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About debkev

  • Birthday 04/30/1979

Profile Information

  • City
    Debra - Kingston, Jamaica & Kevin - Orlando, Florida
  • Interests
    I want to hear about K-3 applications as well as Green Card applications and the time it takes for processing of both. Also can a K-3 application be redone if the first one is denied.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Kevin and I met in college in Florida then I cam ehome to Jamaica with inentions to return to the US and I came home and got my Visitors visa taken away. We got married in Jamaica in March 2002, we started filing for the Green Card for me in June 2002 and then in August 2002 we started filing for the K-3 I got an appointment at the US Embassy here in Jamaica in April 2003 and got approved and then denied for the K-3 visa in the same day. We were just informed in early 2004 that we could reapply for a K-3 visa and the Green Crad application is still being processed but we have no rel idea of the time that it will take for me to get another interview here in Jamaica for either a new K-3 application or the Green Card. We are at our wits ends as Kevin and I are frustrated and we miss eachother more than anything in the world. Doubt that that sentiment is foreign to any of you other couples out there!!!

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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