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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. His comment will probably be blamed on his "friend" using his laptop...again! :rolleyes:

    U know...this friend excuse btw...:) What are the chances that his "friend" randomly entering this forum knew that words like "d!ick" will not be displayed if spelled right ????:) Is that all the forums principle? :))))) or does he just like randomly using exclamation marks? :)

    Us!ng a random exclamat!on po!nt !s a grow!ng ep!dem!c on forums! !t somet!mes cannot be controlled! ! th!nk ! m!ght have been !nfected w!th !t now! :o

  2. It's funny how our system works here. You make a mistake, you pay for it. If the government makes a mistake, you pay for it. :angry:

    I hope it is just a simple keyboard error on their part and they can correct it easily for you! If you received a notice from them in the mail, see if there is a number to contact on there. I am sure you will receive more input on this from other users.

  3. hello everyone me and my fiance is just getting started and we would love any pointers or help that anyone has to offer ....i am us citizen and my future husband is from morocco

    thank you so much kim and khalid :help:

    Hello! Welcome to VJ! First, you should read the guides and the Visa FAQ pages of this website. If you follow the guides carefully, you should have no problem doing the K-1 on your own. If you anticipate any legal problems that may affect your petition for your fiance's visa, you may want to seek legal advice from a qualified immigration attorney. I would seriously familiarize yourself with everything pertaining to apply for a K-1 visa and you should do fine! Good luck! :thumbs:

  4. I wrote my personal check to "Department of Homeland Security" and not "US Department of Homeland Security" is that ok?

    Also, I moved in the past couple months and my checks still have my old adress on them, should that be a problem?


    Your check should cash fine without having "US" in front of the "Department of Homeland Security". If you've moved in the past couple of months, I hope you have let you bank know about the change of address. Your cancelled checks and statements will be returned to them if the new person at the address does not throw it away.

  5. Has anyone printed their chat sessions from Yahoo Messenger? Sao and I both tried to print a few of our chat sessions and all it will print is one page. Anyone having the same problems and if you did, were you able to print more than one page? :unsure:

    Aprreciate your help on this small matter.


    Sure. I print mine all the time! If you have the chat sessions logged, you will have to open up the Message Archive where they are all kept. You will see the sessions of each person you've chatted with. That is if you set the option to log chat sessions. If you click on their folder name, you should see all the sessions from each date. If you click on any of the dated sessions, you will have to then "Save" the session somewhere onto your computer. It will only save it as a text file, "Notepad". It won't be bright and colorful and have all those little emoticons except for how they are typed on a keyboard. You should be able to print the entire session after you have saved it. Good luck!

  6. Hi Elena! Relax! Take a deep breath! Exhale! I'm sure there is a solution to the what you're asking. Where are you going to after May 30th? I believe at the USCIS website, you make the change of address through their website. I'm looking now about if changing consulates is done the same way. It can't be difficult. I'll look a little more. Hopefully, someone will come along and provide more information for you. Don't freak out on us! ;)

  7. I am preparing to send in my I 129F and have 5 emails and a birth cert that I translated from spanish to english do I need to write at the bottom of each translated doc that I am fluent in both languages and translated them to the best etc....or can I just attach to the back one general statement this signed statement for all?



    Something related to this was brought up the other day. Official documents, such as your birth certificate, divorce decrees, etc., must be translated by a certified translator. It was mentioned that it is best to check your embassy's website for actual confirmation on which official documents need to be translated by a certified translator.

  8. Ok

    Here is my question, my fiance and I have been self employed, duel members of an LLC for almost the last 2 years. We were told not to put it on the application because the ...oh Catholic Charities people said it didnt matter.

    Now I wonder about some of the advice they gave us

    The whole thing boils down to making sure the person you are petitioning for a fiance(e) will not become a public charge once they are here. The government wants to make certain you are able to provide adequate financial support. Petitioners for the K-1 will need to prove they do meet the 2007 Federal Poverty Guidelines. If you are able to show that you are, you've met the requirement. If you do not meet that poverty guideline, you can use your assests or have a co-sponsor for the visa. I think it's great you are working in the same LLC. Unfortunately, I do not believe they will include her income. It is usually just the petitioner. I could be misinformed about this since the two of you are duel members of a LLC. I hope there will be more input on this situation for you from people in a similiar situation as yours or has already gone through it.

    As far as what you read from this forum or what you hear from Catholic Charities, you should always research further to confirm advice. People on here are not immigration lawyers. If you are unsure, you may want to contact a competent immigration attorney.

  9. I am a Sub "S" corp. The profits from my biz go to my W2. I can not get my personel tax returns untill the company returns are complete. We are not going to file untill the deadline in Sept.

    I do not have any problem meeting the minimum income requirements so that is not an issue. I can show all my bank statements, checking and saving as well as my investment accounts as well as payroll stubs from the biz. I am not going to be able to provide end of year tax statements for 2006 untill who knows when.

    I'm a sole proprietorship. I am not familiar with "S" corporations. Hopefully, someone will come along soon and offer a little more to you. I know for sure that meeting the financial requirement is the same for all of us. I see on here sometimes people stating their "business" makes more than the adequate amount required. The one thing that is pointed out, it's not the business petitioning for the visa, it's the person. Now, it all comes down to "proving" it to the embassy when the time is right.

  10. Well it's all finally over, Myrna and I are officially no more.

    The person I met and fell in love with was not the real Myrna, what turned out to be the real person was a deceitful, unfaithful woman who is and has been on a self desctructive path virtually her whole adult life (her words, not mine).

    Now comes the hard part of mending my broken heart and rebuilding my life.

    I would like to thank everyone on this site for their help in the past and their kind words of support during all the uncertainty over the past few weeks

    Best wishes to all those on the journey, one which I will no longer be taking.

    Good luck and God Bless


    Sorry to hear the news. You're obviously a good man who believes in his heart. You certainly deserve much better than what you had been dealt. Never give up hope. It's easy to say now. But soon a truly wonderful person will come into your life and all will be better than ever expected! I know I say this on behalf of many people on here, "We hope to see you back soon!". Best of luck to you and remember this, "That which doesn't destroy you, will only make you stronger". :thumbs:

  11. We got the list of doctors & forms from the Internet & she did the medical last week.

    Your replies are very chaotic! I cannot tell who you are replying to without having to jump back over a lot of posts to see where which person your reply is directed. I am curious, from what I've read about the medical for interview. It's supposed to be completed at a designated medical facility by the consulate/embassy fairly close to the date of the interview?

  12. Oh I am doing the finishing 2005, personal and self employed, 2006 personal and self employed.

    Have a self employed question to ask, but I dont want to ask in the open forum and really only want to ask someone who has strong strong knowledge about the K-1 process and employment.


    It's always best to ask in an open forum. If anyone is saying something to you that may be incorrect, it allows other people the opportunity to point out what may be incorrect advice you are receiving. Or others can add something that may be beneficial to you. Never be afraid to ask something! We're all going through the same process and trying to reach the same goal together! :thumbs:

  13. I am a Feb. filer thru CSC. I have a while to wait, our interview could or should be in August.

    My question: I am self employed and due to some last minute changes in the tax law, many companies are having to file for an extension on filing their taxes. I am one of them. I will not recieve my tax returns for the 2006 year untill after September. If my interview is in August or September my most recent return will be for the 2005 year. Is that going to cause me problems? If so I want to start on an alternative plan now as these things can take a long time to resolve. I will get my timeline up when I have something to post. as of now CSC recieved our papers on Feb. 2nd, since then it has been the usual, nada!

    Another self-employed person like me. I'll share with you what I know to help you. Give your fiance(e) copies your last 3 tax returns. To make up for not having 2006 taxes by the time you're expecting the interview, back it up with copies of your bank statements. Include the extension filed. You never know, you may get your 2006 tax returns back in time to give a copy to your fiance(e) for the interview. And if you meet the 2007 Federal Poverty Guidelines, you may not need to use the copies of bank statements. If you do not meet the required amount it states for your situation, you can use assests or you may have to find a co-sponsor. I gave my fiancee the last 3 years of tax returns and all of last year's bank statements. I will be sending her this year's bank statements also. So she would have them on hand for her interview when the time rolls around. Even though I did meet the 2007 Federal Poverty Guidelines.

    As always, I tell people to research further. If in doubt, seek the expert advice of an immigration lawyer.

  14. I now realize that I may not have provided sufficient proof of relationship on my K1 visa app. I provided three photos of us, one each from each of our trips to meet each other. I dated the photos and specified the location taken, however, after reading this site, it appears that may not be sufficient.

    Assuming that additional proof of relationship is going to be asked of me, is it something that I can provide in advance, or do I have to wait until requested? In other words, can I supplement my petition right now (before being asked)? Is this wise?

    Also, does the level of proof of relationship required vary by country? In other words, do certain countries raise more "red flags"?

    Your passport stamped with dates of arrival(s) and departure(s) from her country when you visited her, boarding passes, flight itineraries, and hotel receipts are a good start to begin gathering them. I'm sure you will receive more input from many more people on here.

  15. If the fiance is here on a valid, legally obtained work visa, there's really not going to be a problem unless someone had the ability to fabricate an entire US corporation that could obtain the work visa and no employment actually existed - which I'm going to go ahead and assume is no where NEAR what the OP is asking about here. And I'm not sure what the met-within-2-years requirement has to do with the work visa question. All they have to have done for the K1 is to have been in the same geographic place together within the last 2 years. Not met as in formally introduced to each other, etc. And that requirement is for K1 which presumes the fiance is not currently present in the US. If the fiance were legally present under a valid work visa, then there'd be no K1 process, just an adjustment of status.

    What the OP is talking about is not an attempt at visa fraud. A relationship with an American does not foreclose a foreign citizen's ability to seek a work visa to obtain employment. There are plenty of requirements and checks for legitimacy under those visa application procedures. We're trying to compare apples and oranges without the benefit of formal agricultural training, if you follow my analogy.

    Sure I follow the analogy. I live in an agricultural region. :P

    As I had said, "I would consult an immigration attorney if you really wish to find out other alternatives". :yes:

  16. So I'm just about to send off my I-129F Petition for a fiancee visa and was wondering... if my fiancee could (I realize it's difficult but possible) get a job in the States, how would this compare to the K-1 fiancee visa? For example, if she was working in the States could we get married and then could she remain there? Does that make it much more complicated? I was just thinking about the different options and want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. Any thoughts would be appreciated :)


    The suggestion you're making is considered to attempt visa fraud. If your fiancee was to come here on a work visa and THEN you two had met after her arrival, that would be a completely different story entirely. Since you two do know each other and are engaged, I think you would have to create a ton of lies to say how you've actually met in the last 2 years, etc. Getting caught lying on the visa application would quite possibly get the visa denied. I know it's a long process. Some thinks are just worth the wait to do it the right way.

    I would consult an immigration attorney if you really wish to find out other alternatives.

  17. I hope activism groups aren't watching this thread and get any bright ideas! That will give them an idea to lobby for some political reform to be "politically correct", so that future birth certificates not have a gender indicated. This way a person can choose which gender a person think they should be. And not with what nature has obviously gave a person's body to tell if the person is "male" or "female"! :bonk:

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