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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. Well, being stuffed at home is not the same as in the restaurants..........restaurants can make you gain much more than just 10lbs :):)

    if you know how they feed you at home, just imagine what restaurants do with their varieties and that food keep coming and coming and those poor waiters don't have a minute to breath :P

    Yes, I know about the restaurants. I have frequently patronized many Russian restaurants in Ukraine. I loved getting a shot of vodka before the meal! It had something to do with a holiday for men. It could have been for anything and I would've taken the shot of vodka! There's no comparison to good ol' Russian or Ukrainian vodka! ;)

  2. Catholics are not "restricted" from marrying non-Catholics. The agreements to raise children according to the faith are accurate - but there's no prohibition.

    Absolutely. My mother (a Catholic) married my dad (a Methodist) and nobody ever told her she'd burn in hell for it. She did raise my brother and I Catholic though; I never thought it was fair of her to punish us for her marrying outside the faith. ;) ;) ;) ;)

    I didn't get threatened with hell or anything like that. It's simply my choice whom I marry, and I feel more comfortable marrying a baptized person according to my church. I can walk away from my church any time, but I choose not to. No one is forcing me to choose this, I do it because I know what I want in a husband, just as I also want a loving, loyal, fun and sweet person.

    I personally don't have a problem marrying a non Catholic Christian, either. I've already discussed all of this with my Pastor as well. This is the sort of stuff you get out of the way when you first get to know one another. Your religion, your politics, your families, your backgrounds. You have a standard of what you will and what you will not accept in a potential mate. And those standards are up to you when filtering the dating pool.

    Well, Mairzy...if it's a Catholic you want, you might want to conduct the husband search in a country other than England. It's not a very Catholic place.

    I was raised Catholic. I've been fully confirmed. I stopped attending church all together because I had questions. Especially, with the Catholic church. There are just too many things that do not make any sense to me about Catholicism. I've asked questions and no one can actually give me a straight, logical answer. Each religion has there own purpose for whatever it is. Some good, some bad. The worst hypocrites I ever encountered were Jehovah Witnesses! I was married to one for 11 years. They owe nothing to anybody outside their congregation. And if you didn't want to be part of their "cult", you were beneath them. But then you see them knocking at your door trying to get you to convert? My in-laws were a fine example of thiefs, chemical dependants, liars, etc. Their arrogance and self-centeredness of that cult is quite astounding! Their primary focus is the end of the world. They believe after everyone on Earth has died, they will be the only one resurrected to populated the Earth again. There's no Heaven and there's no Hell. I asked my ex-wife a long time ago why they would rather die than ever receive a blood transfusion. Her explanation is because you will take on the other person's personality if you receive their blood. Go figure that one! :blink:

  3. Not all robbers are vicious, and violent. Some may need money at that point for something important. Who knows, maybe his mother is very sick and needs something to sooth her or something.

    I bet it was an illegal alien that needed that money and robbed that store. $30 is about all he needs to prove for his income to buy a home here in the US! The cigarettes were for celebrating with his homies after the appoval of the loan! :ranting:

  4. hi, with ur background as a former adjudicator i hope u can tell me an honest answer.my fiance refused to have a co sponsor. his on ssi earning 15,000$ annually which is below the 125% of the poverty guidelines for 2007.he has a part time job as an independent contractor that earns 7000$ annually.to some both of his annual income it is around 22,000$ which just pass the poverty guidelines. he doesnt have an income tax since 2005 .will this be a basis to deny me of a fiancee visa cos he doesnt have income tax return. he got a 1099 form for his part time, do u think they will honor this? pls help . ill have my interview by the 27th of april.

    Wow! You started 2 threads with this same question and posted the same question in the thread started by Huskerkiev. Once isn't enough? :blink:

    Huskerkiev probably isn't going to answer you. I knew when he started his thread about being a former ajudicator, he was going to get overwhelmed with too many people asking him questions and would not be able to keep up with the demand. It's obvious that he hasn't been posting anything for quite a while now and you will more than likely not receive a response from him for your question.

  5. I don't know about in the other States. But here in California, if a guy sees a girl flash her boobs or even just a tease of nipple, in public, he starts hooting and hollering like a maniac! I've never seen anyone act like this outside the US. It reminds me of a cat overdosing on catnip. It just cracks me up how repressive things can be here. How do the men act at the sight of a ####### in your State?

  6. You should go to a russian wedding once ( or any other russian ocassion in a russian restaurant)

    it's a sit down dinner where the food keeps coming and coming non stop for about 5-6 hours.

    you name it and it's on the table

    seafood, steaks, chicken, salads, smoked fish, cold cuts shish kebab, lamb chops and etc and etc and etc......and no one ever is hungry because there are OVER 100 dishes that are being served.

    Of course by the time they bring steaks and shish kebabs and etc you are already so full that there is no room in your stomach and most of the time all that hot food is wasted.

    Russians love to eat and don't forget to drink :P

    Everytime there is someone attending a russian party ( who is not russian) they are usually shocked with how much food is being served and wasted because no one can eat that much........but what's more shocking to them is that you are not limited to only fish or chicken and your money are well spent!

    I'll attest to this! It's true! My soon-to-be in-laws stuffed me with so much food, I actually gained 10 lbs. from my last trip to Ukraine! I usually end up losing that weight! I told them the next time I visit and don't want to eat, to please not force me. They even sent food with me for the trip home. It came in handy when I had a 14 hour layover in Frankfurt and nothing was open! ;)

  7. I'm glad I don't do my banking with Wells Fargo or Bank of America. If my current bank moves this direction, I'll be pulling my accounts there and start stashing my cash somewhere else. :angry:

    They probably already do and it just hasn't been advertised. I used to work in the banking industry and this isn't something new. It's been going on for longer then you would think. You might just be better off stuffing your cash in your mattress or burying it in the back yard.

    Believe me, I was thinking the same thing as I was replying to this thread this morning.

  8. I can understand a special request if a severe allergy is the problem, but for personal preference? No way. Not at a wedding.

    You might ask her upon what basis she made her decision, say, "Out of curiousity", so you'll have a sense of what other guests might do/say, but I would consider it rude to ask for special treatment, especially if it sparks a "hey, how come HE got steak and we're eating this #######?" sort of discussion. It's only one meal for crying ot loud. He won't starve to death if he doesn't like the food. If he's that picky, he should be used to it.


    Bingo! I've seen this before and the reaction is sometimes not pretty! :yes:

    Her choices for dinner are quite bizarre. Let sleeping dogs lie...maybe they'll eat the food later! :lol:

  9. I've been DJ'ing weddings now for over 10 years. Every weekend I get to see what people put into their weddings. I'll be honest and tell you that I've never seen or heard of tofu being served in any form for a guest's dinner! It's usually, always beef or chicken. You're gonna have to keep in mind, this is your friend's wedding. She's going to have it her way. You could mention something to her about the meal. But you may run the risk of her being offended by it. Best let the family members do that for you. The only thing I can think of, stash a bucket of KFC chicken in the car! Odds of an open bar are slim too. Stick a bottle of alcohol you prefer inside the car also. Your boyfriend will have a good time either way! ;)

  10. Illegals filing taxes more than ever

    While trying to avoid one federal agency, they collaborate with IRS

    Some are interested in getting refunds, like the approximately 80 percent of tax filers who get them each year. Although ITIN users don’t qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit, which could give a break to an American earning in the same bracket, they can get other tax credits, and can use ITINs to claim dependents in Mexico.

    This is the only reason why they would try to even file a tax return. There's a chance to get money to send back to their home country. Forget they're still here illegally in the first place! It's time the government started rounding up these people. With illegals filing tax returns, it's an opportunity to grab them and send them back! :yes:

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