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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. standing by with the report button ready paperbag.gif

    Oh for goodness sakes I do believe we can have a civil conversation even on VJ every blue moon!!! :innocent:

    I have bad news. The moon ain't blue tonight. Brace yourself! :P

    Who said there's no blue moon tonight? :D


  2. It probably differs for a guy to leave for that amount of time. I have 3 daughters. My oldest is with me full time. The other 2 are with me more than 1/2 the time. They're very supportive of my decisions and what I am doing to bring my fiancee' to be with us. Speaking from my experience, I usually leave for 2 weeks when I go to Ukraine. Sure, I miss my girls. But I'm confident that I have taken care of all arrangements with my family and my ex while I am gone. I know the girls will be fine while I am away. I always send text messages 2 times a day to them. I stay in contact with my girls and my family to insure everything is fine. And it is. Been away 4 times there in the last 2 years, and came back to everything being fine! That's about the best I can tell you about my experience. Leaving the children for a short time is not detrimental to them. ;)

  3. If the U.S. is going to "collapse" as a superpower, who is going to replace it?

    China? Russia?

    Oh that's right, no-one.

    Whose turn is it this year to use the family's brain cells, mawilson?

    The end of such Rogue States as the United States will be good for the world. The americans are a lawless people that do not adhere to any International Law and actively rebutt Global Institutions.

    Rather than unipolar world, the world will return to a balance of multiple powers, diplomacy, reaching consensus, for the benefit of all. Rather than this nightmare with america as the sole superpower. The demise of the united states is a certainty (and eagerly anticipated by many). A review of history will show that. Going into the Middle East was the worst mistake for the americans. My god, are they going to be taught a lesson. The Arabs do not forget, and they will chase your country looking for revenge for another thousand years.

    A Chinese friend of mine said the other day, "americans are stupid." One cannot help but nod in the affirmative.

    I think I met your Chinese friend the other day. He was waiting in line at Mann's Chinese Theater to help himself to the all-you-can-eat buffett! :lol:

  4. I have a life.

    But, the greatest part of it is not with me.

    Thanks for your input.

    Yes I can relate. I work 2 jobs and have 3 daughters to raise. That occupies almost ALL of my time! We just received our NOA2 recently. I'm hoping your case moves quickly! Best of luck to you! :thumbs:

  5. You basically just started on your visa not even a month into it. You've got a wait ahead of you. At least just a little over 2 months to get your NOA2. Then there's still a wait for the interview, etc. May I recommend finding something to occupy your time with some kind of hobby? ;)

  6. As long as you know who you're with and who you love, don't let the other people that are irritating you, bother you. Do people in Wales say, "Piss off!"? Maybe give it a shot here ;)

  7. Eh, you don't need to get this new-fancy powder from Holland; one can always buy fudge in Scotland (I've actually seen it for sale, apparently unrestricted, in Glasgow, Oban and Craignure) which contains Scotch!

    How's the fudge packed there with the Scotch involved?

    hahahahhha..per beavis and butthead..you wrote fudge packing

    I knew someone would get it ;)

  8. GIRL! u know i work for dominos too ! ! ! this is crazyyy scary and evil people !

    GIRL! u know i work for dominos too ! ! ! this is crazyyy scary and evil people !

    :lol: I know you have some stories...

    Can you deliver those stories in 30 minutes or less? :D

  9. Wonder where they get the money to do all the bloody traveling that they do....

    Probably the world's oldest profession ;)

    can you imagine what the offering plate is like for "services" then :lol:

    Probably an all-you-can-eat-buffett of crabs! :lol:

    with the background music of banjos no doubt :lol:

    banjos and stomping go good together! Let the music play!


  10. Wow, people are going nuts.....

    Why?...Cost of living and bad customer service?

    I just blow off establishments with bad service, violence is not even considered. Unless attacked first.

    Obviously, you are sane. The perp in this story is not! :D

    I wonder if the guy was a foreigner. Grabbing a machete to solve a situation is something I remember my dad doing when he got irked. This was long, long ago. He was from the old country. The family had to take his machete away too! :lol:

  11. True. Can't please EVERYONE. People are too sensitive to everything that is said or done these days. Everything is a protest. Say something that someone doesn't agree with, you're automatically pinned as a racist, etc. I know. I've been called a racist plenty of times on here. Do I believe it? I don't think anyone actually cares. It's an opportunity to get a jab at someone. You see my skin color in my photo? Quite tanned being 1/2 Filipino. I'm a firm believer in true freedom of speech. A member of the KKK can say what they wish about my skin color, my ethic background, or whatever. It doesn't bother me. Why should it? They're utilizing their freedom of speech about how they feel. I am content with who I am and what I am. With people saying words that are considered to be hateful, racist, etc., if there is no direct threat of physical violence, let it be said and ignore it. Because it's not worth letting any person(s) or group of people alter the way a person thinks and feels in their heart.

  12. I like that biker group that goes around to these funerals and acts as a buffer between the family and those idiots. I just wish they would put the hurt on the protestors. Is Anais Nin a gold star member of this group by any chance?

    Anais Nin is probably starting a local chapter of this group in his neck of the woods to protest from the east! :lol:

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