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Posts posted by Ono11

  1. 4 minutes ago, Going through said:

    So what is your plan B?

    My plan B is to ride out Trumps term and hopefully the next president has a different agenda and a new Attorney General which I can apply to with the necessary paperwork and basically ask for forgiveness and hopefully he/she approves it given the fact my ties to the U.S.A and years i lived there leagally and proof of rehabiltation.

  2. 14 minutes ago, debbiedoo said:

    dont get mad at us because you managed to get two felonies and a lifetime ban.


    even the most liberal of americans (myself included)  would say ' you had your chance and blew it'. 


    I can not imagine ANY country allowing you to immigrate and with a ban from the US, and the convictions, a tourist visa anywhere would be highly improbable too. 


    your parents will have to move to Armenia (if they want you to care for them) and you will have to adjust to the situation and make a life there, no matter how difficult it may be. 

    Im not getting mad im just stating IF someone offering up advice or making a statement they have knowledge of what they are saying and if they dont have that knowledge they come off ignorant.

  3. Hi i was living in the United States for 38 years i came there when i was 4 in 1980. I had a green card applied for citizenship in 1998 i went to prison in 1999 and was denied cirizenship i was released to ICE in 2003 Im from the former Soviet Union Armenia the IJ ordered me removed Armenia would not accept me because I was citizen of Soviet Union and was released on order of supervision and in 2009 I went to prison again for fraud and was given 10 years and this time after my prison tirn after several trys I was deported to Armenia which I have no family or friends all my family is in the United States and are U.S citizens My parents are eldely and my mom went into severe depression they need my help to be there Im their only son also I cant read or write the language here every single one of my immediate and non immediate family are U.S citizens how can i go back to support my family can anyone tell me if I got a chance and what ahould i do.

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