We live barely 60 miles apart...but we met online!!! He never uses a computer....I had just put my profile up on a dating site just for the heck of it. His children set him up on the site and then...he saw me..lol. We emailed back and forth for about a month and then we met. He was awesome....why oh why did it take us this long to meet?? I was on my way to another city 300 miles away and well he stole my heart....I never moved! We are hopefully soon to be a family of 6. His 2 children and my 2 children....never figured for a minute I would be in this big of a family. He was looking for someone without kids....lol. We are patiently waiting out this Immigration stuff...its stressful and time consuming. We are planning to marry July 7 if all goes well. He is the man I have been waiting for my entire life....it seems it took a lifetime to finally meet him. For some reason the world works that way and if I wasn't who I was today....and he wasn't who he is today....it might never have worked. OK..now I'm hoping that makes sense!!! We are each others destiny.