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Posts posted by apgk

  1. I ofcourse do not know for certain but...

    I believe your certificate should be just fine, it shows you are a citizen, and I would send in a copy of your home country passport to show who you are and proof of travel to see your fiance, etc etc.

    Should be sufficent...but, ofcourse, I don't know 100%

    That is exactly what I plan to do. I will get my naturalization certifcation only next month.

    And all my past travels to meet her are on my home country passport. I also plan to

    write a small letter explaining this along with the travel documents. My personal

    opinion is that this is not a problem at all.

  2. A day after I filed my N400, I had to leave on a business trip. In N400 the details for all international trips is needed. Clearly, my this trip would not be there on my filed N400. I am hoping when I go for interview I can tell about this to the officer and make amendment to the N400 application there infront of him before signing the form.

    Is this ok? Anyone else done this earlier? any issues?

  3. .....

    With the initial petition you need to demonstrate having met within the two previous years. E-mails and letters do not demonstrate this.

    You have maintained your position and you might be right - technically this is the what is needed (plus anything else you might want to provide to evidence mutual intent - per the instructions)

    But most people here submit lot more things along with the intial petition and the guide on this VJ site also talk about including other things (if I remember right :P)

  4. Besides I-129F, G325A, personal meeting letter, letter of intent - which need to be signed and filed as originals; rest all I am enclosing as photocopies or printout of scanned documents.

    Specifically, my fiancee will be sending the scanned versions of the translated documents like hotel receipts etc, scanned copy of emails, scanned copies of letter envelops, some signed letters like explaining why sometimes the name is different, will also be scanned - I will be printing out all these and enclosing these. Is is ok to do? Especially for translated documents and any other letter which is signed - or it is ok to take a printout of the scanned version and send?

  5. I am wondering if the chat log will be sufficient or will it be better to provide as much evidence as possible??? I was thinking that the more evidence the better. But the chat {alt} {print screen}would be certainly easier and cheaper to send. What do yu guys think, the more the better or just the yaoo im logs???

    Any responses?????

    Are you saying just to get the print screen of your computer and you will take it every day or for some days - hmm..where will it say the date on this screen shoot?

    I was thinking of just taking the printouts of the yahoo archive. The darn thing only prints one page for each chat log.

    If you try to cut and paste and try to put that chat in word or notepad, you loose the fonts and formats and what not.

    So I am just going to send one-page printouts for each chat sessions. Will pick one or 2 chat sessions for each months, will choose 6-7 months. :)

  6. I included mine...Certified as others have said you get those from the court house..they stamp and sign them..that they are real..like being notarized by the records clerk...

    ok, but I have the original copy of the decree. When it was entered, I got the original.

    I was thinking making a copy of the that for initial I-129F filing.

    But since there seem to be some confusion around this, I might as well get a certified

    copy from the courthouse. Probably will include the copy with initial I-129F and send

    the original certified copy for the interview.

  7. ok thanks ! what is a certified copy?

    Certified copy is one you get from the court house your divorce is/was filed in. Could be called County Clerks office where you are. You definately would have gotten a copy. :yes:

    In Case You Don't Have It:

    You can sometimes print out your decree online, but its not 'official' unless has the raised-stamp from your courthouse (which means you'll have to pay 'The Man' for the privelage of another copy). All the legal mumbo-jumbo such as decisions, financials, etc are not as important as official proof you're divorced.

    Guides say keep original, send copy, be prepared to show originals at interview (in a nutshell)

    ok - yes then I have the certified copy with court-clerk's stamp on it the date it was entered.

    But why is the need to show my divorce decree at the foreign consulate. My foreign fiancee would

    be attending the interview. Aassuming she does not have to show my original decree.

  8. Divorce Decree for me too, certified copy for me but isn't required according to the 'guides'


    ok thanks ! what is a certified copy?

    My divorce judgement was in 2 steps -

    first was the status judegement terminating the marriage and restoring the status as single. this is the divorce judgement.

    second was the martial settlement agreement related to the division of property etc which was entered 6 months after the divorce.

    Any inputs if the marital settlement agreement needs to be included also? My own opinion is it is not needed - for purpose of I-129F the only thing that needs to be verified is the martial status.

  9. If I remember the instructions from I-129F, it says that divorce judegement needs to be

    included as part of I-129F only if the divorce had happened 90 days prior to the filing of the


    Want to find out if there is any feedback on this. Should the judgement be included

    regardless of the time when divorce happened - mine was more then an year ago? Also

    I had status-only judgement first and few months later was the property settlement

    agreement. If at all to be included I was thinking of only including a copy of the status-only

    judement (indicated that marriage was terminated on a particular date).

    any comments and feedback would be much appreciated.

  10. With my (seemlingly stupid) Fuji digital camera, I cant seem to print the photos with date printed on them. (There is some DPOF option to write the date but for that you need DPOF compatible printers and no retail stores tartget, walmart etc know about all this). So my photo prints dont have date on them.

    I am planning to write the date, place, and names on the back of each photo? Is this safe enough and acceptable?


    On the other hand, these days with digital prints, you can pretty much put anything on them using the PC software. So I cant imagine this being a huge problem

  11. I met my fiancee twice.

    1st time - I went to Russia to her place and lived in a hotel and so all hotel receipts only have my name. We together went to a small resort - but since I has reserved that resort, the reservation ticket has my name on it however she had signed for it (so her signature are on that reservation ticket).

    2nd time - I was on business travel and we lived in hotel for a day which was reserved only in my name. Then we went to live with my family.

    So basically her name does not quite appear in any of the hotel receipts (except for her signature on one of the receipts). Is this a problem?

    We have photos together everywhere.

  12. I would be a bit skeptical to submit them, because it may raise a few eyebrows . I tend to agree with joeyjoey , use them as a last resort if you are a bit slack in the evidence department.

    I have all other evidences - phone bills, letters, emails, photos together, travel documents - boarding passes, passport stamps, Visa, hotel receipts (in russian, getting them translated), travelers check conversion to cash receipts, engagement ring receipts and even photos, gifts like florist receipts, paid-for-her-airline-ticket-once-receipt.

    In addition to all of the above, I was thinking of including the western union receipts also.

    I thinking just like azcatus above, that if you have a relationship, then the fact that you are willing to support her financially makes that stand even more valid since there is real money involved.

    However, some people (like brnidokiegurl, Nagishkaw) seem to be against it - what exactly is the reason not to show this? I can't seem to understand.

  13. hmm ..didnt think of money transfers that way. I did buy her an airline ticket - what about that - I was thinking thats more like a gift?

    How did you get Yahoo logs - the yahoo messenger only prints one page?

    Take screen shots of the program. On windows <alt><Print Screen> then paste into word pad, or paint, then print.

    And USCIS, and interviewing officer at the consulate can think of money transfers that way. I bought my fiancee her ticket, in the states, all she has to do at the airport is show passport and get the eticket, or I could have mailed her the ticket.

    Did you also use the payment for this ticket for your fiancee as evidence?

    I bought my fiancee to visit India when I was in India on business trip. This was our second personal meeting.

  14. There is a big difference between using a derivitaive or common short name (Anna, Anya, Ann, Anne, Annie, Annochka) versus if your name is Fung and you go by or are known as Paula. The latter definetly would be one I would put in as another name.

    Second of all,

    Do you intend to submit e-mails and letters with your initial petition submission? and if so Why?

    I was thinking of submitting the letters and emails as one of the evidence (in the stack of many others) to prove the ongoing relationship.

    you think otherwise?

    What does the I-129F ask for? Proof of meeting within last two years. If e-mails and letters provide that kind of evidence then by all means submit. I can guaranty that the USCIS service center does not think that e-mails and letters provide that proof. Evidentiary evidence of proof of bonafide ongoing relationship is at the consulate interview.

    I agree with you. Clearly, email and letters on its own are insufficient to substantiate anything.

    However, in the instructions for I-129F, under Section 7B - it states that you need to submet letter of intent to marry and "any other evidence that you wish to submit to establish the mutual intent"

    Clearly, this is somewhat of an open-ended requriement - I was just thinking to use letters and emails also as additional evidence to establish this mutual intent by indirectly showing that there has been an ongoing relationship in that direction.

    Also, where does it mention that such evidence is required at the consulate and not during initial I-129F filing?

  15. There is a big difference between using a derivitaive or common short name (Anna, Anya, Ann, Anne, Annie, Annochka) versus if your name is Fung and you go by or are known as Paula. The latter definetly would be one I would put in as another name.

    Second of all,

    Do you intend to submit e-mails and letters with your initial petition submission? and if so Why?

    I was thinking of submitting the letters and emails as one of the evidence (in the stack of many others) to prove the ongoing relationship.

    you think otherwise?

  16. Form G-325A, and I-129F have a place for "Other names used", That is what that box on the forms is for.

    Also please do a timeline, and fill in the details in your profile, "filed for N/A" does not help sometimes when answering questions.

    ok. I was under the impression that the "Other names used" field is for multiple names or aliases.

    In my situation, this is just very casual situation - there is just one "official" name. Just the first

    name that is used at home by family member and me are different and unfortunately seem

    to show up only on our greeting cards and emails (during lovey-dovey exchange).

  17. My fiancee (from Russia) is generally known by and corresponded by the first name which is different from that on the passport. The official first name is Anna and the first name which people use to address casually (for example at home, friends etc) is Anya. So in all my letters and emails, I address her as Anya. (Other documents like airline tickets etc all use the official first name.)

    Now, is this going to be a problem when I submit the letters/emails etc?

    Should I explain this in some letter separately?

    Anybody else had similar experience?

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