay! Texas Service Center, if this place is right. Now to settle in for the long wait.
  18. Like
    Vvee reacted to bird&bear in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Thank you so much! It sounds like we have the same set-up for our package, so fingers crossed I receive a text today or Monday!
    Logically I know it's a whole lot of waiting either way, but I'm dying to know which service center we'll be processed at... I'm a naturally anxious person and this process is my worst nightmare lol (I've got spreadsheets and spreadsheets of checklists, timelines, etc... They both help and worsen my anxiety hahaha). I know it sucks for all of us, but at the same time it's so comforting to know that I'm not alone and we're along for the same ride!
    Thank you both for your kind words. ❤️ I'll do my best to breathe and be patient!
  19. Like
    Vvee reacted to afortunada in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    You should still get e-notification! I also put my cover letter first, but I did indicate on the cover letter that the G-1145 form was attached. I then had my check payment as tab 2, and tab 3 contained G-1145 + I-130. So there is still hope! I didn't receive a text until a day or more after the withdrawal hit my bank account.
    EDIT: Additionally, you can call in about one month after your petition was delivered to get your case number. Trust me, it feels "exciting" to have it, but it makes NO difference! Your petition is still just sitting... and sitting... and sitting... Along with the rest of ours So don't fret, dear!
  20. Like
    Vvee reacted to bird&bear in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Looking at the guides again, you're absolutely right! Agh, I'm a doofus (the g1145 itself said it should be placed on top of "the first page of your immigration forms" which I presumed to mean the i-130 form itself!). Definitely going to ask the community here to check all my next steps, as I could have sworn I had the order right... It's such a shame that a tiny switch makes such a huge difference. 😣
    Wellp, the wait continues! 
  21. Like
    Vvee got a reaction from paulsquare in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    Yeah, it did say to clip the E-notification form to the front of the petition 🤔 Well, in any case, because you were charged it must mean you'll get the receipt one way or another. Probably have to wait for it to be mailed. Fingers crossed we will both get the mailed receipt next week! 😊
  22. Like
    Vvee reacted to LilyJ in Filipina Divorced And Now Re Married To American Husband   
    As long as you have been in the physical presence of each other since the wedding ceremony and have valid divorce proof plus the proof of your new marriage, it should be recognized without problem. But you said you did a proxy marriage (which means you were not both at the same physical location when you got married), were you both together in person when you got married or after?
  23. Like
    Vvee reacted to Scandi in Beginning the ROC leg of the journey   
    No idea if anything has changed really, and I'm sure many people get approved without sending all statements. Like with everything else in this process I bet it depends on who your case ends up with. I have seen several cases lately where people were asked for ALL statements though, but I don't know how much proof they had other than that. Maybe they had very little in general and that's why they were asked for all of them.
    I'm not taking any chances either way, and I have all my statements just waiting to be shipped off, so no reason for me not to do it.
  24. Like
    Vvee got a reaction from bird&bear in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    It should be soon! 😊 Ours was delivered last Thursday in the morning, so it took 3 business days to send us the notice. Or do they work over the weekends? 🤔 But in any case, it should be very very soon. Good luck to you too!
  25. Like
    Vvee reacted to JMPM in I-130 Filers March 2019   
    You're lucky as right now that's the fastest service center.
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