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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Baltimore MD
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  1. Filed the ir2 visa paperwork and it's being sent to the us embassy in the Philippines. Filed for the interview to the expedited because my wife is pregnant and expecting in September and was denied. Anyone have any suggestions or should I give up on expedited the interview.
  2. ok so on the ask NVC site?
  3. I don't know if i post here or in the NVC forum. but I filed for my two step children 16 and 9 to come to the US from the PH. got approved for the I-130 and it went to NVC. got the case numbers for both and paid the fees and did the D-260 paperwork and AOS paperwork last week. so i'm just waiting again. my questions are : how long is the general wait time for the paperwork approval and the time for the interview? how long after the interview before we get the visas to come to the USA? how much is the medical exam? is there a way i can get the NVC to schedule both interviews at the same time?
  4. i'm appling for my wife children to come to the US. they are currently in the PH. We did the I-130 and got approved for both. one case was already sent to NVC and I have the case and invoice number. the other case approved yesterday so hopefully i'll get a case number next week. I asking if I wait until both are at the NVC and then pay the fees and paperwork at the same time or just start doing the one I have now and wait for the other and start that one? Also how long is the general waiti time for the interview? I want to have both on the same day instead of them being far apart because we are flying over for the interviews and we have one month to go to both interviews and hopefully get the visas and come back here. How long is the wait from documents complete to the interview time in the PH. I know 5 years ago when my wife came here it was 2 weeks from documents complete to the interview. and after the interview she had her visa in 2-3 weeks. but we are trying to go over there in march or april hopefully. Is there a way I can contact them and ask if they can do both intervews at the same time?
  5. my wife is already in the US. I filed for each of her two children. so i filed two I-130 forms with evidence.
  6. hello sorry if this might not be the right place but I filed I-130 to bring my wife children from the Philippines to USA in December last year and it still hasn't moved. we got the letter saying it was received but that was it. been looking on the site for a year and no progress. anyone have any suggestions to what it might be or why its taking so long? i'm a US citizen and it filed to bring them over here.
  7. I looked on USCIS website and it says one application will be done in 2 weeks and the other 2 months. they are in the PH and i'm in the USA. Can I let the first application sit for 2 months until the other gets approved? also do I have to go to the interviews or can my wife the mother of the children just go? I know when I did her visa I went because we were having a baby but they said I didn't need to come. Also what is the process after the I-130 is approved? USCIS customer service is #######. and there is no live agent to answer any questions.
  8. 9 and 13. And I'm the petitioner. That's why I'm not bringing them here then it's more drama.
  9. 2 kids and in processing. Not approved yet.
  10. What do I need to do to cancel a visa i applied for my wife children? We are at the point of she doesn't want to listen to anything I have to say so I do not feel comfortable bringing them here i have to support them and I get run over. I applied for the i-130 visa
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