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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Local Office
    Orlando FL
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. In case this is of help to anyone else, I had the same experience as @InspectorGrover and was informed by my IO today that a name change in court/in front of a judge is not necessary at naturalization if you're wanting to take the last name of your spouse. The marriage cert is proof of the name change. As such, I was able to change my last name and complete same day oath today! So happy to have reached the end of this journey and wish everyone the very best!
  2. Thank you all for your answers and inputs!
  3. Thank you. Does it make sense to do this in advance of my N--400 interview? If it won't cause any issues (I applied using my maiden name) then that might be exactly what I do next!
  4. Hi there. I have my N-400 interview (likely combo with pending I-751) coming up and wanted to ask for clarification around name change. All of my documents to date are in my maiden name but I'm interested in taking my husband's last name from this point onwards. There seems to be some conflicting posts around whether this requires a legal name change or not. I'm hoping to do a same day oath so wondering if keeping my maiden name at naturalization and then changing through a court order at a later date would be a better option? Thanks in advance!
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