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Jennifer C.

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  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Potomac Service Center
  • Local Office
    Miami FL
  • Country
    South Korea

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  1. After 892 days, my spouse's I-751 application was finally approved. No biometrics, no interview, no RFE. Just silence for 2.5 years then approval. He literally just got his second I-551 stamp in the mail 5 days ago (he misplaced his actual card right after we applied so we've been using those for travel). We really weren't planning on getting approved soon. So relieved. He won't be filing for citizenship so this marks the end of our Visa Journey that started back in 2018. I'm grateful to this forum for keeping us sane for all of that time. 🙏🏽
  2. Their new cycle time goals are tied to every form under the sun but the I-751, so that likely explains why they've been de-prioritized. https://www.uscis.gov/newsroom/news-releases/uscis-announces-new-actions-to-reduce-backlogs-expand-premium-processing-and-provide-relief-to-work This lines up with the historic processing time data trends (2018-2023). I-751 taking longer: N-400 being prioritized (trying to meet that new 6 month cycle time goal): If I was an officer and my performance was based on those metrics, I'd do the same. Lmk if I'm off base with this. Got my spouse's 48-month extension letter today (YSC). Getting ready to sit tight for another year.
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