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Mike E

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Everything posted by Mike E

  1. Do you recall this? Well, as of the September 2023 visa bulletin your future wife and you cannot file I-485. You needed to attend to this by August 15, 2023 to have had any chance at I-485. You might get good news this week with the October 2023 visa bulletin.
  2. No. And if you did that and if he submitted that document with N-400, because it would be dated in 2023 and not 2020 or earlier, there is a risk N-400 would be denied. Or worse. With a certified translation to English, it suffices. I advise you to review the I-130 you filed for your husband and submit the same marriage certificate and certified translation you submitted with I-130. If it was good enough for I-130, it will be good enough for N-400. Some people have had trouble with state drivers license and ID agencies using their foreign marriage certificate as a lawful change of name document. One new immigrant was forced to re-marry in Colorado (one of the states that allows two people married to each other to marry each other again).
  3. Was he entering the U.S. to work on a sailing vessel?
  4. Report him to the state bar. He is wrong. He is in good company, so many lawyers are. You have been instructed correctly by each contributor. It is truly sad that so many lawyers get basic issues of immigration law wrong. One wonders what use they would be when an N-400 interview goes off the rails.
  5. Given I-130 / I-485 requires a marriage certificate, it would be difficult to show an I-485 receipt to a busybody county clerk. The a answer is to get married in a county that does not require both parties to the marriage to have authorized presence. This includes an online marriage “in” Utah county which does not require leaving ones state of residence.
  6. I’ve written repeatedly they legally have to let you in. https://www.aila.org/File/Related/18110604b.pdf If CBP determines that you are a "returning resident," you should be processed quickly and admitted to the U.S. However, CBP will consider you an "arriving alien" if it determines that you: Have abandoned or relinquished your LPR status; Have been absent from the U.S. for a continuous period of more than 180 days; […] Right to a Hearing Before an Immigration Judge. An LPR who is deemed to be an "arriving alien," may be charged as removable from the United States. LPRs that are charged as removable have the right to a hearing before an immigration judge […] If CBP believes that you abandoned your U.S. residence and you refuse to sign a Form I-407, CBP must issue you a Notice to Appear (NTA) before an immigration judge who will determine if you have abandoned your U.S. residence. CBP cannot make this decision on its own […] If CBP believes that you abandoned your U.S. residence and you sign a Form I-407, you still have the right to request a hearing before an immigration judge. If CBP takes your permanent resident card, you have the right to other evidence of your LP status, such as a stamp in your passport. Now it is fine if you opt to believe you can legally be denied entry, but others in your situation reading this should realize that that the says otherwise. In your case, because you are married to a U.S. citizen, it is rather pointless of CBP process you as an arriving alien, because it knows your spouse and you are just going to file a new I-130/I-485 package.
  7. “Nonetheless, given the appalling costs that resulted from the U.S. invasion, it is worth asking whether an approach that allowed the Taliban to save face and remain true to their own beliefs might have produced better results for both Americans and Afghans: for example, exploring the possibility that the Taliban could be persuaded to deliver the AQ leadership to another Muslim country.” Has nothing to do with the U.S.’s involvement in Ukraine and this is deluded. U.S. shuda pounded the #### out of Taliban, killing every leader, and then left, with an annual tune up as needed, and then totally isolating the Taliban from the world economy. “it is therefore time to start developing a political strategy to end the fighting in Ukraine and the economic and political damage this is beginning to cause to vital U.S. allies in Europe.” IOW let Russia annex Ukraine. Not America’s choice. https://www.google.com/search?q=ruble+to+usd&rlz=1CDGOYI_enAT607US608&oq=ruble+to+&aqs=chrome.0.0i433i512j69i57j0i512l8.7130j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 “winning!”
  8. Not IME. I know for sure, Cook, Santa Clara, and Utah counties do not care. I doubt Clark (Vegas) county cares either. Could be your county is not an place for people who lack documents to get married in. Fortunately there are 100s of counties to pick from. I love this country: a veritable supermarket of marriage license choices.
  9. If she does not have a passport, what state does she live in?
  10. Why would a Russian citizen need a visa to visit Russia? @Dashinka
  11. What I wrote covers it. I’ve contributed all I can, and I don’t wish to argue or bicker, so I won’t post more in this thread.
  12. He might be boarded with the one printed from the website. Some have had success. Prepare for an I-193 fee.
  13. The party seems to be ending for extension letters to Mexico. I am 100 percent confident Canada accepts extension letters. 99 percent DR does. After that do your research on a specific country. https://www.visatraveler.com/blog/visa-free-countries-for-us-green-card-holders/ https://www.visatraveler.com/blog/travel-20-countries-visa-free-with-us-visa/
  14. I just have to keep the camera clean. It is behind the windshield. The wipers do the job, I suppose. I have never had autopilot refuse to work because of camera problems except when driving due west into a sunset or due east into a sunrise. I can see it now: Emerging ICE technology promises to reduce housing costs and change transportation and aerospace Imagine if you did not need a $100,000 electrical system and $300 / month electric bill to keep your car running? Well, Elon Musk, the founder of Petro-X, a company that mines a substance called “oil” at Giga Mines in Pennsylvania, Texas, and California, has the answer. “When we started Petro-X, our mission was focused on the problem of preventing kids in my mother’s homeland of Canada from freezing to death during electrical blackouts”. Musk is referring to Petro-X’s oil fueled backup electric generators that will keep an electric furnace running. “When we noticed some of our customers were using the generators all the time, we discovered it was cheaper for them than to pay the utility for electricity”. “So then we rolled out oil powered furnaces the skip the electricity generation for higher energy efficiency” ”Then we asked ourselves can we go from petroleum straight to energy in other ways?l And that way was a oil burning “internal combustion engine” aka ICE. “We retrofitted ICEs onto cars, and found greater efficiency because batteries literally weigh a ton and the equivalent energy in oil weighs under 200 pounds”. But in Musk’s ancestral land, there were problems. “Oil does not flow well when it gets cold, and the ICE would not start. We could use batteries to keep it warm but then we lose efficiency. But our chemists came to the rescue.” Petro-X figured out how to refine oil into a fuel called gasoline. “Gasoline, or just ‘gas’ as I like to call it, flows well at even -40 degrees.” The improved gas powered cars have already rolled out in Duluth Minnesota. Petro-X car owner Lars Hansen says: ”When it gets cold, my car battery would lose range just from sitting outside. With my gas car, the energy stays in the fuel tank.” But what about re-fueling? Musk has the answer. ”At first we thought about extending our home heating oil delivery service to deliver gasoline. But after too many fatal house fires, we realized we needed the car owners to come to us to safely refuel.” Petro-X is creating a network of “Super Fuelers” where car owners can refuel, aka “pump gas” ”At most it will take 15 minutes out of the day to ‘fill ‘er up’” At 10 miles per gallon (mpg) a Petro-X family sedan will get 200 miles of range. The result will be less demand on America’s power grid, and cheaper home prices. ”Think of it: the most expensive cost of a home today isn’t the walls. It is the electrical stuff: solar panels, batteries, 1000 amp electrical panels, copper wiring. We can reduce that cost from lver $100,000 to $10,000 less with gas cars, and oil powered home heating, stoves, and ovens. And use the oil generator for the AC compressor” Home builders are already talking about a concept called “multi family housing”, where homes would be stacked upon each other, as high as 5 levels, using a new material called ‘steel’ made possible with the high temperatures that petroleum can produce. ”If you don’t need solar panels, you don’t need a roof for every home. Remember, the main reason we have roofs is to keep us dry, not to capture energy. I feel we have lost sight of that. Not everyone needs a 7000 square foot house. These big homes have forced us to have too few people in this country. I think 30 million is too low. For our American race to survive, we need at least 100 million people. I get stared at for having 3 kids. I want at least 5 or 6. But Musk’s vision does not end there. “It takes 300 hours to fly coast to coast in a hot air air ship (blimp). While our oil burning heat exchanger has allowed air ship lines to reduce passenger ticket prices because we don’t need heavy batteries now, we are prototyping winged aircraft the are propelled by a gas ICE turning a fan that blows air. We think we can fly LA to NY in 30 hours.” Musk is also looking to revolutionize space by going back to an old idea: rockets. ”When the West learned of Chinese gunpowder rockets, it improved the idea by using gun powder to fire cannon balls. Now we use cannons to put satellites in space and deliver nuclear war heads to spread democracy. But in principle can use refine oil to make fuels that are higher energy than gasoline to lift multi stage rockets into space, and maybe even deliver payloads to the moon. And, hear me out, we could put humans in space with the power of oil!”
  15. Pick the most convenient consulate or embassy. If that office does not do IR-1 interviews, NVC will assign the case to an office that does.
  16. Lol Experience does matter with complex cases. A lawyer wiith decades of experience either blew it on such a case, had DIY client who blew it, or heard of a colleague who blew it. Was your spouse your petitioner for your GC? Visit this tool: https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship-resource-center/learn-about-citizenship/naturalization-eligibility any time you think you are eligible to verify if you are eligible. In addition of your “resident since date” on your GC was incorrect, use the correct date when using the above tool. Finally, if on or before the date of your N-400 interview, you reach your 5 year anniversary as an LPR, request to amend your N-400 to the 5 year rule so that your case uses simpler adjudication.
  17. 6 months is not 180 days though. Indeed, lawyer Hacking’s wife had a case where she made the argument that 6 months is actually 182 days, and she won. Unless you can afford her, start thinking in terms of 179 days. Yes. There is no reset. Any continuous absence of more than 180 days both elevate’s CBP’s suspicion you abandoned LPR status as well as interrupts your 5 year requirement for continuous residence before applying to naturalize. So if you are gone September 2023 to April 2024, you have exceeded 180 days. In addition the way the N-400 form is written, you have to highlight absences that are more that 179 days. 1. Any single trip with a continuous absence of more than 180 days risks LPR status 2. Any single trip with a continuous absence of more than 180 days resets the 5 year naturalization clock 3. Any single trip with a continuous absence of more than 179 draws extra scrutiny on form N-400 4. LPRs must spent more days inside the U.S. than outside to keep LPR status as well as to naturalize. Simply coming back to the U.S. for a day after a 180 day absence and repeating that pattern will inevitably draw a warning from CBP. A sure way to comply with this rule is: * upon becoming an LPR, before going on a trip expected to last T days, stay in the U.S. for at least S days, where S = T + 1 * when returning from a trip of T days, do not go another trip of A days, for at least R days where R is the larger of T+1 or A+1 * T <= 180 * A <= 180 5. To avoid RFEs for purposes of naturalization, spend over 2/3s of your time in the U.S. Thus: * upon becoming an LPR, before going on a trip expected to last T days, stay in the U.S. for at least S days, where S = 2 * T + 1 * when returning from a trip of T days, do not go another trip of A days, for at least R days where R is the larger of 2 * T + 1 or 2 * A + 1 * T <= 179 * A <= 179 6. Maintain a lease, mortgage, or deed on a dwelling in the U.S. while absent from the U.S.
  18. If your wife’s child (her grandchildren’s parent) a U.S. citizen who lives a a abroad with the grandchildren?
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