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    West Kennebunk, Maine
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Mikey and I met in the summer of 2004. I cannot believe 6 years have passed so fast. I came to the US to work for the summer so I could afford my college in Europe. He offered me a ride in his Red Pontiac Firebird on a nice, warm, starry night and the magic began.
    And then....I went back to college
    He kept coming during his winter break to Moldova and I kept coming to the US for the summer. After I graduated college we got married :) It's been nearly 2.5 years. My life is perfect and I don't want this happiness to ever stop. Mikey is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Sometimes I stop and think to myself...What did I do so good in this life to deserve such an amazing life partner? God has some higher purpose for me. That's all I can think of....
    Advice to all..Don't ever give up fighting for love. If someone tells you that a long distance relationship cannot work, they obviously haven't trully loved before.

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