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About Gaijin1

  • Birthday 03/15/1970

Profile Information

  • City
    Las Vegas

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-3 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Las Vegas NV
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met here in Las Vegas - friend of a friend thing. Aura has lived in Japan for 16 years but she's filipino. I'm half. She was in the U.S. on a tourist visa. I didn't want to believe it but she was obviously the one I've been waiting for, not that she'd fully agree. (She likes the finer things and I like things to be fine.) The timing couldn't be worse but God does work in mysterious ways. After 3 months, her plans were to head back home, but I feared not ever seeing her again. I let her know my intentions and why we were destined for each other (even though neither of us were looking to get married, may as well do it now right?) We had a quick Las Vegas wedding and she stayed with me until the extent of her visa. With much to take care of i.e. kids, a new car, job etc., she returned to Japan just before I submitted the paperwork. She can't stand the desert heat here in Las Vegas but then, neither can I. There's no rush on deciding our residence. All we want is to be able to see each other. Looks like we have to wait on USCIS to allow her back into America but I've already visited her in Tokyo. I'm not getting any younger!

    At the time, I couldn't afford a lawyer nor cared for one but sometimes I wonder. It wasn't aware until recently that I could have also had some of it expedited. We have a 90 day NOA for her interview!

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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