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  1. I don't have a case vawa they stated because I don't have a mark I can't press charges
  2. No it'd not they said I didn't have a mark so I couldn't press charges
  3. Thank you I just did that
  4. So the last time I came on here I was trying to get a divorce but I'm still waiting on texas to grant me one. But I'm reaching out because my soon to be ex husband is determined to turn my life upside down. He's broken into my house several times stoles my clothes, shoes, and other items. He cost me over 8,000 in repairs and the cops tell me there's nothing they can do but take a report. I just recently learned he has my social security number and driver's license information and had used it to open phone accounts and etc. They have him on camera committed theses acts and employee has come forward and the cops are telling me there's nothing they can do because we're still married. If any one has any suggestions it would be great. I'm receiving no help from him w my child and he's determined to ruin me. He's caused me severe depression not to mention, anxiety and ptsd. It's like the cops want folks to take matters in there own hands at this point.
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