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  1. Haha
    pcs9288 got a reaction from neilsqueen in NVC Filers - May 2020   
    Yeah it’s annoying I called yesterday because I even saw someone who submitted after me (I submitted 2/24) get DQ and all the rep would say it “not to believe everything everyone says on the internet” as if over 10 people here and in Facebook groups get something out of lying about DQs 🙄 
  2. Haha
    pcs9288 got a reaction from DeParaquedasBrasi in NVC Filers - May 2020   
    Yeah it’s annoying I called yesterday because I even saw someone who submitted after me (I submitted 2/24) get DQ and all the rep would say it “not to believe everything everyone says on the internet” as if over 10 people here and in Facebook groups get something out of lying about DQs 🙄 
  3. Like
    pcs9288 got a reaction from Kate.Alday in NVC Filers - May 2020   
    Yeah it’s annoying I called yesterday because I even saw someone who submitted after me (I submitted 2/24) get DQ and all the rep would say it “not to believe everything everyone says on the internet” as if over 10 people here and in Facebook groups get something out of lying about DQs 🙄 
  4. Haha
    pcs9288 got a reaction from NGorge in NVC Filers - May 2020   
    Yeah it’s annoying I called yesterday because I even saw someone who submitted after me (I submitted 2/24) get DQ and all the rep would say it “not to believe everything everyone says on the internet” as if over 10 people here and in Facebook groups get something out of lying about DQs 🙄 
  5. Haha
    pcs9288 got a reaction from Quarknase in NVC Filers - May 2020   
    Yeah it’s annoying I called yesterday because I even saw someone who submitted after me (I submitted 2/24) get DQ and all the rep would say it “not to believe everything everyone says on the internet” as if over 10 people here and in Facebook groups get something out of lying about DQs 🙄 
  6. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to Kate.Alday in NVC Filers - May 2020   
    I glad for those people who got DQ so quickly, but I think it’s very unfair to people who have to wait more than 2 months!
  7. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to Nenz.i in NVC Filers - May 2020   
    Ugh how is this possible? I'm literally so confused as to what is going on considering so many people from later dates are getting DQ'ed! I wish they could clarify it to us a little better as to what is occurring now with everything going on. 
  8. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to Skaur0609 in NVC Filers - May 2020   
    I m planning on contacting them on Tuesday if i don't see status update. I just want to be done with this stage of process. 
  9. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to TamMhmd in NVC Filers - April 2020   
    Happy Monday!
    Current case review time: As of 27-APR-2020, we are reviewing documents submitted to us on 11-FEB-2020.
    But according to this forum.. they may be farther along then they are letting on.
    Here is what i compiled from last weeks posts in our community: 
    First and only submitting was April 16-->  DQ Apr 21
    First and only submission.Feb 16 --> DQ Apr 23
    First Submission:  March 6 --> DQ Apr 23
    First submission March 26 -->Apr 23, RFE request
    2nd Submission Feb 10 --> April 23, RFE request
  10. Sad
    pcs9288 got a reaction from Alix64 in NVC Filers - April 2020   
    Still waiting second submission 2/24 I’m assuming I’ll hear something by the end of this month if things don’t get delayed more (which they might with less staff) my main worry now is that it seems Nicaragua’s president is the ONLY one not taking measures to prepare for covid19  they’re actually belittling it and still planning their spring break events this week. I’m scared for my husband I know he’s not older but if he happens to get it there is not proper care for this in Nicaragua. And they’re even denying test results and even denying how many cases there are.  Not sure what to do don’t even think anything can be done just venting I guess 
  11. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to LilyJ in NVC Filers - March 2020   
    This morning we got our interview letter!
    DQ: Feb 19 2020
    IL: Mar 11 2020
    ID: Apr 1 2020
  12. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to Alix64 in NVC Filers - March 2020   
    Hey YasArr,
    The doc is not ready, I am waiting for the Insurance company to send me the papers.
    Also have you seen the earlier message today on this discussion? (from Kani2015 who has called NVC)
    As for the back at the bottom of the pile risk, we all know now that there are no rules at NVC. Some people get DQ few days after they resubmitte new documents. So we really don't know what is best to be done.
    Personally, I am going to wait before I upload anything new.
    Take care,
  13. Like
    pcs9288 got a reaction from Alix64 in NVC Filers - March 2020   
    Yes! I uploaded like 4 days later when I finally got it! Yes fingers crossed  🤞🏼🤞🏼 
  14. Sad
    pcs9288 got a reaction from Jmeleecur in NVC Filers - March 2020   
    Submitted docs to NVC 12/19 finally on 2/19 I got an RFE email. Saying that my husbands Nicaraguan police record is expired even though I was told on the phone to note that he will be getting a new one when he’s back in Nicaragua. (He has been living in panama for over a year due to political issues in Nicaragua...and we sent Panamanian record and old nica record with note) we happened to be in Nicaragua when we received RFE and got new récord but it’s annoying that the 3 times I called about this I received different answers on what to do. Hoping it doesn’t take another two months. 
  15. Sad
    pcs9288 got a reaction from Alix64 in NVC Filers - March 2020   
    Submitted docs to NVC 12/19 finally on 2/19 I got an RFE email. Saying that my husbands Nicaraguan police record is expired even though I was told on the phone to note that he will be getting a new one when he’s back in Nicaragua. (He has been living in panama for over a year due to political issues in Nicaragua...and we sent Panamanian record and old nica record with note) we happened to be in Nicaragua when we received RFE and got new récord but it’s annoying that the 3 times I called about this I received different answers on what to do. Hoping it doesn’t take another two months. 
  16. Like
    pcs9288 got a reaction from Caresse33 in NVC Filers - January 2020   
    Yes people have received RFE for that 
  17. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to Juliet57 in NVC Filers - January 2020   
    We just got DQ 39 days after submitting, first and only submission. 
    Submitted Dec 13th, 2019
    DQ Jan 21st, 2020
    I'm happy cause we're one step closer, but my embassy (Juarez, MX) is seriously backlogged, and they are assigning interview dates for DQ Feb/March 2019, so I'm gonna be waiting at least 10 months to hear from NVC again. 
    Hope this last piece of info will make you guys not resent me 😓
    Truly really wish you all success and who knows we might run into each other in the US at some point
    You all can PM me anytime, I'd be happy to help and I'll be around.
  18. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to Emre in NVC Filers - January 2020   
    1st submission: October 8th, 
    2nd submission: November 17th, 
    DQ: today. 
    Some days were hard to believe  I would get DQ. I did today. Good luck everybody. You will get soon too. Just the matter of time. 
  19. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to canadavisa22 in NVC Filers - January 2020   
  20. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to George George in NVC Filers - December 2019   
    No worries, you just saved my day by this response, hope you will get your DQ for resubmission soon.
  21. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to Muffinji in NVC Filers - December 2019   
    @Duke & Marie, @pcs9288, @George George, sorry for the late reply and confirmation, timezones and all / was sleeping plus husband at work so I could not confirm with him. 
    I assumed it was the date since the nvc message specified the both signature and date in hand. 
    i want to edit my original post but can’t,
    The date was wrong / he prepared it way back when we were doing I-130 and also apparently didn’t sign in ink. Now I’m not sure how he signed it the first time  🤔🤔🤔.  Didn’t want to bug him more on it as he is having a bad day that started with dead car battery -> late to work.
    edit : he signed the one he printed out previously but forgot about it since it was so long ago and just sent the soft copy of the unsigned one without thinking.  
    sorry for the confusion and worry. 
  22. Like
    pcs9288 got a reaction from Wellash in NVC Filers - December 2019   
    Oh no I just submitted yesterday (But i1864)  and I typed the date but printed and signed.I hadn’t seen that happen to anyone else before. The instructions don’t mention the date specifically has to be in ink too...or did I misunderstand your post? 
  23. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to Mrs Akintomide in NVC Filers - December 2019   
    Hello VJ Family, I got DQ this morning, uploaded all documents Dec 2nd. Super excited 
  24. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to AlenaNick in NVC Filers - December 2019   
    DQ DQ DQ DQ 
    Submitted Civil 11/10
    Submitted AOS 11/23
    DQ 12/19 (2.30 PM Eastern Time)
  25. Like
    pcs9288 reacted to Sea Leslie in NVC Filers - December 2019   
    Yes, there is comfort in knowing that there are others sharing the same experience that I am.... and one day we will all look at the moment as a distant memory. Things typically seems more trivial than they really are when you are in the moment. 
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