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Posts posted by JoeMama

  1. Dear god, is that trend still around? I thought it had already gone out of style. Pretty sad when they have to make a law telling you not to do something stupid.

    Does this include girls wearing lo rise jeans and still wearing their thongs at the usual height? man I hate that.

    It's still very much around where I live in California. And the girls wearing the lo-rise jeans. I'll be honest and tell ya that a lot of the younger girls and ladies I see here shouldn't be wearing those. The waist size is too small!


    You can see why we call them "muffin tops". ;)

  2. Sheesh! Definitely add this one to the book! I never could understand why kids wear the saggy pants like that. I see young kids to teenagers, and, yes, some adults who wear their pants like that. I thought it looked ridiculous when I first saw it and still think so. I really don't care to see their underwear. And, for those who aren't plumbers, if your butt crack is exposed, maybe you ought to think about wearing a belt. ;)

    about all this style says to me is "i'm too broke to buy a belt" :lol:

    I used to know this family where I lived. They were true hillbillies from the Ozarks! They did just like the Clampett's did on "Beverly Hillbillies". They used rope as a belt! They didn't care what anyone thought. :lol:

  3. Canada is becoming more and more attractive to them. Some have eyed Australia as well.

    Australia has a huge worker shortage with the lowest unemployment in 33 years, 4.4%. I do not know why Mexicans do not head there considering in the US they will earn $2 an hour whereas the minimum wage per hour in Australia, for an adult, is about $13. Brick layers for example are earning up to $1000 USD per day..

    Maybe because it's too far to swim and legal immigration is enforced there :P

  4. Sheesh! Definitely add this one to the book! I never could understand why kids wear the saggy pants like that. I see young kids to teenagers, and, yes, some adults who wear their pants like that. I thought it looked ridiculous when I first saw it and still think so. I really don't care to see their underwear. And, for those who aren't plumbers, if your butt crack is exposed, maybe you ought to think about wearing a belt. ;)

  5. Anybody have any idea why the folks in Washington do not want to enact or enforce laws that secure the border? The President seems to think that securing the border is somehow linked to making changes with the immigration system! (I don't believe that the immigration laws presently in force are adequate either. There must be ways to bring down the numbers constructively to relieve the pressure on the system. But that is altogether a different issue)

    My 2 cents - The big corporations that pull the strings in Washington would lose out big time on cheap labor if the border is plugged............ and most political bigwigs in Washington stand to lose re-election and campaign funds from these companies if they support anything close to a secure border!

    You hit the nail on the head. It's all about money and not a care in the world from politicians on what they think of the people who put them in office. Personally, I would love to see the majority of the politicians out of office during the next election. Hopefully, we can have a "politician for the people". Not a politician who's controlled by the greed of corporations and special interests groups. It's obvious to see that temptation of wealth will always underline politics and a politician's wallet.

  6. Thanks Wog! I loved watching both of them! Hilarious! There were a few that appeared to be a cut and paste with the Q&A. Overall, it is sad to see some people don't know geography for nothing. But I'm curious as to how many people they interviewed that actually would have had all those geographic locations correct, that they didn't show. But hey, they're both comedy shows and I got the laugh ;)

  7. Doesn't sound much like you are interested in trying to do anything to help yourself and to make things better. Maybe you should just accept your situation , wait until you have everything you need and hope it all works out.

    I was starting to think the same also. We can't be accused of not willing to help! ;)

  8. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    How Dogs and Men Are the Same

    Both like to chew wood.


    I don't like to chew wood but I sure like to have the wood chewed.


    That makes me think, have you ever given a dog a bone? :lol:

  9. No, I haven't found here.

    No, my husband doesn't speak my language.

    I thought, that if she is from Ukraine, she speaks Ukrainian.

    The official language in Ukraine, is Ukrainian. But most speak Russian because it's so common because of it being a former Soviet state. From what I've seen, there's not too much of a difference between the 2 languages. But I'm willing to learn both of them.

    As far as not finding anyone near you, you may be surprised there are probably quite a few in your area. They may be feeling the same as you. You should search for other forums for those from Lativa, Russia, or other former Soviet states.

  10. I'm sorry, what's this about human rights and international treaties that trap gay people in the U.S?

    They must've misunderstood "guys" for "gays". But we certainly don't want allow gays to be trapped here either. :lol:

  11. All you need to do is go to:


    Then type in a word that describes your industry. The

    CEBN Global Keywords Search Engine will go through the

    entire database, find the exact search strings as they

    were originally typed in, and show you the ranking of

    that search query against the 100,000. This is a great

    place to get the kind of keywords that will pull people

    in. You will even find common spelling mistakes here

    too. Add them to your Meta tags.

    3.The next few paragraphs will give you what you need

    to know to build your Meta Tags. If you are not

    comfortable with editing your Web Pages, then someone

    will have to do it for you.

    A) Title your pages incorporating important keywords.

    Don't leave the title blank. Many Search Engines

    consider the title more important than anything else.

    Instead of saying: "Welcome to my Website", say

    something like: "Collectible books: Rare, Precious, and

    Antique Books for Sale".

    That way, if somebody types in "Collectible Books" or

    "Rare Books" or "Antique Books" or "Antique Books for

    Sale", your Web Page will definitely be relevant and

    will be a major contender for that coveted first page

    of hits on a Search Engine.

    B) Add 2 more Meta tags: Include one for a description

    of your site, and one for keywords. Some of the biggest

    search engines are penalizing for descriptions and

    keyword tags that are too long, or contain too many

    repeats of the same word.

    To check your "Meta Tags" to see if they are properly

    optimized without breaking the rules, go to "Meta



    When you get there, scroll to the bottom of the page.

    All you have to do is type in your Web Page address

    into the form they have, and it will generate a report

    on your Meta tags. You will learn if your tags are too

    big, or if you repeat them too many times. It even

    contains error checking for some of the more common


    C) Now, weave your keywords artfully into the text of

    your Web Page. Make a list of keywords before you write

    your content and use them as often as you reasonably

    can. Use the most important ones at the top of your


    Here is how to avoid a few mistakes that will make all

    of this good work irrelevant and get you banned from

    the Search Engines.

    Do not use the following "tricks". Search Engines are

    getting smarter faster.

    A) White on white text (or text that is the same color

    as the background.) No one looking at your site can see

    it (unless they highlight a suspiciously large blank

    area of your Web Page and find it). That's considered

    spam and will get your site banned on some search


    B) Repeating keywords over and over in your Meta-Tags.

    Search Engines now know to look for it, and will drop

    the relevancy of your site accordingly.

    C) Repeating the title of your Web Page a few times in

    the code. It is quickly coming to light that it is

    another "cheat".

    The search engines are rapidly evolving, with enormous

    amounts of cash flowing in. They are constantly

    upgrading the sophistication and intelligence of their

    software. Soon, they will be smart enough to know all

    of the loop holes. So, I would advise you not to use



    I've long been an advocate of manually registering your

    Website with the search engines. So, I had developed a

    fairly simple procedure that ended up giving me tens of

    thousands of visitors every month throughout my


    But "Dumptruck"


    is an automated program I trust. That's because it

    actually saves a copy of the search engines' acceptance

    so that you can confirm your site was actually received

    by the search engine.

    It submits multiple pages of your Website at the same

    time to all the top search engines. You can even

    customize it by adding extra search engines that you

    want your site to be added to.

    On that topic, you know when you see those ads that

    say they will submit your site to hundreds of search

    engines? I wouldn't. Firstly there are only a very few

    search engines that are responsible for the vast

    majority of traffic. (They are included with

    Dumptruck). Secondly, hundreds of those "Search

    Engines" are really only "Free For All" links pages.

    When you submit to them they start spamming you.

    You can expect to receive at least 1 email spam from

    every one of those pages. If you submit to hundreds,

    get ready for a ton of spam.

    Anyway, back to Dumptruck:

    All you do once you download it, is paste or type

    multiple url's (the actual addresses of your separate

    Web pages) into the window, and click the button.

    Pour a coffee while it does it's thing. You will have

    been added to the top search engines.

    It's shareware, which means you can use it for free. If

    you like it, simply register it and pay the $15 dollars

    to support a company who is doing it right.

    Now, before you go tearing across cyberspace to get

    this program and start submitting your site, let me

    tell you why you should have a little training on power


    A) If you have not optimized your Web pages for the

    search engines using meta tags your submission will not

    bring you much traffic.

    B) You can't start submitting your site every day just

    because you have a power tool that will. Search engines

    can be like angry hornets if you do that and quietly

    ban you.

    C) It doesn't do Yahoo. No automated submission service


    You can get a great step-by-step tutorial on how to

    build massive traffic to your site in Ken Evoys'

    "Traffic Building" manual that comes with his marketing


    He walks you through some excellent ways to get listed

    with Yahoo, how to generate the most powerful Meta

    Tags, and more. It's actually an entire 800 page manual

    on how to turn your Website into a cash machine. It

    really is worth the paltry $17. You can download it

    right now, and be up to speed before you finish

    optimizing your Website.


    If you are not familiar with his manual, I've done an

    extensive write-up here:


    If you have followed the advice in this article, you

    can easily find out how the major search engines rank

    your Website against other web sites that are like

    yours. It may be a few weeks before the majority will

    have you indexed. Just go here:


    This tool will tell you if your site comes up in the

    top Search Engines as well as what keywords your site

    can be found with.

    Good luck!

    I don't think I got all of this. Can you repeat it again? But in more detail. I want to be thorough! :lol:

  12. Are there other people in your area from your native country? Or those who speak the same language as you? If you search for others who are like you, I think you will feel more comfortable about being here and the rest will progress naturally. My fiancee is coming from Ukraine. I'm trying to make the adjustment for her as smooth as possible. I speak a good amount of her language. As well as, having Russian TV in the home. She's already found acquaintances here in my area that have gone through the same changes as you. She met them through her Russian forum version of Visa Journey. I've met these ladies and I think she's going to be fine after some time.

    Maybe speak with your spouse about this situation and see what kind of assistance can be thought about to help you with the change. I hope some of this was able to give you an idea. I know the USA is not the easiest place to go and start all over again. Millions of others have done it before you. You can surely do it too! Best of luck to you! ;)

  13. Hey everyone.

    Just to complain about this being tied up and not able to do anything about it. I have this 2 years home resident requirement because of my first exchange student visa and I'm going through so much stress with "paying my debt to society" it's not even funny. I mean ok, all together I have about 20.5 months and there are about 3.5 left but they are not allowing me to go with the process while waiting. The funny thing is hat even the embassy doesn't know how to deal with things. When I was still studying in Bulgaria and the consulate there said i will get refused the visa if processing, we called the American Embassy in Bucharest since I was moving out of Bulgaria. They said that I will not get the visa refused and it is fine to go with the process and they will just stamp the visa in the passport when I am done with 2 years. I move home to Moldova and get Package 3 that tells me.......that i have to WAIT until i have the 2 years and then apply. We call again...."Who told you that? It is not how it's done". What would be the pain if they set the interview date on a day when I can PROVE that i'm done with those 2 years? WHY CANT THEY JUST LET ME do the Medical and Package 4 and all that while waiting? I mean do I really have to be away from my baby 1-2-3 months more than I'm supposed to?

    I dont understand :(

    Hey El, Sorry to read about this. Time will pass quickly! You just hang in there lady! I may be in Odessa around the August. Maybe Karolina, you, and I, can meet up and have a celebration. It will be near the end of the 3.5 months! Also, Karolina's birthday is on August 29 too! :thumbs:

  14. Another reason corporal punishment should be introduced.
    The boy has been placed in protective custody

    So people have the right, choice, to do stuff like this yet society is the one who has to pay for the consequences of their choices, literally..

    There are many who believe no one should have the right to say what's wrong or right regarding discipline of a child. There was a great debate on here at one time

    Good for the worker at Cracker Barrell though!! Good for them for being observant and taking the risk of getting involved. How many times does this happen and no one intervenes?

    It happens many times...because either no one wants to get involved, or if one *does* get involved then there will be those that say disciplining a child is not anyone's business other than the parent.

    I for one am glad this worker took the chance to get involved...that is NO way to discipline a child. I'm glad the little boy is in a safe place too.

    I agree with ya on both comments KC. :thumbs:

  15. Great thing about the US, if you don't want to be here, then leave. I'm sorry that we can't throw you a bon-voyage party. But, best of luck to you! On the way out, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya! ;)

  16. How can americans guard their border when they're off in their War of Terror?

    "Sending America's Finest Men and Women to defend the Southern Border from Attack. LET'S ROLL!!!" :lol:


    perhaps in your brilliance you can tell us why a pic of a c-130 dropping flares has anything to do with the southern border?

    Probably because he thought it looked pretty, oh so pretty! ;)

  17. Anyone with a fiancee from Ukraine heard about these cards you can purchase for about $12USD? It's a prepaid card of some sort that gives you exclusive contact to the consulate in Kiev to set your appointment for an interview. My fiancee told me about this today. She purchased a card and she's calling tomorrow to set her interview. I don't know much more about this prepaid-type card. I'll let you know if I find more about it. If you know more about it, I'd definitely like to hear more! ;)

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