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Nature Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Nature Boy 2.0

  1. I may not agree with her politics , and she is crazy. Crazy is a aphrodisiac for me. By God she is hot. Not Pelosi hot age considered but ohhh
  2. Maybe you have electwicity problems and why are you changing light bulbs when you have a wife for that.
  3. I do have crs but LED light bulbs do last longer than regular light bulbs fact
  4. https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2023/04/04/dylan-mulvaney-bud-light-kid-rock-anheuser-busch-boycott-cprog-orig-ff-llr.cnn-business
  5. I like LED bulbs because the tend to last forever and I don't have to get my old tired behind on a ladder and change them.
  6. Is there any reason to use incandescent in a home nowadays? Just wondering if they serve a purpose? We are all led as far as I know. We burn both porch lights all night as you know.
  7. Sounds like a title from some Orwellian futuristic world gone mad movie position as faculty director for the Office of Equity, Social Justice, and Multicultural Education at De Anza Community College
  8. So becuse I am home bored I flipped it over from Fox to CNN to see the outrage. I was shocked . Even the panel on CNN was calling it WTH.
  9. No words. I think we have entered another dimension. https://www.foxnews.com/media/karine-jean-pierre-blasted-claiming-trans-community-attack-murders-christians
  10. Sometimes people like you who lead elite lifestyles lose touch with us guys busting their buts 20 hours a week. While you jet around the world with trophy chick's eating lingua and sipping champagne on yachts. Btw. Ever had the shingles? I am on the sidelines watching the night agent eating anti herpes pills and taking pain meds. 😇😄😍
  11. Seriously? She was labeled a Trans woman. Is that a man who identified as a women or a man that use to be a woman. It gets confusing
  12. As usual I win broad support from both sides of the aisle. A true middle of the road man. I should get life time Rhododendron status
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