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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. STARING at women's breasts is good for men's health and makes them live longer, a new survey reveals.

    I wonder if they did survey using some scary-looking cones? I can't imagine how many years it can take off a man's life! I've seen some in my lifetime that should've been used in horror films! :help:

  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/wrtv/20070413/lo_w...kihqZNl5MQDW7oF

    Indianapolis Metro police arrested a man they said drove his Jeep Grand Cherokee through a Fishers Wal-Mart early Friday morning. The incident happened at about 4 a.m. at the store at 96th Street and Interstate 69.

    Officials told 6News' Julie Pursley that the man, identified as Donald Hudson, 44, drove through the front doors and around inside the store.

    An employee told police that he saw Hudson urinating outside his Jeep in the parking lot moments before the Jeep plowed through the door.

    Employees said they heard a loud noise and were incredulous when they saw the Jeep.

    Police said Hudson drove past the cash registers, turned right and then stopped, apparently lowered his window and talked to an employee working in the produce section.

    I wonder what he asked the employee working in the produce section at that time? I'm thinking, "Excuse me, may I squeeze your melons to see if they are ripe"? :lol:

    Maybe if he swung the other way, maybe he wanted to peel the dude's banana! Give it a little taste test? :o

  3. If you folow that logic you should boycott Ford as well well for laying off the low paid workers and none of the execs

    I'm Toyota all the way. Never a problem! I've had a couple of Fords...they were nothing but problems! What's that tell ya? :huh:

  4. Once your fiance will arrive and will miss Odessa greatly, definitely bring her to NY, PM me, i will tell you where to take her exactly and both of you will feel as if you are back in ODESSA. GUARANTEE ;) But be careful, she might request to move here if she loves being in Odessa :P

    Holiday for men? That must be February 23rd holiday :) ( just like we have father's day here) but there it's for ALL MEN, not necessarily for dads only :)

    Yep. You're right. It was Feb. 23. I'll seriously keep your offer in mind about taking her to NY. I don't think she'll want to stay too long. She enjoys very warm weather and looks forward to basking in the California sun! ;) We can stop there on our way back from Ukraine for a couple of days before heading on to SF. I'll contact you once she's got her visa in hand first! That's when I plan to make the travel arrangements. We still have some time to go. :(

  5. I actually knew this chick back in college who was such a PETA freak, she once told me she'd rather abandon a home than treat it for termites.

    Of course, back then she was just a poor hippie chick, I'm sure she has grown up by now.


    what did she say about body crabs?

    Don't worry... they migrate! :whistle:

    I bet they migrated down south on her body! :lol:

  6. subterranean. how could I have a lawsuit against a company that has disappeared?

    at least they are not formosa. those are some bad buggers

    the company may have disappeared, but the owners are still around, maybe the chamber of commerce can tell you who owned the company.

    As much as you would want to go after the former company or owner of the business, it's not going to be worth the time or hassle trying. The business no longer exists. You can't sue something that is no longer there. If you were able to even get the owner of the former company to court, if he had a LLC corportaion business, you'll get -0- from him personally. The former business can always dispute there were no termites during the time of their service. They have documentation, whether it's untrue or not, to show everything was fine. Unfortunately, you're going to have to take the loss on this one. It's sad this happens to consumers. But it does.

    It's too bad you didn't have another company and make the inspection while your former pest service was still in business...then you'd have something. It's all water under the bridge.

  7. latelyi find new threats opened in here which its so helpfull for alot of people for there process, which also that is what visa journey for, but i find alot of people attacking them

    threats is like

    march fillers

    february fillers

    RFE fillers

    CSC transfer

    but really all that help people alot, and its somthing to make them sometimes not to worry or worry about there processs

    its better than doing nothing

    or in certian threatsin visajourney they didnt find anything like that to do girls there formed something called MEan Girls, just attacking people and fighting all time long

    so please, for people that find a certian threat dont enter, u dont have to go nd say its silly to open that, cuz u will find someone else with the same worry, writing about his case too and ignoring ur answer cuz people still worried about there process

    please be understanding

    First, I think you mean "threads". As far as "attacks upon people". It's common whenever someone has to voice their opinion about something. Take the ability to voice an opinion and it would more than likely not happen. Opinions are just like a**holes...everyone's got one! :yes:

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