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Posts posted by PaulineA

  1. A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats.

    Benjamin Franklin

    If all pulled in one direction, the world would keel over.

    Yiddish proverb

    A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.

    Oscar Wilde

    In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

    - Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

  2. Would it be possible to lock your own thread if you wanted to? Is there some way that this could be done? VJ users would be able to lock their own thread...

    Just because you start a thread doesn't make it yours.

    No, obviously the thread "belongs" to the VJ site. I did not post a question to debate whether a thread belonged to a particular member just because they started the thread. So, what exactly is your point?

    I can only speak from my own POV being a moderator, but I do know that between the three of us there is generally someone around most of the time. I think what would be ideal is that rather than PMing one mod only, CC it to all three. Then at least one of us would see the PM and be able to act on it ASAP.

    Thanks Mags, that sounds like a good idea.

  3. Would it be possible to lock your own thread if you wanted to? Is there some way that this could be done? VJ users would be able to lock their own thread, but no other threads, only one's that they have started. I know moderaters can and obviously The Captain, but if they are not around and you want to close it right away, then I think the option to close your own thread would come in handy. Just a thought.

  4. Just wondering. I had a few problems when I first came to the US. I ended up with a pocket full of change as I would give notes, not being able to work out which coins to use for the correct amount. I kind of felt foolish asking my husband all the time at the check out what coins I should be handing over, so I just ended up giving notes. I have it all worked out now though. What about everyone else?

  5. I've bumped this thread back up because... when it first appeared I was still in the UK, and remember thinking 'who the hell is this Rachael Ray woman who seems to annoy so many people so much? Never heard of her...'.

    And then I arrived in the US. And I would just like to say that I think Rachael Ray is possibly the single most annoying person of all time. Even more so because she seems to be on every frigging TV channel, simultaneously... gaaaahhh!!

    Up 'til now, my vote for Most Annoying Person would have gone to 'that bloke off of CSI with the orange hair and the orange skin who is continually tilting his head in an annoying fashion' (I forget his name, but he irritates the hell out of me), but he has now been demoted to Second Most Annoying Person since my 'discovery' of Ms. Ray...

    There - just wanted to cast my vote - I knew I'd seen/heard the woman's name somewhere before, and finally remembered that it was in this very thread!

    I didn't watch Rachael Rays show, I saw some of it, that was enough. I realized how annoying she is when she started appearing in the coffee commercials. Yes, she's definetley top of the list of most annoying people.

  6. People are going on about the cost to execute these people. What about the cost to keep them in prison for 25 years or more? A life for a life is what I think, and the sooner the better. The whole world should have the death penalty, as I think even the threat of it would be a detterant for some criminals. JMO.

    It isn't a deterrent. Just look at crime rates for the 38 states with the DP vs the 12 that do not. The states with it have, on average, more violent crime per capita than states without the DP. If it were REALLY a deterrent, that would not be the case.

    Also, our justice system and our constitution DEMAND a high level of proof and a high quality defense,and capital defendants don't even get THAT. We are talking about taking away somebody's LIFE here. This is not something you can be flip about. You have to make damn sure that this is the guy...confessions don't mean sh!t, neither do eyewitness testimony, since it's the most unreliable evidence in any trial...and this process takes TIME. If it were you...wouldn't you want every opportunity to avoid the death penalty? What if it was your son on death row,or your husband? People forget that prisoners don't do time alone; their families do time too. What about them?

    Prosecuting a capital case is necessarily expensive. It HAS to be. Remember, we're talking about somebody's life here. The appeals process is necessarily expensive. Again, someone's LIFE. You can't just execute them a month after the sentence is handed down; this isn't Iraq or Saudi Arabia. Wouldn't you want the USA to have a better human rights record than countries where honor killings are condoned and hands are still cut off for stealing?

    Taking into account the average age of the death row inmate when sentenced and their life expectancy on death row (they die a lot younger than average, even if they're not executed) plus the difference in cost of prosecuting/defending a capital case vs first degree murder, it IS cheaper to incarcerate them for life. People way smarter than we are have already done the math.

    Well, I would have thought some people would think twice if they knew there own lives were at risk. But then again, murderers aren't right in the head, and I wouldn't expect them to think before murderering anyone. Yes its a LIFE we are talking about. The same as with the victims it's a LIFE we are talking about there too. Why do people sympathize with the criminal? If it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that they are guilty then they have to take whatever the justice system throws at them.

  7. People are going on about the cost to execute these people. What about the cost to keep them in prison for 25 years or more? A life for a life is what I think, and the sooner the better. The whole world should have the death penalty, as I think even the threat of it would be a detterant for some criminals. JMO.

  8. Which Age/Time Period of the past do You belong in?

    Space Age: 20th-21st Century

    Perhaps this is the Information Age or the Atomic Age… What can be said for sure is that man has and is embarking on fantastic things. Expectations and demand has moved passed efficiency and onto speed depth. This age offers stem-cells, gay marriage, and biological warfare. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way . . .” --Charles Dickens, A Tale Of Two Cities

  9. I am a smoker. I agree that it's obviously bad for you. But, why don't they make the same ads about consuming alcohol? Isn't one just as bad as the other? In fact, I would say alcohol is worse as ordinary cigarettes don't make you drunk when you have too much. Seriously, why don't they do ads about stopping drinking alcohol, and why is it continually advertised as a good thing to do. Haven't they heard of liver disease? Just my opinion.

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