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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. Hey guys can I join the party?I heard it is quite nice there in the summer :dance:

    Sure! Why not? We don't know for sure. If Elena has to wait out her HRR, we were guessing that myself and her fiance would be near the area around the same time as I am going to get my fiancee. If it's possible, we may all meet up together. If you ever get a chance, definitely hit up the Black Sea during the summer! The place I enjoyed was in the southern most part of Ukraine called Yalta. It reminded me of Hawaii with no palm trees or the high cost. Absolutely beautiful! ;)

  2. I completely agree. I am in the real estate industry, people ask, wow how will this affect my taxes, is this legal to do. They basically want my 10 years worth of experience to give them some advice or worse yet to type a contract for them. I'm cool with helping, however without a consistant interjection...Im not a lawyer and this isnt legal advice...however........without saying that, you can actually be charged with practicing law with out a license.

    I would think the "Important Disclaimer" on the bottom of each page of this site has outlined this site as stated, "Answers and comments provided on Visajourney.com Forums are general information, and are not intended to substitute for informed professional medical, psychiatric, psychological, tax, legal, investment, accounting, or other professional advice." :yes:

  3. I am new here and I just started the K1 Process. I am a USC and my fiancee and I have just completed these forms and are almost ready to submit.

    I would like to know how important the detail of completing this information is. It is very difficult to recall exact dates of when I moved into my last residence. I can remember when I moved to my current residence. It was 6 years ago when I moved into my last residence but the detail of which month escapes me. Also two of my fiancee's 5 jobs in the past 5 years were for short periods of time (one for 2 weeks, one for one day). She doesn't recall the exact dates.

    Do you suggest that she just leave those 2 jobs off the forms? Also if my prior address goes past five years is it acceptable to just put 5 years from now or just guess the approximate date? I have exhausted all of my resources to find this info.

    Any input with these types of experiences would be greatly appreciated.

    You have a while yet. The G-325 doesn't need to be filed until after the NOA2. As far as the dates of employment all I can say is; make sure the last five years are all accounted for. As far as the two week job and the one day job, well, again just make sure all time is covered; one day jobs, personally I wouldn't put down on the form. Sorrry to be so vague. Remember, I don't really think anyone goes back to check employment history of the SO, but I could be wrong. Maybe other people here will know more. Also, again the G-325 doesn't need to be filed with the petition. I hope I was some help.


    Sorry to interject here. But if you're referring to form G-325A, it must be submitted with the I-129F Petition for Alien Fiance(e). They do need to be completed by both the petitioner and beneficiary. Please refer to the GUIDE section on filing for a K-1 Visa. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...mp;page=k1guide

  4. What does the term filing mean?

    It seems like a lot of people take filing to mean the date that they receive their NOA1 (ie, "I mailed my petition in February, but it looks like I'll actually be a March filer), but I was under the impression that filing is the date you mail the petition. Like taxes, right? You have to file by April 17th, which just means that it has to be postmarked by then.

    I took the filing date as the date it was marked at the service center when first received. Other people may think differently. But I sent my I-129F in February. But it was noted received and added to the service center system as March 2nd. That makes me a March filer. Hope it make sense to ya!

  5. maybe we should just go back to my ignorant question..

    You're right marieke. But I don't think you asked an ignorant question. I wish we could have our choice of service centers where to send the I-129F. Unfortunately, you must send it to the appropriate service center within your jurisdiction. If you go to the USCIS website, you can easily find which service center you need to send your I-129F. Best of luck to you!

  6. What's funny is, why bother advertising your actual job or career if you're not offering any advice or expertise? Personally, I can say with my brother being a lawyer, I'm not impressed at all with his ability to boast about such a thing either. Let alone trying to talk over everyone's head and his relentless willingness to voice his "both sides of the fence" legal opinion to everyone within earshot of his voice. I easily sum it up to him by saying, "If a convicted killer is exonerated based on a minor technicality, freed to roam the streets, and kills an innocent person...thank a lawyer for making it possible". No offense! :lol:

  7. I am an attorney - but I am *not* an immigration attorney and I am *not* your attorney. I am absolutely not offering legal advice here.

    You forgot your Copyright clause in your signature and the fact nobody cares if you are an attorney. The VJ Terms of Service already addresses attorney disclosures. Lawyers and their egos. We're all happy for you, :dance: , but get over yourself.

    Freaking hilarious! :lol:

  8. http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/info/info_1296.html

    This page contains info on obtaining waivers for J1's. Scroll down to the bottom and open the next to the last link, which will open a PDF. Go to page 11 and read the first 'Miscellaneous Question'.

    Thank you for the link..I hate to be skeptical but Mike needs lower his optimism...I sent him the link and the "proof" that it does not matter if I studied in Bulgaria or not...I have to be in Moldova. However, since I only have to "serve" 4.5 months, I dont think I should apply for a waiver....it might take way more than 4 months...MPGPM was right...

    Thank you very much for clarfying my confusion

    So you are gonna have to wait it out after all? :o

    Well, as we had talked about, maybe we can all meet up on the Black Sea and do some celebrating together before Mike and I bring you lovely Eastern European ladies to join us in the US! :dance:

  9. Im just curious as to how many of you used a lawyer. I didnt and now im wondering if I should have. I sent off the paperwork in Feb. and recieved the letter stating they received our petition. Now, we are just waiting for the next step. Im just worried that they could send it back if we didnt do it right. Also, what is NOA1 or NOA2. Ive seen that posted a few times and was curious. As you can see, im new here.

    Thanks :no: :no:

    Most of here didn't use lawyers. There were no legal situations or complications for myself or fiancee that would have prompted me to utilize the services of an immigration attorney. I was fortunate enough to find this site and forum before starting the paperwork. I had most of it prepared before I visited my fiancee in February. After I returned home, it went out the next day after I had more evidence to support my petition.

    Best thing to suggest is reading over the GUIDES and Visa FAQ to see what the next step is you're going to take. Welcome to VJ!

  10. Hey all,

    I see that in some timelines of VJers here, that they actually recieved their NOA1 before their check was cashed. How do you know that, since you don't have the reciept no. yet? I thought the receipt no. should be on the back of your cashed check? Sorry if I'm asking a redundant question, but I'm really confused.... :unsure: ..........Thanks! :)

    We were able to see the cashed check with our online banking accounts. The number we needed is on the back of the check. If you're able to get that number from the back of the check, you can go to the USCIS website and create your account.

  11. Thanks everyone! I never thought I would generate so much discussion. I posted this at work, and watched the thread drop without any views, then I let it go until after work.

    The reason I didn't post too many details is becasue I thought it might be general "yes/no, but..." type answer.

    One of the big things is that she has had the oppurtunity to join her family in the past and never had the desire to come here. Also the family is possibly returning back to Colombia this year. If that is the case then that could put all of this to rest. However; that might not be until the end of the year, so the paper work would be started before they return home. I am about to buy my ticket to go back down again, so I I am going to get some more details from her. It is after my next visit that I would plan to start the paperwork.

    There is a lot of good discussion and answers here. I really appreciate it. I think a couple of things that stand out are the question #37 and going with a don't ask don't tell. I really liked: "Would she risk her parents being deported to be with me?" That is a very good question! I have to admit, I have been in this game for a couple of years and I look for the red flags of the girls using me and this would be one good test! I would be 1/2 tempted to see, but she has passed everything I threw at her and we moved on into that calm trusting point of the relationship. I have seen and believe her to be 100% honest with me. Better yet, I can feel it too. We started our relationship of on the right foot.

    I read the post: "Let's talk about red flags". I can see the flags are different in the eyes of the government. Besides her family being here, the only other flag we might have is:

    "A very brief courtship followed by a plunge into matrimony" but I guess that would depend.

    When the time comes, I also plan on going to the interview and have good documentation.

    I did get an attorney; but I paid him to tell me everything I already knew, so now I will use him again as a last resort. Either way of the outcome I will definetly post what happens. In fact I plan to be around here during this whole process, so it looks like I'll have something to add after this experience.

    Thanks a million for all the support and help!

    I gotta give it to ya! You read the responses and took in all the information with class! It's not common to see the original poster return without being on the defensive. Best of luck to ya man! :thumbs:

  12. They joined yesterday. No one told them BEFORE they planned their wedding not to plan it. After they shared their information - that things were set up and this is the problem they are facing- THEN everyone said "well yeah see that's why we all say wait before you plan." That's swell, but they didn't know that before they started.

    So now any comments are a bunch of blah blah blah because they don't help and they can't change history.

    Let's see...a lot of letters? Small groups of letters combined, appropriately spaced? Is this what they call words? Let me guess, it needs to be read from left to right? I can read! :lol:

  13. That would really bite being denied based on the actions of the relatives. It seems like it all boils down to that old saying, "You are judged by the company you keep". In this case, the "company" being the family who are here illegally.

    To the OP: I hope everything can work out for you somehow. If your fiancee is asked by the government where the relatives are, etc., will she give up their whereabouts and visa status to be with you? Just something to think about.

  14. What many don't understand is that many people, including myself and my family, don't have any choice. Almost 25 years ago my parents could not find jobs in Colombia, had two children (my siter and I) and had no money for food, clothing, or school. Visas were denied and to make a long story short, we had to come here illegaly. We had no choice. Later on we updated our status and are now US citizens.

    But going back to the question. The relationship the petitioner has with his fiancee does not involve anyone else. Neither one of them is responsible for the illegal status of her relatives. I have relatives that I know live here and have not spoken to in years if not decades. What does that have to do with my husband coming here with a CR-1 visa? Absolutely nothing.

    Not to downgrade your past situation of how and why your family came to US illegally. The same problems exist with US citizens having no money for food, clothing, or being able to attend school either.

  15. People keep telling me that I shouldn't have set a date until I had my visa and blah blah.

    It's too bad that everyone that took the time out to help you and you referred to their assistance as just a bunch of "blah blah"? :huh:

    You may have found someone who has gone through the experience related to your situation. But what happens in one situation, doesn't mean it's going to go the same way for you as well.

  16. I don't know how this is going to affect your visa application for your fiancee. I don't think it will because you are going about it the RIGHT way. Your fiancee hasn't done anything wrong. Her relatives have. As far as the relatives overstaying their visa, they'll eventually get caught and be sent back. They went about it the WRONG way.

  17. first thing:

    NEVER EVER EVER go to the ex's house or related house.

    Here's an odd one for ya! Whenever my ex and I had split up. She moved across the street to her father's home. I never bothered her. Let alone, when she filed for the divorce not long after, she stated in the court petition how abusive I was to her and my daughters. A judge bought that ####### and ordered my children to be taken from me. She brought the cops over at 1am on a school night and had them pulled out. Of course, they missed school that morning. By 11am that same day, they were back at my home. When I went to court, I disspelled all the lies she stated in her petition. Even the mediator called her a liar and told her he didn't buy what she shoveling. Now, you know why I made the comment about what your ex-mother-in-law can choke on?

    I can relate with your past and present situation niceguy. My fiancee' is something else! My girls are really looking forward to actually having a real mother-figure back in their lives.

    As I always say, "Everything always evens out". :yes: I'm happy for ya man!

  18. It's always been pointed out in this forum to never set wedding dates until the visa is in hand. Obviously, I think you are seeing why. If you have filed for a K-1 visa and your fiance' comes to visit and you go ahead with your wedding plans, you may have to file an adjustment to your visa. A K-1 visa is intended for the foreign fiance to come to the USA and get married.

    There will be more detailed comments coming from others on here. Sit back and read them as they appear. This should help you make an informed decision on what you may or may not need to do.

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