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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Phoenix AZ
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  1. I went to my gemeentehuis and asked for a certified copy. It has it in English on there too. Did not have a problem or RFE
  2. Thank you! We have not filed taxes together, that would have acquired him to give me inside in his finances. And to be honest, I really didn't want to be associated with whatever shady business he's involved with. When I shared with my divorce attorney some of the details his reply was basically "let's get you divorced as soon as possible''. Which really says enough. I am working on my taxes for 2022 right now, unfortunately I have been late on this because of the passing of my mother. Do I write an affidavit explaining the course of my marriage or should the ones I have be sufficient? I can also print screenshots of the awful texts my ex sent me as proof but I really don't want to go there.
  3. Hello everybody, I am currently getting my paperwork ready for filing my I-751 with a divorce waiver and have just a few questions about my situation. Long story short, and probably not uncommon: I fell happily in love, filed for the K1 visa, moved to the states after approval and got married. During our long distance relationship he was loving and attentive and paid for most of my trips to the US to visit him. After I arrived in the states (during covid) I did found out he presented the best of him during my trips. After I moved in I soon learnt he is an alcoholic and was involved in let's called it ''shady business''. He never gave me much inside in his finances but always seemed to have money despite being unemployed. Because of this I have little prove of co-mingling our finances, he was in charge of our finances and despite my efforts to do so the only thing I have is evidence of joint car insurance, health insurance and a rental agreement I was added on. His alcoholism worsened and he got extremely jealous, controlling and verbally abusive. I won't go into any details since I am not the first and won't be the last immigrant having her living happily ever after dream shattered. Fortunately I live in a small town and have become part of this tight community where everybody has been very supportive. They all lived and cried with me (and him) through our marriage troubles and eventually divorce. Documents I'm submitting: - divorce degree - rental agreement I was added on - joint car insurance - his attempt to file for health insurance (it got cancelled because he never paid) -pictures of us together. There are not many because for some reason he did not like having his picture taken. Affidavits from: - The mayor of this town - A council member of the town counsel - The veterinarian of the local humane society I volunteer for - The director of the local humane society - My employer who I know through my ex ( she is also the joint-sponsor on my green card) - A bartender (who is also a friend of mine) of the local saloon (who knows my ex since he practically lives at the bar) - A physician who is a friend of my ex-husband and I have been working with at the humane society where she also volunteers - One of my co-workers (who knew my ex-husband before I became friends with her) - A friend I have known for 20 years, she knows my ex-husband because he lived across the street from her for a while. - One of the towns police officers. this police officer actually interviewed me as a witness when my ex-husband tried to beat up one of my friends. He will however not write it as a police officer because his supervisor advised against it, but he is familiar with the alcoholism involved. I can also get an affidavit from the towns fire chief, my ex-husband is a volunteer firefighter. I reached out to the fire chief because he also runs a drugs and alcoholics anonymous meeting every week and I asked advice about how to help ''a friend'' with alcoholism. The fire chief is very familiar with my ex's alcoholism because he hardly shows up for calls since he is usually intoxicated around noon. All affidavits basically say we were very much in love but our marriage unfortunately ended up in divorce. And they all state I am a great asset to the town and sorts. My questions: - The obvious, will this be sufficient? - Do I write an affidavit myself explaining the course of our marriage and why I divorced? Thank you in advance for any answers and advice you can give me!
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