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Everything posted by WFinished

  1. Out of curiosity, how much of each did you send? Here is basically what I submitted for my Spouse back when we filed. (Straight from the Table of Contents that I had right on top of everything) I did modify this heavily to leave out names and personal info lol but I also wrote out in CAPS to explain things as well. Hope this gives you some idea on why they could be asking for similar things. Section 1: Fees & Forms Original Money Order & Copy of Money Order Original Form G-1145 1x for HER 1x for HIM Original Form I-751 Copy of Form I-551 2-Year Conditional Green Card 2x Passport Photos Section 2: Proof of Living Together Copy of Her Driver License, Front & Back Copy of HerTriple Credit Report (THESE CREDIT REPORTS I FIGURED WOULD BE GREAT AS THEY SHOW YOUR RESIDENCIES PAST AND PRESENT AND HERS MATCHES MINE AS PROOF OF RESIDENCY SO TO SPEAK, OR WELL TO FURTHER SOLIDIFY IT) Copy of His Driver License, Front & Back Copy of HisTriple Credit Report (THESE CREDIT REPORTS I FIGURED WOULD BE GREAT AS THEY SHOW YOUR RESIDENCIES PAST AND PRESENT AND HERS MATCHES MINE AS PROOF OF RESIDENCY SO TO SPEAK, OR WELL TO FURTHER SOLIDIFY IT) Copy of Marriage License & Certificate Copy of Rental Lease from 2020 & 2021 Current Residence: Removed haha Original Affidavit from Previous Address Previous Address: Removed haha Tax Transcripts for 2019, & 2020 (I THINK I ADDED 2018 AS WELL. MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN TO ADD IT HERE AS I ADDED MY 2018 TAX TRANSCRIPT AS A STARTING POINT SINCE SHE WAS NOT EVEN STATESIDE YET LOL) Copies of Stimulus Letters for April 2020, March 2021, & April 2021 (OH YES, I SAVED THESE LETTERS SINCE THEY WERE ADDRESSED TO BOTH OF US AND I USED THEM AS PROOF AS WELL SINCE BOTH OUR NAMES WAS TIED TO THE ADDRESS ON THESE LETTERS AS WELL) Copy of 2020 Census (ALTHOUGH THIS DIDN'T REALLY SHOW ANYTHING I DECIDED TO SHOW THE CONFIRMATION NUMBERS OR WHATEVER WAS PROVIDED FOR THAT TIME SO THEY COULD USE IT TO TRACK BACK TO OUR RESIDENCE LOL) Health Coverage - 1095-B for 2019 & 2020 (NOT SURE IF THESE HELPED AT ALL WHATSOEVER BUT FIGURED MORE COULDN'T HURT) Section 3: Proof of Shared Financial Responsibilities Copy of Monthly Bank Statement for Joint Checking Account March 2020, June 2020, September 2020, December 2020 March 2021, June 2021, and July 2021 Car Insurance through Bank Car Loan for her car that we were joint on (I made sure I added myself as a joint thinking of her immigration) Phone Carrier Phone & Cable Bill (I basically took screenshots of this stuff and made sure it showed the phone carrier, etc) His- Primary Her- Authorized User Section 4: Shared Life Experience Since HER Received 2 Year Conditional Green Card Summaries of Pictures in Order of Events by Month/Year with Hard Copies (I LITERALLY WROTE OUT A STORY BOOK AS A TIMELINE OF CERTAIN EVENTS THAT INVOLVED US, AS WELL AS HER AND FAMILY MEMBERS OR ME AND HER FAMILY MEMBERS, ETC..) Section 5: Plans For The Future LIFE INSURANCE INFO THAT SHOWED HER AS MAJORITY HER STOCK STATEMENTS WITH HIM AS BENEFICIARY (EVEN IF THEY WERE ZERO OR HAD LESS THAN $20 ON THEM) HIS STOCK STATEMENTS WITH HERAS BENEFICIARY (EVEN IF THEY WERE ZERO OR HAD LESS THAN $20 ON THEM)
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