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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. If you've made copies of what you have originally submitted for your I-129F, send them to your fiancee so she can become familiar with what you're petitioning. Somewhere close to the interview, you will need to give her any documentation for proof of your on-going relationship. Don't forget at that time also to include a newly signed Letter of Intent to Marry". She will need to have a new one also to go along with yours. Glad to see ya checking and reading things! :thumbs:

  2. It's not mandatory to make copies. But it is recommended if your petition got lost. I don't think USCIS will send you a copy of what you have submitted considering how many petitions they receive. Just keep your fingers crossed that it will proceed onto the consulate and everything is there for the interview. On the other hand, you should have all the original things like the birth certificate, evidence of meeting, etc., right? If the worse happens, you will have to re-assemble and submit another petition with all the evidence of meeting, etc.

  3. I stand corrected! Thanks for the info! This is why we post in open forums! :yes:

    Yes, this is a VERY helpful site. FWAGUY is very knowledgeable, too! He answered this question for me a month ago. I wished to confirm, my fiancee does not believe me!

    She has horror stories of treatment from doctors in Kiev, and wishes to avoid Ukrainian doctors.


    I am lucky on 1 aspect for the medical in Kiev. My fiancee's mother is good friends with one of the doctors the consulate appoints to conduct the medical. She's already spoke with him and he will take of it for my fiancee. Not that she has any health problems.

    Now if I had known she was friends with one of the big militsa bosses in Odessa, I could've avoided getting jacked for $20 by some young cops! But I know now! ;)

  4. Another thing, I know I may have misspelled some words and some may begin a flame war over that alone, but I have no idea where spellcheck is here. Anyone know?

    When you write a reply in a thread, look for the little "ABC" with a checkmark. That will be your spellchecker.

    To go off topic here, I too am a KISS fan. I first saw them on August 16, 1977 in San Francisco, the night Elvis died. I've seen them countless times since then along with Paul Stanley on his solo tours as well as meeting a couple of the members.

    Now, back to the topic! :lol:

  5. thanks...yeah..i cant help it..i dont eat alot and just sometimes fast food but....

    Now im writing the name, date and location on back of pics...do i need to give them details on place..like..is enough the city or like...in club, at dinner, to my apartamet...etc....and at the names..if there are more people with us in pics should i write their names too.. is sounds kinda stupid to ask but i want to make sure...

    Yes, write where they were taken and who is with you in them. Write if they are family or friends. More information is better than less in this situation.

    oops...i think i did a meastake...my name is Teodora but everybody calls me Dora...so i wrote on back of pictures Dora...but on my papers my name is Teodora...do u think that would be a problem?? they will say something? :unsure:

    Try to use your name Teodora. Anyway to fit it on the back of the photo? 100% neatness isn't required. If not, I don't think it will be a big deal.

  6. thanks...yeah..i cant help it..i dont eat alot and just sometimes fast food but....

    Now im writing the name, date and location on back of pics...do i need to give them details on place..like..is enough the city or like...in club, at dinner, to my apartamet...etc....and at the names..if there are more people with us in pics should i write their names too.. is sounds kinda stupid to ask but i want to make sure...

    Yes, write where they were taken and who is with you in them. Write if they are family or friends. More information is better than less in this situation.

  7. How many photos are you including? Do they have the dates printed on them with the location of where they were taken? I will send 14 pictures and my baby will add more pictures we have in USA..so we will have alots of pics....and are made in diferite times..since we started our relationship until not long ago...i've been trough alots of changes in USA i put some weight (20 pounds) and i've been blonde too..so i kinda look diferite in pictures....will that be a problem? i mean is me..just looking diferite... i printed dates and location on back...ohh..another question...should i send just one pic from the same day or just from diferite dates? can i send like 4 pics made in same day??? thanks alot.,...

    Yes! Watch out for food in the US! It will put on the weight very quickly! As far as your hair being blonde in the photos, as long as it was you in the photos. They are fine. You can send photos taken on the same day. But it would be good to spread out the dates on the photos. You look like you're in good shape with sending the photos. :thumbs:

  8. If she can't prove what innoculations she is supposed to have according to the requirements, be prepared that she will most likely receive them again. She needs documentation proof. That is the point of the medical exam, to make certain she is fully immunized and passes to be issued her visa before entering the US. I don't have the list of immunization shots on hand the embassy requires. I know my fiancee has it. I will ask her for a copy of them and let you know if you don't receive a list if anyone hasn't mentioned it here after I receive them.

    Thank you,


    My wife from Ukraine also doesn't know what vaccinations she has and doesn't believe her doctors have records, so she's probably going to need to get them again also. Can they do this at the time of the medical exam?

    Absolutely! They do charge for them. But to think, what doesn't cost anything in life? :huh:

  9. How many photos are you including? Do they have the dates printed on them with the location of where they were taken? Write them on the back of the photos. Make sure each G325A has an original signature. Pay attention to the bottom of the 4 pages for G-325A! Each form looks the same. But they are different! I didn't notice this and I await for them to request new one's. Send to your fiance blank copies of G325A with only your signature on them. If later on they are needed again if there was an error, he will have them on hand and can fill in necessary information if corrections are required. This will save you about a week or more if they are needed.

    It looks like you have everything. Definitely, look at the checklist all over again.

  10. If she can't prove what innoculations she is supposed to have according to the requirements, be prepared that she will most likely receive them again. She needs documentation proof. That is the point of the medical exam, to make certain she is fully immunized and passes to be issued her visa before entering the US. I don't have the list of immunization shots on hand the embassy requires. I know my fiancee has it. I will ask her for a copy of them and let you know if you don't receive a list if anyone hasn't mentioned it here after I receive them.

  11. Can you get married outside of the USA and then again inside the USA once the K1 VISA has been issued without breaking any laws/regulations.

    There's a little trick to all of this! If you have any kind of wedding prior to your K-1 being issued, you better not make even the slightest hint of having done so! You could easily be denied K-1 approval. If you decide to do this prior to beneficiary's arrival into the US for a legitimate K-1 visa, keep it all HUSH! HUSH! :yes:

  12. Hi, I have a question...I need some info please

    what should I do if I had to change my address, my fiance is comming this weekend, do I have to send any form to notify a change of address?


    You don't have a timeline filled out for your K-1. So I don't know where you are at this moment with your K-1. Who is changing their address? You, the petitioner? If you are, you have your receipt number, you need to contact USCIS at the phone number listed on your I-797 (NOA1 = Notice of Action) and let them know of the address change.

  13. Weird thing is, I'm not a tall person either! :lol:

    That's funny..you seem taller... :D(teasing)

    I will admit that I don't bump my head on most things as taller people! :D

  14. dont worry, many of VJs members are sharp-shooters, so keep your head down.

    I don't understand exactly what you mean here--can you clarify?

    He was talking about when he first came here to VJ, it appeared he wasn't doing much reading of the basic material and was starting threads asking questions that he would have had the answer should he have read any of it from the start. He was bouncing in and out of threads asking the same question I think for the reason there were people reading that thread at the time. I couldn't help but notice it. He was receiving advice on most things. But people starting telling him to use the step-by-step guide, etc. So replies went from nice to downright telling him to actually look at it and read it. I told him he was doing a great inservice to himself by not learning even the simple aspects of what he was trying to accomplish. To sum it up, he disappeared for just over a week and came back to announce his NOA1.

    That's what he meant by the "sharpshooters". The people who got on his ####### about all the questions. He has lived and now he's on his way with everyone else.

  15. I flew Lufthansa on my last trip back from Ukraine to San Francisco in February 2007. It seemed nice to me. Much more leg room than most American airliners. Weird thing is, I'm not a tall person either! :lol:

  16. I started with an attorney ONLY because a friend of mine was doing an intern at this office and it would be free. He was a Fkuctard and I ended up doing it myself.

    What is a "Fkuctard"? Is it new phrase all the kids are saying today? :lol:

    another word I like to make up :P

    I was wondering if your friend was doing an internship or doing an intern - something decidely more, uh, personal? :lol:

    For some reason, Monica Lewinsky just flashed through my mind! I'll give credit where it's due...that's a good one! :lol:

    I wonder if a cigar was involved "in" the intern(ship)? ;)

  17. Woohoo. Another stupid question from yours truly. :whistle:

    As a January filer, I'm anticipating (crosses fingers) that the NOA2 will come some time this month.

    My initial plan was to have my father co-sponsor; he's pretty well off, whatever. But he's also rather lazy and stubborn. *His* idea is to "loan" me $15,000, which will greatly increase the money in my bank account and be easier for him than having to hunt down all the information he needs for the I-134. But I'm worried that someone will find it kind of suspicious that I suddenly had a rather large sum of money fall out of the sky? Has anyone had any experience with a co-sponsor that they could share with me?

    Thank you in advance!

    I don't think your father giving you a loan will be "proof" of your actual income. This may work on getting a home loan. But this is a different situation. It's too bad about the "lazy and stubborn" part you described. Having him be a co-sponsor isn't a difficult process. Maybe if you fill in a I-134 for him and show him there is not much to submit as support of the co-sponsor. Hopefully, he will give that little extra bit to help you out the right way.

  18. Form DS-156k says that she needs "evidence of engagement". She really doesn't want me spending money on a ring, so I'm wondering if anyone else has used something other than a ring as evidence.

    We of course did the letters of intent to marry.

    I believe it is the "Letter of Intent to Marry" that is the evidence of engagement. I know a new one must be submitted again for the interview.

  19. I just recieved my first letter since sending out my I129f, its called I-797, Notice of Action.

    Is this considered NOA1 or 1NOA or is this just a letter stating they recieved my petiition? I also see a "receipt number" is this the WAC tracking number?

    I feel better that i got a response because i no :blink: w see its coming from the service center in CA where it was foward it. :angry:

    Now you can take that number and go to the USCIS website (www.uscis.gov) and register an account where you can view and be notified by e-mail when it has been "touched" or other actions. Just click on "Case Status Online and Processing Times", then click on "Create/Edit customer portfolio account". You then create your account with the number you have received from USCIS. Best of luck to you!

  20. dont worry, many of VJs members are sharp-shooters, so keep your head down. Just send it to the service center that is stated. They are still open but will not process it, so California will do the rest. I recently send it to Nebraska and I just got my NOA1 from CA, so do this fast because everyday counts. Good luck and heads-up!!!

    Congrats on the NOA1. Following the guides must have helped. As far as the "sharp-shooters" comment, we seriously encourage each person on here who is starting out to really familiarize themself by following the step-by-step guides and reading the Visa FAQ. No one will condemn you if you seriously apply yourself. It is something that is obviously seen if you haven't really tried. That's all! ;)

    By the way, in that past post from you onerfe, I don't know if you went back to read what was written. But none of us ever said you were asking "unintelligent" questions or that you were "stupid". Those words came from you amigo! :yes:

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