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Everything posted by Strontium

  1. Ours didn't update to "card mailed" until after 7 days this time around, unlike AOS which was very quick (1 day). Someone said they have fewer people working at the card production facility, now. Which would explain it taking longer.
  2. Thanks! So, ours was a little weird. It's like they forgot to enter my wife's application but entered daughter's. Sent us NOA for daughter right away. She had a 2131750XXX number. After 3 weeks, they finally entered receipt of wife's application and gave her receipt number 2190293XXX. They also gave daughter another receipt number in the 219 range. Daughter's receipt that got approved was the 213 number, so mother was just dragged along I guess since they process them together? Anywho, as you can see, there's no way to tell how they're doing it. Hopefully you won't be much longer!
  3. Whoops. SRC (Texas). No RFE's. Sent in a pretty good-sized stack of stuff. Mostly bank statements and bills. Health insurance, wills, etc.
  4. Got notice of card production for mother and daughter last night. Applied 8/13/2021. No N400 applied for. No interview. 29 months. Good luck to those still waiting.
  5. Received notice of card production for both mother and daughter last night. What a great piece of news to wake up to. Daughter turned 19 right after entry in 2019 so she was 21 when we applied for ROC. Was a bit nervous as to whether she could apply with mother. Last stop will be citizenship, next year, for both. Good luck to those still waiting. Hang in there!
  6. Yeah. Mike E posted a link to the fee calculator. It will tell you exactly what fees are due.
  7. We filed one application and paid one fee. Daughter was also over 21 at time of application. K2 has to use 5 year rule for N-400 so we are waiting to file those at the same time. It was really hard to find guidance on what to do with K2 over 21. But, I think the consensus is that her residency is tied to mother's so they should be joined all the way through, minus citizenship. This is one of the only things I could find about it and things seemed to work out for them (with the complication of gun permit application or something that messed things up):
  8. Was just coming to update this. Turns out, the 'form not received' request had nothing to do with receiving the extension letters a week later. Just got a reply from the inquiry. They replied that they already sent them out and that the post office did not return them undelivered. The reply said they would send out another copy as a courtesy.
  9. Informed delivery is showing what looks to be I-797's for mother and daughter today. Looks like they even sent the extra one for the second case number they created by mistake for our daughter. Coincidentally, I submitted a 'form not received' notice 7 days ago. Not sure if it's related.
  10. Yes. SRC here. No extension letters. We filed in August of 2021.
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