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Posts posted by cyberducky

  1. 3 hours ago, calliz said:

    Hi everyone, I received an RFE yesterday regarding our case. Two questions, can I travel abroad while rfe is pending?i have a trip this coming Friday.


    second question, the letter said I need more evidence regarding living together, financial commingling as well as any power of attorney etc. The problem is my husband and I decided from the Beginning we wouldn’t be sharing a bank acct and for the last 5 years we have lived in a house that my parents own any ideas on how I can show more evidence. We have actually been married for 5 years and together for 8. Also initially I also only sent the tax return of 2014 as2015 had an error and we had to resubmit it.

    im thinking of sending:


    2014 tax return - again

    2015 tax return

    2016 tax return

    2017 tax return


    401k from 2016-2017 with him as beneficiary of my policy

    life insurance, short term disability and accident insurance for 2016, 2017, showing him as beneficiary

    and same for him showing me as beneficiary

    condo insurance showing us both as insured parties

    geico insurance showing both of our names for 2016, 2017, 2018

    Current 401k showing me as beneficiary and showing him as beneficiary on mine 

    ive added him as an authorized user to my credit card and he has done the same for one of his credit cards

    energy, water, cable, and phone, although these do not have both of our names because the companies only let us add one we can show we are both responsible for the bulk of utilities bills at the same address.

    copy of our DL showing same address

     any other ideas?? Thank you 


    When did you file ?

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