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  1. Congratulations so good to hear some excellent news. Did they ask for psychologist evaluation? The timeline seems about right just little 2 months early based on the processing time for i360.
  2. My attorney did send an extra page with AR-11 which states the name, A#, DOB, and wording of address change. The actual AR-11 form was signed by me (no digital signature but actual hand print signature). It does not say anything about VAWA. It was mailed out in Dec right before Christmas. The reason to confirm the address change is because I want to request a new EAD card to be mailed to the new address. When they approved ead they sent it to the wrong address. So before I order I want to make sure that it is indeed updated. your response makes sense. The only way to find out positively is going through Rep or a Senator. Thanks.
  3. Quick question to all fam - has anyone updated address with USCIS. For vawa online update is not possible so AR-11 is the only way. Does anybody know how long it takes to be updated and if we get any type of confirmation or receipt mailed To the new address.
  4. Approval of 360 would not impact. approval of 485 it may impact depending on severity of the charges. Approval of citizenship definitely it will ring all the alarms 🚨 at USCIS. you will need a good attorney to sort things out.
  5. The current i360 processing time is 41.5 months. So add that up with 2022 month filing. And if you had unlawful presence how did the combo that have 131 or advance parole got approve. Should that individual be put in removal proceedings? How it is possible unless I’m missing something here.
  6. You I360 was approved in 2020 why your 485 is still pending? It’s been almost 5 years.
  7. Oh Lordy…look at the extra mile they went thru to discourage people. You gave them the right? Do you mean consent to disclose the information? Did your lawyer made you sign any consent form on behalf of USCIS? Because I believe utility companies may give out information if done via proper channels. But banks would not comply as it is very strict compliance and to get someone’s banking information it falls under something very specific I do not recall the name for activities such as investigation, surveillance etc. This is what’s on Justice.gov STATEMENT OF CUSTOMER RIGHTS UNDER THE RIGHT TO FINANCIAL PRIVACY ACT OF 1978 Federal law protects the privacy of your financial records. Before banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, credit card issuers or other financial institutions may give financial information about you to a Federal agency, certain procedures must be followed. Consent to Financial Records You may be asked to consent to make your financial records available to the Government. You may withhold your consent, and your consent is not required as a condition of doing business with any financial institution. If you give your consent, it can be revoked in writing at any time before your records are disclosed. Furthermore, any consent you give is effective for only three months, and your financial institution must keep a record of the instances in which it discloses your financial information. Without Your Consent Without your consent, a Federal agency that wants to see your financial records may do so ordinarily only by means of a lawful subpoena, summons, formal written request,or search warrant for that purpose. Generally, the federal agency must give you advance notice of its request for your records explaining why the information is being sought and telling you how to object in court. The Federal agency must also send you copies of court documents to be prepared by you #1th instructions for filling them out. While these procedures will be kept as simple as possible, you may want to consult with an attorney before making a challenge to a Federal agency 5 request. Exceptions In some circumstances, a Federal agency may obtain financial information about you without advance notice or your consent. In most of these cases the Federal agency will be required to go to court to get permission to obtain your records without giving you notice beforehand. In these instances, the court will make the Government show that its investigation and request for your records are proper. When the reason for the delay of notice no longer exists, you will usually be notified that your records were obtained. Transfer of Information Generally, a Federal agency which obtains your financial records is prohibited from transferring them to another Federal agency unless it certifies in writing that the transfer is proper and sends a notice to you that your records have been sent to another agency.
  8. This is a heck of an experience that you went through. And congratulations for the waiting period end. Insane amount of time that you had to wait. But alls good when the end is good. Just out of curiosity how did you found out that USCIS fraud reached out to the utility company to validate the documents. So does that mean that a court order or subpoena is not needed and they have a clear outreach here? Does it same apply for other institutions such as banks etc?
  9. Messy? Are you pointing towards criminal back ground? Or frauds or combination of all? It’s good to have interview but we do not know what exactly they will be looking for. For marriage interviews we know what needs to be done. But for vawa we submitted the proofs. And some one with poor communication and not able to relate how attorneys present or put things in places will be a tough hill. also a question to all has anyone gotten a denial from USCIS explicitly saying as word “fraud”?
  10. Correct. Even if it makes through senate and house it may not get votes from states. And even if somehow they do it can be challenged in court by that time he will be out of office hopefully.
  11. He is also planning to revoke birth citizenships for children’s born to immigrants that will take away melania and trumps son’s citizenship 😂😂
  12. Since trump taking office. Does anyone think he will change or revoke the birth citizenship of children’s born to undocumented aliens or people without status in the United States and amend the 14th Amendment?
  13. No he will not. It will be in-humanitarian and vawa is at the bottom of the barrel low concern. He can definitely do something for new arriving asylees but that can be taken to court as unconstitutional.
  14. Feel the pain. But there’s nothing we can do. Just wait and watch. We are in for a long bumpy ride.
  15. Are you talking about a reversal of i360? That it was approved and now the status has changed from Approved—>under review? if not then I believe you inquired about 485. It does not get approved just by default. USCIS before approving 485 will of course review it. But since i360 is approved it wouldn’t be much of a problem to approve 485. It is normal.
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