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Posts posted by armstroz

  1. My fiancee has the opportunity to enter the US from China on a work visa. We're about to start the process of applying for a K-1 visa, but we're both worried that if she's denied the work visa it will have an effect on her obtaining her K-1.

    Does anyone have any similar experiences they can share? Or can someone tell me if being together a little early is worth the risk?

    Thanks :wacko:

    It may depend on what type of work visa she's after; can you elaborate on her circumtances? Visa type, when she plans to enter the US, for how long etc.

    It may open other options to you, or close some. There is no way to tell from what you've posted.


    Well, a friend of hers needs a sales rep in the US for their product line. She's already a sales rep for a pharma company in China, so it's really a legitimate job change. I'm not sure what type of visa that would require, though.

    Our plan was to have her accept this job, relocate to the US and then apply for the K1 visa after some "appropriate" amount of time. The alternative is for her to stay at her current company and for us to wait until after the K1 is approved before she comes to the US. We don't mind the wait, but if there's a chance she could enter sooner we'd like to take it as long as it doesn't affect our chances for getting the K1.

    Sorry I don't have much more info than this, but we didn't want to approach her friend until we were sure this is something we should pursue.

  2. My fiancee has the opportunity to enter the US from China on a work visa. We're about to start the process of applying for a K-1 visa, but we're both worried that if she's denied the work visa it will have an effect on her obtaining her K-1.

    Does anyone have any similar experiences they can share? Or can someone tell me if being together a little early is worth the risk?

    Thanks :wacko:

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