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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. Wow - you really take things at face value! :blink: I would so prefer people keep the really detailed details out of posts here. There's just no way for any of us to know what's true or not.

    As I had said, "Whether or not it happened". What you read was quite "mild" to what I should have written about a person of such vindictive character. The ex-mother-in-law did receive the benefit of doubt. :lol:

  2. Her mother then barged through the bedroom door where I was talking to her and rushed towards me all crazy like. Thats when I tossed water in her face and ran out of the house. The next morning I found out her mom then called the police and claimed that I "broke in" to the home and had even "hit" her daughter (my ex wife) which is all crazy and didnt happen.

    The problem is, after the incident my wife decided she was gonna leave me for the other guy so her mother made her file a DVO (domestic violence order) against me, so technically I have some sort of domestic violence misdemeanor in my past.

    Sorry I had to cut your post a little. I cannot stand people who create false allegations like this against anyone. Whether or not, it happened. I've seen this kind of garbage happen too many times in real life. I hope the lady chokes on a huge #######! :yes:

  3. Thats ok, no hard feelings here, we're all in the same position here looking for the same thing. When I said that "taking this too serious" I meant about posting and replying questions and not about the K-1 process, of course she's worth it. Just to be too harsh to others and if its really a dumb question, then dont answer it, let someone else do it that way you feel that you gave someone a lesson for not investigating enough and go on and asnwer a more "intelligent" question. Good luck to you and to all of those who are filling.

    None of us here ever used the word "dumb". Never did any of us say you were asking dumb questions. Nor did we ever call you dumb. :unsure:

  4. 1. We're not married yet, but we could be. Is it easier to apply for a K1 and then marry, or would it be better to marry first, and then apply for a K3?

    A K-1 appears to be a much faster process for unwed couples trying to be together in the USA as soon as possible. With a K-3, you must be married. it is a little longer process because there appears to be more to prove the relationship is legitimate. So it won't bring you together faster.

    2. She works full time, but is a college student. Would this have any effect on the affadavit of support? Her parents would be willing to co-sign if necessary.

    With her being the USC, she needs to be able to prove that she makes 125% above the Federal Poverty Guidelines. If not, she will need a co-sponsor for the visa. Which would more than likely be her parents if they wish to do so.

    Also, if anybody knows about the process for having her join me in Canada, would that be easier? We're not terribly concerned with where we are, we just want to be together.

    I don't know anything about the process for Canada. Maybe someone will come along and help out.

  5. Im still pretty new to this site, Havent visited much lately, although I know i should be sitting here doing nothing but reading for hours on end...ha ha

    Anyways, my financee lives in the UK and he sends me money sometimes to help out with the bills here ,,,, will whoever checks us out see that, and therefore deny us because of it..... its not like its a huge sum of money

    Just checking :help:

    It is a weird question. His money is his to give to you if he wishes. I am certain you are not the only one who has money sent to their fiance(e). Nothing the government can say about it. It looks like something you can use for evidence. Keep the transaction records with your names on them for proof of on-going relationship. :yes:

  6. GOOD LUCK!!!

    Hey, what happened to the HUGE pink words you usually post? :lol:

    Unfortunately, we have members who have a problem with me giving others congratulatory messages and good luck messages to people. I feel very sorry for them. They seem to lack souls, and respect.

    I always have my sunglasses on hand whenever I enter any thread. Guess I won't need them now :blush:

  7. There, there... don't take as seriously as well. I was just saying that when I was a first timer here, old timers snapped at me because I posted a "dumb" question without reading the GUIDES. When I read your post and thought altimixdj was kind of "harsh" to you, I suddenly remembered when I was in your position. VJ is indeed a community of helpful people but you will still need to do some reading and exploring to learn more about VISA journey.

    You will be fine! Just keep it cool! :thumbs: And good luck with your own life's journey!


    Hi Mae,

    You may as well save some energy typing out psalms of inspirational visa forum advice on this one. Reading everything and understanding the responses, I've come to understand one clear, universal truth. You can show a child what toilet is and how to use it. But it's up to the child if they want to remain in the diaper or not. There are other analogies. But you get the point. ;)

    I am just going to let the dude be and watch how other people are going to respond to questions he will ask. :D

  8. Welcome to Ukraine! That's what I have to say whenever I'm there and have to deal with strange things like you had described. It's become quite common practice to have bribe cops, etc. When I was there last month, I got jacked by the cops while walking down the street with my fiancee. All for the sole purpose because they could and it was obvious I was not a national there. They wanted to see my passport, but I would only give them a copy of it. They wanted to take me the station. I told both the cops I would give them $10 each. And if they didn't want what I offered, then to take me to the station. But I would not give them my original passport. They took the money and left because they knew if I reached the station, they weren't going to get anything from me. If they would have gotten ahold of my original passport, they could've extorted $200 or more from me. I'm glad I took the advice of my friend that lives there to never give up my passport!

    Men traveling there, this is good advice to know. It is legal to give only a copy of your passport to the cops. Stick $50UAH ($10USD) in it and keep it with you at all times! :yes:

  9. so just let her cool off and think it over? I know her parents keep telling her to be with me, they already treat me as their son. Does that make matters worse, since the pressure being put upon her?

    Will she come back to me and want me to start the procedure? I know she has a heart for me, its just she worry about so many things.....especially being marriage is risky and takes a lot of committment....and she is a generally shy person and has a hard time to express herself. Her english is okay, she is able to understand quite a bit, but has a hard time to speak it. I am able to speak chinese to her though.

    Her parents saying something to her is one thing. You saying something to her is another. They are the people who brought her into this world and who she's listened to all of her life. The parents will speak with their daughter as they always have. They probably know her best and what to say to her to comfort her and give her reassurance.

    I cannot tell you if she would want to come back and start the proceedure with you. It is up to her to make that decision. All things happen for a reason. Maybe she realized that having to get married means having to give up a lot of things she's just not ready to give up yet at this time. Just let her mull over her thoughts. Her parents will more than likely help her straighten things out. Keep yourself busy finding things to do so you don't work yourself into a wreck until that time. :yes:

  10. Your girl is probably scared. I am sure just the thought of culture shock is overwhelming. Everything she's ever known, she will be leaving behind and having to learn everything all over again. But in a different place and culture. I know how I felt when I first stepped of the plane in Ukraine. I looked around and was not expecting things to look as they did. No one spoke English either. Talk about a culture shock! It sounds like that may be her situation. Give her a little time to think about what the reasons she's told you. I would call her back later and tell her what is in your heart. Try not to pressure her. It may scare her even more.

  11. I need help, she recently changed her mind and told me to not send in the forms.....now she is worried about so many things about this precedure. She is saying she will have a hard time adapting in the US. Also, she is saying that marriage is risky, a lot of pressure, and a lot of committment. She is wondering if we can even get along once married or will we have problems because of cultural differences and such. Another problem is she is very shy and very to herself (wants to have everything her way), sometimes she has a hard time to express herself. She wants to split up and doesn't feel like getting married. Her parents and relatives all want her to be with me, but what to do? :crying:

    Anything I can do? :help:

    Sorry to hear about this happening. I know it is tough. I wish I had advice to give you. But maybe she needs a little time to be certain this is what she wants. Is there any chance of you going to visit her? I don't want to seem personal, but how long have you 2 been dating?

  12. You guys take this forum thing way too serious :blink: Maybe some day i'll be helping out a new Vj member who is worried about his/her K1 and answering some "dumb" questions but it will never annoy me in such way like some people. This site is for a specific purpose: to help others, just like it says under VisaJoruney.com "YOUR FAMILY IMMIGRATION COMMUNITY" i cant imagine when a family member asks you for help, lol!

    You should be taking it serious as well. That's the point of it all! If you don't want to take this life-changing situation seriously, then why bother trying to bring your fiancee here? Is she not worth it? Is this not a serious enough situation for you and her? I saw you yesterday trying to help a new VJ member. I complimented you on it.

    The only annoyance with the questions is that if you had taken the time to read any of the helpful information on this site, you wouldn't have to post the same question 3 times in 1 hour, "How much is the fee again?". All the threads you have started, we can all see and read right in your member profile. I've started 3 threads since joining here. It was to ask questions about things the guides did not cover. That was about self-employment for my situation. Yes, this site has a specific purpose to help others. But does this site have the specific purpose for everyone to provide answers to almost every question on the forms for another person? We are a community here. When we see someone is not trying to shortcut every little thing and they ask a question, people here are more than happy to help out.

    Listen, I thought it would help you out having a little motivation. I can't give to you what you don't want. Take the shorter path if it suits you. Best of luck! :wacko:

  13. Ah, but what do you do when THEY cop an attitude with you first? That has happened to me before, totally uncalled for and believe me...my southern belle status went out the window on that one. If they want sweetness and kind words, they damn well better give the same in return. After all, it's my money for the ticket that in some way pays their salary.

    If a worker starts off with an attitude with you at first, call him on it and ask him why before you decide to unload on him. Better yet, say to him, "I'm fine today. How are you?" He may be having a bad day. He may have just soiled himself, someone probably gave him a bad time on the phone, etc., and his esteem could be pretty low at the moment. We never know what another person is feeling when we can't look them in the eye. Maybe just by asking him something simple, it will break the rudeness and they will respond better to you. I know it works for me! ;)

    If it continues, go right over his head to a supervisor or CEO. Grab the employee's name if you can to report it. ####### does roll downhill.

  14. Oh dear, my friend works for an airline and she told me that if you are very nice and sweet, the airline workers will help you. She said they will go out of their way as long as the customer is nice and doesn't cop an attitude. She told me if someone gets snotty or belligerent that they, (the airline workers) will not help at all and sometimes will mess you up. She said it is not only her airline but all the airlines are like that. So my advice is to stay calm through it all, pour it on thick, (even though you'd rather tell them to go to #!#@) and hope that they will be helpful.

    This is absolutely correct! Being nice goes a long ways! Throwing down the attitude doesn't do a bit of good. As having 2 businesses myself, I do not put up with anyone's attitude. I don't believe in "the customer is always right". It's too bad that people still believe in that mumbo-jumbo phrase. :lol:

  15. Well said then :thumbs: and my apology. I guess I had some kind of flash back when old timers snapped at me because I "annoyed" them and to think it was my first and only time to post back then. :lol: After that, I followed their rules "READ THE GUIDES" and learned and now, kind of giving out advices to those who are somewhat "lost" with the whole thing.

    Peace! :luv:


    Bingo! I couldn't have said it better myself! :thumbs:

    No need for apologies. Maybe this guy will see what you've written and it will give him inspiration to do the same :yes:

  16. Come on guys... don't be too harsh... If you're annoyed that the OP didn't take time to read the GUIDES and preferred posting queries, you need not to reply and let others do it...

    I've been snapped at too here at VJ when I was a newbie and it felt bad...

    I wasn't trying to be harsh. Actually, trying to help him realize and understand what he's doing. I personally can see he's bouncing all over the place and not paying much attention and taking shortcuts just by what I am reading what he's written in all the threads he's started. In a thread he started yesterday, he said he hasn't submitted his 129F yet, but he's asking questions and what to write on the form 134? If the GUIDES were read and followed, he wouldn't be asking about what to write on a form 134 at this point. It's not needed until much, much later. Provided if he can get his 129F approved. :D

    I guess I shouldn't care. It's his visa. If he wants to take shortcuts and screw it up for himself, only to go back and recorrect all the mistakes or missed requirements, we should all just sit idly by and let him do it. This is why I had said he's doing a great inservice to himself and his fiancee.

  17. Firstly.....let me say I don't think it's bad AT ALL that the OP has delayed sending his I129F out until he had a grip on what's ahead of him further down the road.

    I absolutely agree. I've tried to give OP and others messages of encouragement to read about what they are actually involved in. When they jump from thread to thread just posting questions and waiting for anyone to answer them. It makes it too easy and people really aren't doing them a favor. With these people taking shortcuts, they are doing a big inservice to themselves and their foreign fiancee/spouses.

    As my signature says...

  18. Hi all -

    New guy here...

    I am just about all set to submit the I-129F and the G-325As.

    My question is:

    Can I have my Fiancee send me signed, but otherwise blank, copies of her G-325A and I fill out the information for her? It will be pretty obvious that the handwriting is mine and would hate for the application to be delayed or rejected because I filled it out and she "just" signed it.

    Other than that - wow! It's great to see that we are not alone and that others are going through this crazy-long process as well.

    Looking forward to your replies and correspondence =)


    I see this question alot, my question is, if they have the form and sign it, why cant they fill it out? Am I the only one who made my man fill it out and write his letter of intent (although I think we did this wrong, I said why we are perfect for each other, and his was a drop dead love letter. ....made me cry.. :)...anyway, so whats up, is it the english that kicks them? I am sure it would help to have the form in their own language, translation is really hard.

    And your answer to the question is what? Huh?

    In the interest of expediting everything (since the mail takes apprx 1 week from Asia) she signed it and put it in the mail so we could compile all the info and double check it before submitting it in the meantime. Her English is perfect but every saved week and day is something.

    Sure. She could send you blank G325's with her signature on it.

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