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Posts posted by PaulineA

  1. We applied for the green card and work authorization at the same time. Does anyone know which one gets processed faster? Should we get the green card first or the authorization for employment? Or, do they come together?

    Thanks for you help.

    It all depends, some people get the EAD first, and some get the green card first. If you get the green card before the EAD then the EAD is not needed as the green card allows for working and travel.

  2. People that don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.

    Hearing someones teeth clank against their eating utensils.

    Loud eating, and eating with mouth open.

    People that push past you without saying excuse me.

    People that don't hold a door open for you when you're just a foot away from them.

  3. Other than the entertainment value, is this thread serving any real purpose?

    I'm still looking for that one useful contribution to solving this dilemna. It seems people are intolerant of any type of relationship that doesnt match theirs. Making jokes and lewd remarks doesnt really help.

    If you don't know the answer by now, then you will never know.

  4. If a person lied constantly I wouldn't have anything to do with them. Especially if it was someone I was going to spend the rest of my life with. How could you spend your life with a liar? You can't trust a liar. When the trust isn't there then the relationship has unrepairable cracks. People say you can learn to trust that person again, but there comes a point when you must draw the line. And I don't believe that a persons country of origon excuses them from being a liar. No matter where you have been brought up, you should know right from wrong. Bottom line is that trust is an important part of a relationship IMO.

  5. does anyone know if having hernias can cause a problem with passing the medical and also I am overweight will they make anything of it?

    If our jabs are all up to date do they still do a blood test?

    This is a pinned link from the top of the UK forum regarding the UK medical:


    I doubt that being over weight will be an issue. You will most likely need to provide proof of a the jabs that you have had already. You can obtain a record of your jabs from wherever you had them done as a child.

  6. Hello, i need to go out this time because my husband is out until 9, this is my time..... i am in sacramento... please anybody knows that I can go to for a while until women shelter could get me on tuesday... thanks....

    Go to or call your local police station. They will be able to help finding you a place to stay. If you can't use your house phone, go and use a neighbors phone. Or find a nearby call box.

  7. Just interested about everyones perspective. IMO, you don't choose who you fall in love with. Whether the person is rich or poor doesn't matter, it's what's on the inside that counts. There was a survey on tv asking if people would rather marry a rich ugly person, or a poor good looking person that is what gave me the idea for this poll. Most votes were for poor and good looking. So, what do you all think? I know everyone here are already with or going to be with their spouse\future spouse. I'm talking hypothetically speaking here.

  8. Your husband should still be showing affection towards you no matter how much you weigh. Lose the weight if you want to, not for anyone else. And you are trying to lose it by going to the gym so I think he should at least appreciate your efforts. Maybe there is another problem in his life that you don't know about?

  9. Ive been taking care of Robin (ever since,IMO mother should) but Gary said he is old enough to do things for himself.I wake up at 5:00 to take care what he needs(breakfast and all).Since I take my walk or jogging in the morning I go and wait for the schoolbus with him.and Gary said that no mommy do that to their teenage kids.He said that kids here work and drive and know how to take care themselves.Also I notice that people here ( those I see and know) don't use umbrella even its raining,my friend fiance told her not to worry to get wet because rain here is no big deal for them and I hear that from Gary also.He told me that I'm not gonna melt and boys and men here don't carry umbrella. :huh: Ive been bugging Gary to buy me one and I get succeed (at last!! :dance: ) yesterday yay! :P ,its been raining this fast few days and Im worry about Rob.(here I go again), school bus stop is 2 blocks away from where we liveso if its rain he get wet before he get to bus and school.

    Am I exaggerated mom or a worry old fart here? :D

    I would rather wear a hood than carry an ubrella. I think you should ask your son how he feels about the situation since he's of an age where he can tell you. Good luck.

  10. Hi everyone. This is my first time here and I sure hope some of you can help me with my questions.

    I have been living here in the states for 6 years with my daughter. We are canadian by the way. My husband and I were married almost 3 years ago (September). He had started the process of getting us "legal". Iwas approved for the I130 but then he stopped when they sent papers stating that he needed to fill out to prove he could support us. The reason for that is he has his own business and has not filed taxes in a few years. Just so you know, he can support us VERY comfortably (has been for 3yrs. now).

    Now, my question is, where do we go from here? Do we need to start the whole process again?? Are there any different circumstances if you have been married more than 2 years?? Please, do not tell me that I have to go back while the process takes place.

    I need any suggestions, HELP that you guys can give me.

    My daughter and I haven't been back home (Canada) all this time and want to go badly (to visit only). PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!! :help:

    If your husband has not filed taxes then he will have to get his tax situation sorted out, or give a good explanation as to why he hasn't filed taxes in the past 3 years. Whether he can support you or not has no bearing on your application as he needs to provide tax returns in order to prove his income.

  11. quote

    1. On question 6./22.: currently employed:

    My husband is employed by the university during the semester. But since it's summer break right now, he has another job which in the end he'll have had for like 4 weeks (two more weeks starting today). Should we even list this job? Do we have to? The information won't be valid much longer. My husband is not going to meet the 125% requirement anyway either way. So what should we do?

    I would list any current employment even if he still doesn't meet the poverty requirement. You do not have to enter the information, but I think any form of income would be a help. That's what I would do anyway.

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