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About Nyalimera

  • Birthday 01/08/1993

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Dallas TX
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  1. Hi y'all! So, I know there are quite a few threads about this topic, nevertheless, I got worried and thought I would start my own to get a bit more input on this particular situation. I filed my i-751 with a divorce waiver back in April of 2023 which is still pending but I have received a 48-months extension letter back then. I have not visited my parents back home since I moved to Texas which has now being almost 5 years. The main reason why I never went back visiting was all these horror stories during COVID but also all the stories of coming back home to America, but after 5 years, I really just wanted to do something good for my parents and go see their faces for a week. So, I booked a flight via Lufthansa going from DFW, TX to Sofia, Bulgaria for just a week in September which is right before my mom's birthday - thought it would be a nice little gift to her. Something I am worried about is, I filed on a divorce waiver and wonder if that might be an issue. The other thing is, I am originally from Austria (born and raised with Austrian citizenship), but my parents decided to move back to Bulgaria due to my grandparents. Would that cause an issues now that I am not going back to Austria but Bulgaria? Also, from my understanding, all I need is my valid Austria passport which is good until October 2025 and the 48-months extension letter. Is that still correct? I also chose to fly with Lufthansa since I have always had a great experience with them for years even during my immigration process so I hope that remains the same. Any advice would be so appreciated! I am a bit nervous but I feel like I have all my ducks in a row. Also, I am planning to file for N-400 sometime soon by the 5 year rule.
  2. Hi all, has anyone had any movement on their case? Mine hasn’t moved in 387 days. Lol
  3. Hi ya'll, just got my extension letter in the mail yesterday but that's pretty much it. Should I expect another one regarding the biometrics? I will make sure to re-read the letter just to be safe. Thankies~
  4. Thank you everyone, definitely puts my mind at ease. Feel free to close this thread as it's resolved. 🙏
  5. Weeee, I have an update and ya'll were so right!!! They charged my card on Friday, 4/14, and I have received my IOE case number. I should probably get everything in the mail by next week. So excited! 🙌 Now the waiting game is starting especially since I filed with a divorce waiver, I just hope it goes smoothly.
  6. I will surely keep that in mind and thank you for sharing. That's a great thread to read into! 🙏
  7. Servus! 😊 Thank you for the kind words. I think the main reason why I am anxious is that I filed right before my GC expiration date, which I could have planned out better but it is what it is. 😅
  8. Awesome, that puts my mind in ease. Thank you! I still have some time to think on it since I won't be able to file until 2024 either way.
  9. Hi everyone! I just filed my ROC paperwork with a divorce waiver, which is fairly fresh and pending. To get ahead of things, I have a few questions which ya'll might be able to answer as I am still debating on becoming a US citizen. So, I was wondering if anyone here decided to choose the route of not applying for N-400 and just live in the US with their 10-year GC? Is this even an option? Would this be an issue? I am curious to hear more about it as I couldn't find a thread around this particular subject. Side note: The main reason why I am still debating is, Austria doesn't allow dual-citizenship. So, to avoid of losing it or going through a separate process on that end, I'd appreciate more input on that, before making a final decision. Also, if I file for N-400, I'd file under the 5 year rule as I am now divorced and it wouldn't be based on my marriage. Thanks a lot!
  10. Hi everyone! I also just submitted my ROC paperwork with a divorce waiver from Dallas, Texas. GC expires 4/15 Mailed via USPS on 4/10 Delivered and pick-up on 4/12 from: USCIS Attn: I-751 P.O. Box 21200 Phoenix, AZ 85036-1200 I haven't received any notifications, no email or text. Nothing has been charged yet, which is making me anxious tbh. 😅 Anything I can do on my end to check other than wait it out?
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