We are AZ residents, retired, and our taxable income is zero (when stock market crashes 20 percent, combined with onerous alimony from a pre-2017 divorce) that is what happens to an early retiree) and healthcare.gov kept sending us to state medicaid.
And AZ state medicaid said no each time. Not sure what the exact reason was as the rejection letters were dozens of pages long.
I did not care, so the third time I set my income to a level high enough that the medicaid and ACA subsidies rabbit holes were avoided. Finally I could enroll in the cheapest PPO I could find: $1200 each per month.
Maybe at tax time next year we will get some insurance premiums back or maybe we will not. When I imported my wife to the U.S. i assumed this what health
care would cost.
Given the GOP controls both chambers of the legislature, do not AZ medicaid to be available.