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Nature Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Nature Boy 2.0

  1. Samsung has so much bad press about their Fridges I am surprised anyone would still buy one. I have a SS side by side I bought before they were wildly known to be carp. I need to check the temp. Thanks.
  2. I got a Whirlpool standalone kinda under counter Ice Maker that has been running for approx 31 years
  3. Its kinda like one the Facebook reel videos thing, that keeps teasing you about opening a box that goes on forever.
  4. I dont think we will ever see it all. I would be willing to bet there might be a few high placed friends of DJT on the list. If not him himself
  5. P.S my monkey faced friend. This is what humor looks like
  6. However I think Trump and Hegseth are hopefully going to turn it around. I think getting the bases renamed is going to help. Although honestly I dont totally disagree with why they changed the names to begin with. Naming them back, but after other people was a good move. I went back for a reunion at Ft. Benning last Spring. Amazing how much has changed BTW America should be capitalized. Sorry I am a bit ####### about Grameeer
  7. They can restore him to AD for a court-Martial but they can do it without resnoring to AD
  8. I actually have not been able to figure out 100,% what penalties could still apply. They could recall him to active duty but they don't have to. This is so blatant Helen Keller could see it
  9. This guy breaks it down well https://www.facebook.com/share/v/152HmsBskj/
  10. It is my understanding Miley can still be court-Martialed but might not have to suffer the consequences. As the only member here that is in the middle of the road and objective, and no matter your political leaning, Miley very clearly committed Treason as did Gen McArthur and to a lesser degree Gen. Billy Mitchel. The only reason McArthur was just relieved and not court-Martialed is it was thought a court-Martial would be a PR win for the Chinese. As a former Army Officer I can say it was drilled into us we don't try to subvert the civilian authority over the military. Him communicating with that Chinese Genetal , promosing to keep him aware of any plans regarding China, by President Trump, was text book treason and insubordination. It set a bad precedent for our Military.
  11. We don't need 2 more senators from Greenland. Or from Canada for that mater
  12. Exactly. It now takes an average of 450 days to process a SS claim. My lawyer was explaining just how short handed they are. I think they are done 400 people just in my area. He was showing the turnoverr at at the SSA and it was an amazing number. He said that when they order them back in the office the problem is going to be catastrophic.. Yall do know the monitor them productivity.
  13. Great way to look at it. I may borrow that. I just came by to pay my dues on m antimatter status
  14. Great way to look at it. I just came by to pay my Antimatter status Great way to look at it. I just came by to pay my Antimatter status Great way to look at it. I just came by to pay my dues for my Antimatter status Great way to look at it. I just came by to pay my dues for my Antimatter status Great way to look at it. I just came by to pay my dues for my Antimatter status
  15. This sum it up well. 100% on target https://oversight.house.gov/release/chairman-comers-statement-on-president-bidens-pardon-of-hunter-biden/ Chairman Comer’s Statement on President Biden’s Pardon of Hunter Biden WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) issued the following statement on President Joe Biden pardoning his son, Hunter Biden: “Joe Biden has lied from start to finish about his family’s corrupt influence peddling activities. Not only has he falsely claimed that he never met with his son’s foreign business associates and that his son did nothing wrong, but he also lied when he said he would not pardon Hunter Biden. The charges Hunter faced were just the tip of the iceberg in the blatant corruption that President Biden and the Biden Crime Family have lied about to the American people. It’s unfortunate that, rather than come clean about their decades of wrongdoing, President Biden and his family continue to do everything they can to avoid accountability.”
  16. Biden is playing the he is a political victim card https://www.foxnews.com/politics/karine-jean-pierre-faces-press-grilling-after-biden-pardons-son-hunter
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