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  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Los Angeles CA
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Soooo, it's likely that this will be my last post in here, as tomorrow is the last stage of my USCIS journey - my citizenship oath! I passed the test in June, but as I was flying back to the UK a week later, I declined to do the oath the same day. So, tomorrow it is! As this is probably my last post, it feels appropriate to ask a typically (well, for me) goofy question 💁🏻‍♀️. The oath ceremony at Chatsworth is done outside the front of the building (I believe), which has public access. My husband will be coming to watch...do you think it'll be ok if he has our dogs with him? 😬🙈😆 The alternative will be to leave them in the car (with the AC on, of course) - however, as it's a public street, I thought it might ok if they're there...plus I have the cutest little US flag rosettes for them to wear 😆. Thoughts? **Edited to add** The reason we can't leave them at home is because one of them was only adopted relatively recently, so can't be left home alone yet. Just in case anyone asks!
  2. Hi friends, I'm back again (though this time in the removing conditions forum)! Yesterday I received my letter from USCIS to confirm that they've approved my request to remove the conditions on my permanent resident status - huzzah! Now, after reading the letter, I'm a little concerned, as it says "You should not travel outside the United States until you receive your new Green Card, as you may have difficulty reentering the United States. If an emergency arises and you have a need to travel outside the United States before you receive your Green Card, you may make an appointment at your local USCIS office to request an I-551 stamp in your passport that shows temporary evidence of status as a lawful permanent resident." I actually have flights booked for my husband and I to visit my family (in my home country) in 6 weeks 😬. I had no idea my I751 would be approved now or I obviously wouldnt have booked them (it was filed in February 2023 and I haven't had an interview or anything). Now, it's very likely that my greencard will get here before I fly (the letter says I'll get it within 60 days and I fly 55 days after the date of the letter)...however, I like to be prepared just in case! Sooo, I went to uscis.gov to look at how to book an appointment for an I-551 and read the attached (please see attached photo, particularly highlighted section). I was issued an extension notice after filing, that is good until 2025. I also have my expired greencard. As such, does that mean I'd be ok to use those documents when traveling (if my 10 year GC hasn't arrived yet)? And I wouldn't need to get an ADIT/I-551? That's how the attached reads to me, however, the statement in the letter contradicts that, so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. Thanks in advance for advice!
  3. Awesome, thank you! Last question - what does SOP mean? Stages of process? Seasons of passion? Satsumas of Poseidon?
  4. Oh, I didn't mean the review - I just thought it was weird that they've approved it without interviewing me? Or am I misinterpreting that...and they will still want to interview for the I-751?
  5. Soooo, unexpected update... I had a notification that USCIS had updated my case today...and logged on to see that they've scheduled my naturalization interview...and they've approved my I-751 case! Am I correct in assuming that means they don't want to interview me or anything for my greencard...they've just removed the conditions on my residency? And if so, is that weird?
  6. Just had a look on my USCIS account and can't see any way to upload an additional document, now the N400 has already been submitted 🤔. Hoping it's because I'm on my phone and that I'll be able to do it on a laptop!
  7. Hi! I just submitted my N400 (under 3 year rule) online and, after reading through some posts on here, I'm realizing that I was perhaps supposed to include a letter requesting a combo interview? My 2 year greencard is currently expired and I'm awaiting removal of conditions (have been since March 2022). I assumed that the N400 would just supercede the I-751...but now I'm inferring that there's further action I should have taken, re including that letter. Has anyone done this process and not included that letter (and if so, how did it impact the process)? Many thanks!
  8. Perfect, thanks Dashinka! I actually started filling in a paper form before I realised I could do it online - and then I was hoping that maybe the online version would be smart enough to auto-update to only request information for the last 3 years...but no such luck!
  9. Hello! My first post in a looooong time. I'm applying online for citizenship under the 3 year rule (lawful resident for last 3 years and married and living with US citizen spouse for last 3 years) - and I'm confused about the 'time outside the US' section. It's asking me to provide information on 'trips' I've taken outside the US in the last 5 years - however, I've only lived in the US for just over 4 years. So, should I include the year prior to me moving here...even though that wasn't a trip, it was me living in my home country? Or should I just start the trip history from the date I moved here? Hoping someone who's already done this can advise! Thanks ☺️
  10. Just wanted to add to this from the perspective of someone currently going through the IVF process (I'm 37). Realistically, it's likely going to be difficult for your partner to naturally conceive at 43. I don't want to make you feel negative, but when you have a limited window, it's important to be realistic. I'm currently going through IVF due to infertility, as are 3 of my friends, who are aged 40, 41 and 41. @Jeanne Adil made an excellent point re the risk of giving birth to a child as an unwed mother - so it definitely sounds like you should prioritize marrying first of all, before anything else. I would then recommend starting IVF in Iran. By all means, try naturally first of all if you want - but I can't express this enough - don't waste a lot of time on this. At 43, your partner's chance of naturally just conceiving is less than 5% - and that doesn't even factor in the increased chance of miscarriages (unfortunately, I also speak from experience of miscarriages too). I've just checked the prices of IVF in Iran and they are SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than in the US. To put things in perspective, the cost of one IVF cycle at the hospital/clinic I use costs around $30,000, once you factor in all the meds, appointments, procedures, etc. So, financially, it's probably better to do IVF in Iran. You could also then get married, apply for the CR1 and then do the IVF process whilst you're waiting for the CR1 to come through. You don't need to be present for the IVF process, except for giving a sample at the clinic - which can then be frozen for when it's needed. I know this isn't the information you've asked for - but I think it's really important that you both have this info, if you're not already aware.
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